
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



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GLA 2012 round ward-level population projections by 5yr age groups using 2009 SHLAA-based housing trajectories. These differ from the standard ward projections in that development data is used to distribute population at ward level, but the overall borough-level projection is constrained to the 2012 round Trend-based projection found [here](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2012-round-trend-based-borough-sya). Ward projections consistent with the 2012 round SHLAA-based borough projections can be found [here](/datastore/package/gla-2012rnd-SHLAA-ward-proj). There is a [custom age range tool](/datastore/applications/custom-age-tool-gla-population-projections-ward) available for this data. For links to the GLA's full range of demographic projections click [here](/datastore/package/gla-demographic-projections).

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



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UK Open Government Licence

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List of which London Assembly Members sit on each of the Assembly committees [London Assembly committees]("London Assembly committees")

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



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The Mayor's Office for Police and Crime is consulting on a new estate strategy. One of the proposals is to close 65 front counters, where the public can access the police in person. This page contains links to two main outputs: 1. Travel times for each LSOA in London to front counters 2. Geocoded file of front counter locations Maps visualising the travel times before and after the proposed closures are available [here]( **Travel Times** This dataset was commissioned to help Londoners see whether they would still be able to travel to a front counter using public transport in 45 minutes or less. LSOAs are a convenient way of splitting London up as they have roughly equal populations and the ONS uses them to aggregate all Census statistics leading to good interoperability. The timings were produced by WSYL Ltd ( acting on behalf of Jenny Jones AM (as of Feb 2013). The method of obtaining the data was a mixture of proprietary technology made by Locatable and the use of Transport for London's data feeds ( for accurate public transport times. For every LSOA centre-point, the distance to the nearest open 24 hour and daytime police station was gauged. If either was more than a mile away (in a straight line), the TfL data was consulted for an accurate journey time. A walking pace of 2.5mph was assumed, which is conservative for a healthy adult. If the closest counter is proposed for closure, the next qualifying counter was found and the time to that location from the centre of the LSOA in question was determined. The final dataset contains 1 line per LSOA, which includes the travel times to the nearest open police counter at: 0400 on 03/03/13 with current status of police counters 1200 on 03/03/13 with current status of police counters 0400 on 03/03/13 with proposed status of police counters 1200 on 03/03/13 with proposed status of police counters **Front Counter Locations** These files were produced by WSYL Ltd ( acting on behalf of Jenny Jones AM (as of Feb 2013). In the CSV file, each line describes one police front counter as it currently stands (in Feb 2013) and after the proposed reducton in service (some time after Match 2013, if approved). A counter may be open 24/7, during the daytime or "voluneteer" or "temporary". For most purposes volunteer, temporary and daytime are the same. The geocoded counter locations were derived from the postcode of each counter's address, using the Ordnance Survey Open Code Point dataset ( This is available under the terms of the OS Open Data License ( The JSON file adheres to the Geo JSON specification ( **Download** [Travel times - csv (zipped)]( [Front counter locations - csv]( [Front counter locations - json](

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



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UK Open Government Licence

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The number of permissions added to the LDD by month as an indicator of activity in the planning system. This is the number of planning permissions added to the London Development Database (LDD) by the London Boroughs on a monthly basis. The LDD holds permissions involving a loss or gain of residential units along with large non-residential schemes that propose either 1,000m2 of floorspace in any one use class or 7 bedrooms or more for hotels and care homes. This takes no account of the size of the permissions. Not all of these permissions represent a new scheme as they may be a revision to, or renewal of, a previously approved project. Borough data is not always submitted on time so the totals shown are subject to change as the data are checked and missing permissions are added. The CSV file is automatically updated on the 1st day of every month. Open an [interactive map]( of all LDD permissions data.

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



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Data showing the location of the GLA Group's land and property holdings and development opportunities. This data is available to view interactively on the [GLA Land and Property Database]( Download Data Organisation Name File Date of Last Update GLA Greater London Authority [CSV]( 09/07/2014 LFB London Fire Brigade [CSV]( 09/07/2014 LLDC London Legacy Development Corporation [CSV]( 09/07/2014 MPS Metropolitan Police Service [CSV]( 09/07/2014 TFL Transport for London [CSV]( 24/03/2014

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



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UK Open Government Licence

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The London Schools Atlas is an innovative interactive online map of London providing a uniquely detailed and comprehensive picture of London schools, current patterns of attendance and potential future demand for school places across the capital. ** **The Atlas is part of the Mayor's programme of initiatives aimed at driving up standards in education and ensuring there are enough good places for all children in the city. Covering primary and secondary provision, including academies and free schools, the London Schools Atlas for the first time uses data to illustrate current patterns of demand for school places at a pan-London level, rather than within boroughs alone. It also gives projected changes in demand from 2012/13 to 2017/18, helping users to get an indicative picture of where pressure on places might be in the future. ![]( You can use the atlas at the links below: [London Schools Atlas - homepage]( [London Schools Atlas - Primary Schools Atlas]( [London Schools Atlas - Secondary Schools Atlas]( **Download the Data:** Data on projected growth in population from 2012-2017 for relevant age-groups: [Data.xls]( The files below contain the home location to school matrices used to create the catchment elements of the maps. Please ensure you read the notes page in each file before using the data. [Primary school by home LSOA of residence]( [Primary home LSOA by school attended]( [Secondary school by home ward of residence]( [Secondary home ward by school attended]( A technical paper explaining the assumptions and datasources used to calculate the estimates is available at the link below [Technical Note](

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



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ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

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Numbers of recorded offences, that result in a sanction against the suspect by broad crime groups. The Met Police began presentating detection figures differently in 2005/06. Previous to this, the term 'cleared up' was used. From 2005/06 onwards, detections and sanction detections were classified seperately. Detections: A term used for resolved cases whether it be though police-generated detections (sanction detections), or those resolved through administrative means (non-sanction detections). The official definition for sanction detection is as follows. 'A sanctioned detection occurs when (1) a notifiable offence (crime) has been committed and recorded; (2) a suspect has been identified and is aware of the detection; (3) the CPS evidential test is satisfied; (4) the victim has been informed that the offence has been detected, and; (5) the suspect has been charged, reported for summons, or cautioned, been issued With a penalty notice for disorder or the offence has been taken into consideration when an offender is sentenced.' Note: There were changes to the police recorded crime classifications from April 2012. Therefore caution should be used when comparing sub-groups of crime figures from 2012/13 with earlier years. Action Fraud have taken over the recording of fraud offences on behalf of individual police forces. This process began in April 2011 and was rolled out to all police forces by March 2013. Due to this change caution should be applied when comparing data over this transitional period and with earlier years. View [Met Police website](

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



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ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

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This is the main page for migration indicator related data and reports. The following are included as part of this work: * Internal migration * International migration \- Long-Term International Migration (LTIM) \- International Passenger Survey (IPS) * National Insurance Number (NINo) allocations * 'Flag 4' GP registrations * Short-term international migration **Updates ** * [Update 10-2014 Migration Indicators: May 2014]( * [Update 05-2014 Migration Indicators: February 2014]( * [Update 01-2014 Migration Indicators: November 2013]( * [Update 12-2013 Migration Indicators: August 2013]( * [Update 08-2013 Migration Indicators: June 2013]( **Excel workbook** The [Excel workbook]( contains the raw data as well as charts for the different migration indicators. Last updated for May 2014 release of data.

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



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ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

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One of several indicators for house prices published on a quarterly basis. This is a mix-adjusted series based on the value of mortgages taken out with the Nationwide Building Society. The series is seasonally adjusted. For Nationwide website [see here] ( [![](] (

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

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[Summary results]( of the 2014 local elections in London, showing number and percentage of seats won, turnout and political control. **Preliminary [2014 ward results](** These results show the number of votes for each candicate in each ward in London. Turnout, number of ballots, postal votes, and breakdown of rejected votes, Mayoral and European voting figures are also included where available. Map showing politcal control in each ward. ![]( Also, using these ward results, Oliver O'Brien from CASA has created some eye catching interactive [ward maps]( More detail and a full report will be available later - expected early December The [map]( shows the summary results in both the 2010 and 2014 elections. [![](](

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

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One of several indicators for house prices published on a quarterly basis. It is derived from the mortgage data of the Halifax Building Society. Regional indices for the 12 standard planning regions of the UK are produced on a quarterly basis. For background information on the Halifax House Price Index, see [here] ( [![]( )] ( )

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



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ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

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This report provides a summary of demographic and related data for each Westminster Parliamentary constituency in Greater London. The profiles are designed to provide an overview of the population in each area by combining a range of data on the population, diversity, households, life expectancy, council tax, crime, household income (paycheck), benefits, land use, education, business and deprivation. All data, relate to people who live in the area, i.e. they are residence-based. In the PDF version of the report are maps for each area that show both the location of the constituency within London, the wards that make up the constituency, and also borough boundaries. ![]( Data in these profiles are available in the following formats: ● [Full Briefing as PDF]( ● [Interactive Excel spreadsheet]( \- for the Excel spreadsheet to function as it should, save it to your computer, and when prompted to do so, enable the macros. ● An interactive [Excel version that includes maps]( is also available. ● [Instant Atlas interactive maps]( (requires Flash) The GLA Data Management and Analysis Group (DMAG) has produced these profiles, using the most up to date information available at the time of collection (February 2010). The raw data that was used to create the profiles are also available in both [Excel]( and [CSV]( formats.

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



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UK Open Government Licence

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**TAKING PART SURVEY** This data shows satisfaction with life in general across a number of groups. The exact question posed to repondents was: 'Taking all things together, how happy would you say you are'. The scale for answers is between 1 (very unhappy) to 10 (extremely happy). Breakdowns presented include age, gender, ethnicity, employment status, having children, tenure, social interactions, satisfaction with neighbourhood and donating to charity. Read [summary report]( of the key findings for 2010/11. See all the [Charts]( online ![Happiness Charts]( The borough level data shows combined scores from 3 years of the survey, excluding 2009/10 when there was no happiness question in the survey. The combined score was calculated by totalling all valid repsonses across these three years. The base is the total number of valid responses over the whole period ('valid' excludes people who refused the question or answered 'dont know'). This piece of research is related to [London Ward Well-being Scores](/datastore/package/london-ward-well-being-scores) and [Subjective Personal Well-being, Borough](

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



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ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

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[Crime Rates]( of offences per thousand population, by broad crime grouping, by financial year for wards. Offences: These are confirmed reports of crimes being committed. All data relates to "notifiable offences" - which are designated categories of crimes that all police forces in England and Wales are required to report to the Home Office. Ward data should not be aggregated to give a borough or London total. This is because a small percentage (less than 5%) of crimes in this dataset have not been geocoded to a ward. Therefore total numbers and rates are indicative only, and are not an exact measure at ward level. The rate is calculated using ward GLA 2012-based (SHLAA) population projections, and population data calculated and constrained to 2012 Borough (SHLAA) projections. The London figure only includes the Met Police area, not the City of London. The London total includes all offences in the Met Police Area including those that could not be geocoded. Therefore the London total will not equal the sum of the wards. Some ward boundaries changed in 2014. From 2013/14 the data shown is for the new boundaries. This only affects Hackney, Kensington and Chelsea, and Tower Hamlets. Action Fraud have taken over the recording of fraud offences on behalf of individual police forces. This process began in April 2011 and was rolled out to all police forces by March 2013. Due to this change caution should be applied when comparing data over this transitional period and with earlier years. Data by detailed crime group and month are available from the [MPS website](

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


Output from the GLA claimant count model which uses administrative counts of Job Seekers and expresses them as a percentage of the labour force using GLA projections of the economically active population. Designed to complement ONS claimant count rates which use the whole population as the denominator - see the [technical note]( for more information. 2013 and 2014 figures are currently using a 2012 population base. Following consultation with our user group we plan to undertake a revision to the population bases in due course. These revisions will take account of 2011 Census data and other relevant changes to the components of these statistics. We will provide backdated estimates once this revision has been completed. From April 2013 Universal Credit started to be introduced in pilot areas and will roll out more fully over different areas and benefits over four years. This will present discontinuities in the data above and beyond changes in the model outlined above. At present, no Universal Credit claimants are included in the Claimant Count, though the numbers are very small. CSV files are available on request. Aug 2014 [XLS]( Time Series Summary File [XLS]( July 2014 [XLS]( June 2014 [XLS]( May 2014 [XLS]( Apr 2014 [XLS]( Mar 2014 [XLS]( Feb 2014 [XLS]( Jan 2014 [XLS]( Dec 2013 [XLS]( Nov 2013 - [XLS]( Oct 2013 - [XLS]( Sep 2013 - [XLS]( Aug 2013 -[XLS]( Jul 2013 -[XLS]( Jun 2013 - [XLS]( May 2013 - [XLS]( Apr 2013 - [XLS]( Mar 2013 - [XLS]( Feb 2013 - [XLS]( Jan 2013 - [XLS]( Dec 2012 - [XLS]( Nov 2012 - [XLS]( Oct 2012 - [XLS]( Sep 2012 - [XLS]( Aug 2012 - [XLS]( July 2012 - [XLS]( June 2012 - [XLS]( May 2012 - [XLS]( April 2012 - [XLS]( March 2012 - [XLS]( February 2012 - [XLS]( Jan 2012 [XLS with 2011 base]( [XLS with 2012 base](

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


**FOCUS**ON**LONDON**2010:**INCOME**AND**SPENDING**AT**HOME** Household income in London far exceeds that of any other region in the UK. At £900 per week, London’s gross weekly household income is 15 per cent higher than the next highest region. Despite this, the costs to each household are also higher in the capital. Londoners pay a greater amount of their income in tax and national insurance than the UK average as well as footing a higher bill for housing and everyday necessities. All of which leaves London households less well off than the headline figures suggest. This chapter, authored by Richard Walker in the GLA Intelligence Unit, begins with an analysis of income at both individual and household level, before discussing the distribution and sources of income. This is followed by a look at wealth and borrowing and finally, focuses on expenditure including an insight to the cost of housing in London, compared with other regions in the UK. See other reports from this Focus on London series. **REPORT:** To view the report online click on the image below. [Income and Spending Report PDF]( ![Alt text]( **PRESENTATION:** This interactive presentation finds the answer to the question, who really is better off, an average London or UK household? This analysis takes into account available data from all types of income and expenditure. Click on the link to access. [PREZI]( [The Prezi in plain text version]( **RANKINGS:** ![Alt text]( This interactive chart shows some key borough level income and expenditure data. This chart helps show the relationships between five datasets. Users can rank each of the indicators in turn. [Borough rankings Tableau Chart]( **MAP:** These interactive borough maps help to geographically present a range of income and expenditure data within London. [Interactive Maps - Instant Atlas]( **DATA:** All the data contained within the Income and Spending at Home report as well as the data used to create the charts and maps can be accessed in this spreadsheet. [Report data]( **FACTS:** Some interesting facts from the data… ● Five boroughs with the highest median gross weekly pay per person in 2009: -1. Kensington & Chelsea - £809 -2. City of London - £767 -3. Westminster - £675 -4. Wandsworth - £636 -5. Richmond - £623 -32. Brent - £439 -33. Newham - £422 ● Five boroughs with the highest median weekly rent for a 2 bedroom property in October 2010: -1. Kensington & Chelsea - £550 -2. Westminster - £500 -3. City of London - £450 -4. Camden - £375 -5. Islington - £360 -32. Havering - £183 -33. Bexley - £173 ● Five boroughs with the highest percentage of households that own their home outright in 2009: -1. Bexley – 38 per cent -2. Havering – 36 per cent -3. Richmond – 32 per cent -4. Bromley – 31 per cent -5. Barnet – 28 per cent -31. Tower Hamlets – 9 per cent -32. Southwark – 9 per cent

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



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UK Open Government Licence

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The GLA undertake regular polling of Londoners views both online and by telephone. A representative sample is interviewed, with quotas set by age, gender and borough. The results from these polls appear on this page. **April 2009 - Economic outlook, and the Mayor's role** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to PDF tables (PDF)]( **June 2009 - Quality of life** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to PDF tables (PDF)]( **November 2009 - Waste and recycling** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to PDF tables (PDF)]( **March 2010 - Culture ** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to PDF tables (PDF)]( **May 2010 - Climate Change ** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to PDF tables (PDF)]( **August 2010 - Energy, and Safety in Parks ** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to PDF tables (PDF)]( **December 2010 - Mayoral Priorities ** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to PDF tables (PDF)]( **March 2011 - Volunteering ** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to PDF tables (PDF)]( **June 2011 - Housing, economy, sport, 2012 games ** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to PDF tables (PDF)]( **September 2011 - Community cohesion and festivals ** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to PDF tables (PDF)]( **November 2011 - Economy, community cohesion, young people, sports ** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to PDF tables (PDF)]( **February 2012 - Economy and volunteering ** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to PDF tables (PDF)]( **June 2012 - Economy and Londoners priorities ** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to PDF tables (PDF)]( **October 2012 - Economy, Mayoral responsibilities and 2012 Games ** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to PDF tables (PDF)]( **January 2013 - Economy, apprenticeships, aiport, housing and EU ** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to Excel tables (XLS)]( **June 2013 - Economy, culture and community cohesion ** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to PDF tables (PDF)]( **September 2013 - Economy, Mayoral responsibilities ** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to Excel tables (XLS)]( **November 2013 - Economy, cost of living, technology and aiports** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to Excel tables (XLS)]( **February 2014 - Water Cannon** [Link to Data Full Tables (XLS)]( Cannons Data Tables - Full.xlsx) [Tables – rebased (XLS)]( Cannons Data Tables - Rebased.xlsx) [Tables - ethnicity (XLS)]( Cannons - Ethnicity.xlsx) [Tables - summary (XLS)]( Cannons Data Tables - Summary.xlsx) **February 2014 - ****Economy, cost of living, priorities and culture** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to Excel tables (XLS)]( **March 2014 - ****Health Survey** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( 2014 - Health Survey Topline Results.pdf) [Link to Excel tables (XLS)]( 2014 - Health Survey Data tables.xls) **May 2014 - Priorities for Safety ** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( Bus Crime Tables.pdf) [Link to Excel tables (XLS)]( **June 2014 - Economy, cost of living, personal finance, housing and airports ** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( **August 2014 - Health Survey ** [Link to PDF of toplines (PDF)]( [Link to Excel tables (XLS)]( Visit [Talk London website]( to join in with the discussion.

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



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UK Open Government Licence

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Annual percentage change in passengers travelling on London underground and buses. * * * [![](](

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


**Trend-based projections** Four variants of trend-based population projections and corresponding household projections are currently available to download. These are labelled as High, Central and Low and differ in their domestic migration assumptions beyond 2017. The economic crisis has been linked to a fall in migration from London to the rest of the UK and a rise in flows from the UK to London. The variants reflect a range of scenarios relating to possible return to pre-crisis trends in migration. **High:** In this scenario, the changes to domestic migration flows are considered to be structural and recent patterns persist regardless of an improving economic outlook. **Low:** Changes to domestic migration patterns are assumed to be transient and return to pre-crisis trends beyond 2018. Domestic outflow propensities increase by 10% and inflows decrease by 6% as compared to the High variant. **Central:** Assumes recent migration patterns are partially transient and partially structural. Beyond 2018, domestic outlow propensities increase by 5% and inflows by 3% as compared to the High variant. **Central - incorporating 2012-based fertility assumptions:** Uses the same migration assumptions as the Central projeciton above, but includes updated age-specific-fertility-rates based on 2011 birth data and future fertility trends taken from ONS's 2012-based National Population Projections. The impact of these changes is to increase fertility by ~10% in the long term. **GLA 2013 round trend-based population projections:** [Borough: High]( [Borough: Low]( [Borough: Central]( [Borough: Central - incorporating 2012-based NPP fertility assumptions]( [Ward: Central]( **GLA 2013 round trend-based household projections:** [Borough: High]( [Borough: Low]( [Borough: Central]( **GLA 2013 round ethnic group population projections:** [Borough: Central]( **Updates:** [Update 03-2014: GLA 2013 round of trend-based population projections - Methodology]( [Update 04-2014: GLA 2013 round of trend-based population projections - Results]( [Data to accompany Update 04-2014]( [Update 12-2014: GLA 2013 round ethnic group population projections]( [Data to accompany Update 12-2014]( **Housing linked projections** Two variants of housing-linked projections are available based on housing trajectories derived from the 2013 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). The two variants are produced using different models to constrain the population to available dwellings. These are referred to as the _DCLG-based model_ and the _Capped Household Size model_. These models will be explained in greater detail in an upcoming Intelligence Unit Update. **Projection Models:** **DCLG-Based Model** This model makes use of Household Representative Rates (HRR) from DCLG’s 2011-based household projections to convert populations by age and gender into households. The models uses iteration to find a population that yields a total number of households that matches the number of available household spaces implied by the development data. This iterative process involves modulating gross migration flows between each London local authority and UK regions outside of London. HRRs beyond 2021 have been extrapolated forward by the GLA. The model also produces a set of household projections consistent with the population outputs. **Capped Household Size Model** This model was introduced to provide an alternative projection based on the SHLAA housing trajectories. While the projections given by the DCLG-Based Model appear realistic for the majority of London, there are concerns that it could lead to under projection for certain local authorities, namely those in Outer London where recent population growth has primarily been driven by rising household sizes. For these boroughs, the Capped Household Size model provides greater freedom for the population to follow the growth patterns shown in the Trend-based projections, but caps average household size at 2012 levels. For boroughs where the DCLG-based SHLAA model gave higher results than the Trend-based model, the projections follow the results of the former. Household projections are not available from this model. **Development assumptions:** **SHLAA housing data** These projections incorporate development data from the 2013 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) database to determine populations for 2012 onwards. Development trajectories are derived from this data for four phases: 2015-20, 2021-25, 2026-30, and 2031-36. For 2012-14, data is taken from the 2009 SHLAA trajectories. No data is included in the database for beyond 2036 and the 2031-36 trajectories are extended forward to 2041. This data was correct as at February 2014 and may be updated in future. Assumed development figures will not necessarily match information in the SHLAA report as some data on estate renewals is not included in the database at this time. **GLA 2013 round SHLAA-based population projections:** [Borough: SHLAA-based]( [Borough: capped SHLAA-based]( [Ward: SHLAA-based]( [Ward: capped SHLAA-based]( **GLA 2013 round SHLAA-based household projections:** [Borough: SHLAA-based]( **GLA 2013 round SHLAA-based ethnic group population projections:** [Borough: SHLAA-based]( **Zero-development projections** The GLA produces so-called zero-development projections for London that assume that future dwelling stocks remain unchanged. These projections can be used in conjunction with the SHLAA-based projections to give an indication of the modelled impact of the assumed development. Variants are produced consistent with the DCLG-based and Capped Household Size projections. Due to the way the models operate, the former assumes no development beyond 2011 and the latter no development after 2012. **GLA 2013 round zero development population projections:** [Borough: DCLG zero development]( [Borough: capped zero development]( [Ward: DCLG zero development]( [Ward: capped zero development]( **Frequently asked question: which projection should I use?** The GLA Demography Team recommends using the Capped Household Size SHLAA projection for most purposes. The main exception to this is for work estimating future housing need, where it is more appropriate to use the trend-based projections. The custom-age population tool is [here]( To access the GLA's full range of demographic projections please click [here](/datastore/package/gla-demographic-projections).

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



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UK Open Government Licence

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This page acts as a hub for navigating the GLA's range of published demographic projections. Links to datasets and release dates will be added as they become available. The Demography team within the GLA maintains a number of sets of demographic projections. These sets cover different geographies, development assumptions, and output groupings. Most sets are updated annually, incorporating the latest data as it becomes available. **2013 Round Projections:** [2013 Round Population and Household Projections](/datastore/package/gla-2013-round-population-and-household-projections) **2012 Round Projections:** [2012 Round Borough Ethnic Group Projections (SHLAA) - final](/datastore/package/gla-ethnic-group-projections-2012-round-shlaa-based-final) [2012 Round Borough Ethnic Group Projections (trend-based) - final](/datastore/package/gla-ethnic-group-projections-2012-round-trend-based-final) [2001-2011 household estimates backseries](/datastore/package/2001-2011-household-estimates-backseries)** ** [2012 Round Ward 5 year age bands (SHLAA) - incorporating DCLG 2011 household formation rates](/datastore/package/gla-ward-level-population-projections-2012-round-shlaa-based-incorporating-dclg-20) [2012 Round Borough Single Year of Age (SHLAA) - incorporating DCLG 2011 household formation rates](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2012-round-shlaa-borough-sya-incorporating-dclg-2011-ho)** ** [2012 Round Ethnic Group Projections (SHLAA) - interim](/datastore/package/gla-ethnic-group-projections-2012-round-shlaa-based-interim) [2012 Round Ethnic Group Projections (trend-based) - interim](/datastore/package/gla-ethnic-group-projections-2012-round-trend-based-interim) [2012 Round Ward 5 year age bands - standard projection (SHLAA)](/datastore/package/gla-2012rnd-SHLAA-ward-proj) [2012 Round Ward 5 year age bands - variant projection (SHLAA/trend)](/datastore/package/gla-2012rnd-trend-ward-proj) [2012 Round Borough Single Year of Age (SHLAA)](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2012-round-shlaa-borough-sya) [2012 Round Borough Single Year of Age (trend-based)](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2012-round-trend-based-borough-sya) [2012 Round Borough SYA (zero development)](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2012-round-zero-development-borough) [Update 13-2013](/datastore/package/gla-2012-round-ethnic-group-projections-final) details the methodology and results of the 2012 final ethnic group population projections [Update 07-2013](/datastore/package/gla-2012-round-ethnic-group-projections) details the methodology and results of the 2012 interim ethnic group population projections [Update 05-2013](/datastore/package/gla-2012-round-population-projections) details the methodology and data used for the 2012 round SHLAA and trend-based projections **2011 Round Projections:** [2011 Round borough SYA - standard fertility (SHLAA)](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2011-round-shlaa-borough-sya) *Updated 20/04/2012 [2011 Round borough SYA - high fertility (SHLAA)](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2011-round-shlaa-high-fertility-borough-sya) *Updated 20/04/2012 [2011 Round ward 5 year age bands - standard fertility (SHLAA)](/datastore/package/gla-ward-level-population-projections-2011-round-shlaa-standard-fertility) *Updated 20/04/2012 [2011 Round ward 5 year age bands - high fertility (SHLAA) ](/datastore/package/gla-ward-level-population-projections-2011-round-shlaa-high-fertility-variant)*Updated 20/04/2012 [2011 Round household - standard fertility (SHLAA) ](/datastore/package/2011-round-shlaa-based-household-projections-standard-fertility-variant)*Updated 20/04/2012 [2011 Round household - high fertility (SHLAA)](/datastore/package/2011-round-shlaa-based-household-projections-high-fertility-variant) *Updated 20/04/12 [2011 Round borough ethnic group - standard fertility (SHLAA)](/datastore/package/gla-ethnic-group-projections-2011-round-shlaa-borough-standard-fertility) *Updated 12/06/2012 [2011 Round borough ethnic group - high fertility (SHLAA)](/datastore/package/gla-ethnic-group-projections-2011-round-shlaa-borough-high-fertility) [Technical note]( to accompany the 2011 round borough population projections. **2010 Round Projections:** [2010 Round borough SYA (SHLAA)](/datastore/package/popproj-2010rnd-shlaa-borough-sya)*Updated 07/02/2011 [2010 Round ward 5 year age bands (SHLAA)](/datastore/package/ward-popproj-2010rnd-shlaa) [2010 Round household (SHLAA)](/datastore/package/2010-round-shlaa-based-household-projections) [2010 Round borough ethnic group (SHLAA)](/datastore/package/egp-2010rnd-shlaa-borough) [2010 Round borough economically active population (SHLAA)](/datastore/package/popproj-2010-round-shlaa-economically-active) *Updated 07/02/2011 [Update]( relating to the 2010 round of SHLAA based projections [Update]( summarising the GLA 2010 Round Ethnic Group Population Projections using the SHLAA **2009 Round Projections:** [2009 Round borough SYA (SHLAA)](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2009-round-revised-shlaa-borough-sya) [2009 Round borough SYA (London Plan development trajectory)](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2009-round-revised-london-plan-borough-sya) [2009 Round ward 5 year age bands](/datastore/package/gla-ward-level-population-projections-2009-round-revised-shlaa) [2009 Round ward 5 year age bands (London Plan development trajectory)](/datastore/package/gla-ward-level-population-projections-2009-round-revised-london-plan) [2009 Round borough ethnic group (SHLAA)](/datastore/package/gla-ethnic-group-projections-2009-round-shlaa-borough) [2009 Round borough ethnic group (London Plan development trajectory)](/datastore/package/gla-ethnic-group-projections-2009-round-london-plan-borough) [2009 Round borough economically active population (SHLAA)](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2009-round-revised-shlaa-economically-active) [2009 Round borough economically active population (London Plan development trajectory)](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2009-round-revised-london-plan-economically-active) [Update]( relating to the 2009 round of London Plan projections **Custom tools:** The custom age tables enable users to easily query the single year of age raw data so that any age range can quickly be calculated. [Custom age tool for borough, ward and ethnic group projections]( **Notes:** The GLA produces several projection variants using different housing trajectory assumptions. Published here are projections that use either the London Plan housing targets or development trajectories based on the 2009 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) - see [here]( for more information. Updated SHLAA-based projections are produced annually. Ward projections do not include City of London. Data for City can be found in the borough projections. Additional projections are produced using each borough's own housing trajectory and provided to the local authority directly. For more information, contact [](

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


These ward level well being scores present a combined measure of well-being indicators of the resident population based on 12 different indicators. Where possible each indicator score is compared with the England and Wales average, which is zero. **Scores over 0 indicate a higher probability that the population on average will experience better well-being** according to these measures. Users can adjust the weight of each indicator depending on what they consider to be the more or less important, thus generating bespoke scores. This is done either by entering a number between 0 and 10 in the importance row or by moving the slider (each indicator is set to 10 by default). The scores throughout the spreadsheet will update automatically. The tool combines data across a range of themes for the last five years of available data (2008-2012). The well-being scores are then presented in a bar chart for each borough, and a map of London. The spreadsheet highlights wards in the top and bottom 25 per cent in London. Wards that have shown significant improvement or reduction in their scores relative to the average over the five year period are also highlighted. Borough figures are also provided underneath to assist with comparisons. Rankings and summary tables are included. The data that the tool is based on is included in the spreadsheet. ![well-being risk scores]( This file is 7.9MB. IMPORTANT NOTE, users **must** enable macros when prompted upon opening the Excel spreadsheet (or reset security to medium/low) for the map to function. The rest of the tool will function without macros. If you cannot download the Excel file directly try this [zip file]( (2.5MB). If you experience any difficulties with downloading this spreadsheet, please contact [Gareth Piggott]( in the Intelligence Unit. Detailed information about definitions and sources is contained within the spreadsheet. The 12 measures included are: Health \- Life Expectancy \- Incapacity Benefits claimant rate Economic security \- Unemployment rate \- Income Support claimant rate Safety \- Crime rate \- Deliberate Fires Education \- GCSE point scores Children \- Unauthorised Pupil Absence Families \- Children in out-of-work households Transport \- Public Transport Accessibility Scores (PTALs) Environment \- Access to public open space & nature Happiness \- Composite Subjective Well-being Score (Life Satisfaction, Worthwhileness, Anxiety, and Happiness) (New data only available since 2011/12) With some measures if the data shows a high figure that indicates better well-being, and with other measures a low figure indicates better well-being. Therefore scores for Life Expectancy, GCSE scores, PTALs, and Access to Public Open Space/Nature have been reversed so that in all measures low scores indicate probable lower well-being. The data has been turned into scores where each indicator in each year has a standard deviation of 10. This means that each indicator will have an equal effect on the final score when the weightings are set to equal. Why should measuring well-being be important to policy makers? Following research by the Cabinet Office and Office for National Statistics, the government is aiming to develop policy that is more focused on ‘all those things that make life worthwhile’ (David Cameron, November 2010). They are interested in developing new and better ways to understand how policy and public services affect well-being. Why measure well-being for local areas? It is important for London policy makers to consider well-being at a local level (smaller than borough level) because of the often huge differences within boroughs. Local authorities rely on small area data in order to target resources, and with local authorities currently gaining more responsibilities from government, this is of increasing importance. But small area data is also of interest to academics, independent analysts and members of the public with an interest in the subject of well-being. How can well-being be measured within small areas? The [Office for National Statistics]( have been developing new measures of national well-being, and as part of this, at a national and regional level, the ONS has published some subjective data to measure happiness. ONS have not measured well-being for small areas, so this tool has been designed to fill this gap. However, [DCLG]( have published a tool that models life satisfaction data for LSOAs based on a combination of national level happiness data, and 'ACORN' data. Happiness data is not available for small areas because there are no surveys large enough for this level of detail, and so at this geography the focus is on objective indicators. Data availability for small areas is far more limited than for districts, and this means the indicators that the scores are based on are not all perfect measures of well-being, though they are the best available. However, by using a relatively high number of measures across a number of years, this increases the reliability of the well-being scores. How can this tool be used to help policy makers? Each neighbourhood will have its own priorities, but the data in this tool could help provide a solid evidence base for informed local policy-making, and the distribution of regeneration funds. In addition, it could assist users to identify the causes behind an improvement in well-being in certain wards, where examples of good practice could be applied elsewhere. **Differences to the previous report ** This is the 2013 edition of this publication, and there is one change from 2012. Indicators of Election turnout has been replaced with a composite score of subjective well-being indicators. Past versions are still available for [2011]( and [2012]( The rationale/methodology paper from 2011 is [here]( The scores from the 2012 spreadsheet are also available in PDF format. The scores in [Intelligence Update 21-2012]( are based on equal weightings across each measure. This tool was created by the GLA Intelligence Unit. Please contact []( for more information.

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a set of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


LSOA and ward dashboards including a range of census variables and comparitors.

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


The Business Plan 2013/14 established for the first time a suite of GLA Key Performance Indicators (KPI) closely linked to Mayoral priorities. These statistics show KPI performance, together with targets, forecasts and traffic light ratings. There are two traffic light ratings for each KPI: First, a backward looking traffic light assessing performance to date. Green indicates that performance is meeting or exceeding targets; amber that it is somewhat short of target; and red that is significantly short. The second traffic light is forward looking and is primarily concerned with whether future targets, and in particular the lifetime target, are likely to be met. Green here indicates that performance is on track and amber that there are risks that may mean future targets will be missed. Red indicates that it is probable future targets will be missed and potentially by a significant margin. GLA KPIs: 1) Number of jobs created through GLA Group investment and associated spend (ie. levered or match funded) 2) Number of new apprenticeships started 3) Square metres of public realm improved or created through GLA investment and associated spend (ie. levered or match funded) 4) The number of employers signed up to the London Living Wage (LLW) 5a) The number of young Londoners who are actively supported 5b) The number of young Londoners supported into and achieving an improved and sustained outcome 5c) The number of schools supported to improve their practice 6) GLA Group sites identified for new schools 7) Number of volunteering opportunities taken up by volunteers through Team London 8) Number of Londoners participating in sport or physical activity through the Mayor's Sports Legacy Programme: Phase 2 9) The number of street trees planted through the Mayor's street trees initiative 10a) The number of pocket parks established 10b) The area of green space created or restored in acres through the Big Green Fund 11a) Tonnes of CO2 saved as a direct result of Mayoral homes efficiency programmes 11b) Tonnes of CO2 saved as a direct result of Mayoral workplace energy efficiency programmes 11c) Tonnes of CO2 saved as a direct result of Mayoral energy supply programmes 12) The number of affordable homes delivered 13) The number of council homes made decent 14) Percentage of rough sleepers who did not spend a second night out as a result of the GLA-funded NSNO service 15) Release of GLA land in hectares 16) Value of match funding from partner bodies as a result of GLA investment through the MRF and OLF 17) The return on investment made to secure outside sponsorship 18) The percentage of invoices from small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) paid within ten days 19) Average number of working days per GLA employee lost to sickness absence 20) The percentage of correspondence responded to in full in 20 working days The Finance & Performance Monitoring Report is presented to the [GLA Budget Monitoring Sub-Committee]( each quarter.

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


Mean and median average gross annual household income for Output Areas, Lower SOAs, Middle SOAs, Wards and Boroughs, London, 2011/12 This income data is unequivalised - that is it takes no account of average household size or composition within each area. A full description of how the estimates were put together can be read in this [GLA Intelligence Unit Update]( **Download:** - [Excel]( (all geographies included in single spreadsheet) Or **Open: ** \- [Atlas]( (or click on image below) [![](]( These are experimental income estimates, which means that they are in the testing phase. Feedback is welcome with the intention that the model will be improved in future years if possible. Please send any comments to the [Datastore]( email address. This [GLA Intellingence Update paper]( presents analysis of the headline findings of these data. ![]( analysis screen.PNG)

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


Have you ever wanted to create a quick thematic map of London but lacked the GIS skills or software to do it yourself? These free mapping tools from the GLA Intelligence Unit allows the user to input their own data to create an instant map that can be copied over into Word or another application of your choice. The user can also copy over the legend, and add labels. The template allows the user to select either 4 or 5 ranges, and it even has a function to change the colours on the map (default colours are blue). The tool now also allows users to input their own ranges, which will override the automatic ranges. There is: [**Standard borough thematic map**]( [![](]( [**Borough thematic map for categories**]( (as opposed to numbers). And **ward maps for individual boroughs** see list below. Copyright notice: If you publish these maps, a copyright notice must be included within the report saying: "Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights." **Ward maps** Ward mapping tools for each borough have also been created. Select the borough you require from the list below: [**All** London Wards map with pre-2014 boundaries]( [Barking and Dagenham](, [Barnet](, [Bexley](, [Brent](, [Bromley](, [Camden](, [Croydon](, [Ealing](, [Enfield](, [Greenwich](, [Hackney (pre 2014)](, [Hammersmith and Fulham](, [Haringey](, [Harrow](, [Havering](, [Hillingdon](, [Hounslow](, [Islington](, [Kensington and Chelsea (pre 2014)](, [Kingston upon Thames](, [Lambeth](, [Lewisham](, [Merton](, [Newham](, [Redbridge](, [Richmond upon Thames](, [Southwark](, [Sutton](, [Tower Hamlets (pre 2014)](, [Waltham Forest](, [Wandsworth](, [Westminster]( New ward boundaries - came into effect from May 2014 [**All London wards map 2014**]( including the new ward boundaries for Hackney, Kensington and Chelsea, and Tower Hamlets following changes in May 2014. [Hackney](, [Kensington and Chelsea](, [Tower Hamlets]( ![Alt text]( NOTE: Excel 2003 users must 'ungroup' the map for it to work. Full instructions are contained within the spreadsheet. If you have any questions about these tools please contact [Gareth Piggott]( **Macros** The tool works in any version of Excel. But the user MUST ENABLE MACROS, for the features to work. There a some restrictions on functionality in the ward maps in Excel 2003 and earlier - full instructions are included in the spreadsheet. To check whether the macros are enabled in Excel 2003 click Tools, Macro, Security and change the setting to Medium. Then you have to re-start Excel for the changes to take effect. When Excel starts up a prompt will ask if you want to enable macros - click yes. In Excel 2007 and later, it should be set by default to the correct setting, but if it has been changed, click on the Windows Office button in the top corner, then Excel options (at the bottom), Trust Centre, Trust Centre Settings, and make sure it is set to 'Disable all macros with notification'. Then when you open the spreadsheet, a prompt labelled 'Options' will appear at the top for you to enable macros. To create your own thematic borough maps in Excel using the ward map tool as a starting point, read these [instructions]( You will need to be a confident Excel user, and have access to your boundaries as a picture file from elsewhere. The mapping tools created here are all fully open access with no passwords.