Datasets / Household Income Estimates for Small Areas

Household Income Estimates for Small Areas

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


Mean and median average gross annual household income for Output Areas, Lower SOAs, Middle SOAs, Wards and Boroughs, London, 2011/12 This income data is unequivalised - that is it takes no account of average household size or composition within each area. A full description of how the estimates were put together can be read in this [GLA Intelligence Unit Update]( **Download:** - [Excel]( (all geographies included in single spreadsheet) Or **Open: ** \- [Atlas]( (or click on image below) [![](]( These are experimental income estimates, which means that they are in the testing phase. Feedback is welcome with the intention that the model will be improved in future years if possible. Please send any comments to the [Datastore]( email address. This [GLA Intellingence Update paper]( presents analysis of the headline findings of these data. ![]( analysis screen.PNG)