Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued over 10 years ago
This report provides a summary of demographic and related data for each Westminster Parliamentary constituency in Greater London. The profiles are designed to provide an overview of the population in each area by combining a range of data on the population, diversity, households, life expectancy, council tax, crime, household income (paycheck), benefits, land use, education, business and deprivation. All data, relate to people who live in the area, i.e. they are residence-based. In the PDF version of the report are maps for each area that show both the location of the constituency within London, the wards that make up the constituency, and also borough boundaries.  Data in these profiles are available in the following formats: ● [Full Briefing as PDF]( ● [Interactive Excel spreadsheet]( \- for the Excel spreadsheet to function as it should, save it to your computer, and when prompted to do so, enable the macros. ● An interactive [Excel version that includes maps]( is also available. ● [Instant Atlas interactive maps]( (requires Flash) The GLA Data Management and Analysis Group (DMAG) has produced these profiles, using the most up to date information available at the time of collection (February 2010). The raw data that was used to create the profiles are also available in both [Excel]( and [CSV]( formats.