Datasets / GLA Key Performance Indicators

GLA Key Performance Indicators

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


The Business Plan 2013/14 established for the first time a suite of GLA Key Performance Indicators (KPI) closely linked to Mayoral priorities. These statistics show KPI performance, together with targets, forecasts and traffic light ratings. There are two traffic light ratings for each KPI: First, a backward looking traffic light assessing performance to date. Green indicates that performance is meeting or exceeding targets; amber that it is somewhat short of target; and red that is significantly short. The second traffic light is forward looking and is primarily concerned with whether future targets, and in particular the lifetime target, are likely to be met. Green here indicates that performance is on track and amber that there are risks that may mean future targets will be missed. Red indicates that it is probable future targets will be missed and potentially by a significant margin. GLA KPIs: 1) Number of jobs created through GLA Group investment and associated spend (ie. levered or match funded) 2) Number of new apprenticeships started 3) Square metres of public realm improved or created through GLA investment and associated spend (ie. levered or match funded) 4) The number of employers signed up to the London Living Wage (LLW) 5a) The number of young Londoners who are actively supported 5b) The number of young Londoners supported into and achieving an improved and sustained outcome 5c) The number of schools supported to improve their practice 6) GLA Group sites identified for new schools 7) Number of volunteering opportunities taken up by volunteers through Team London 8) Number of Londoners participating in sport or physical activity through the Mayor's Sports Legacy Programme: Phase 2 9) The number of street trees planted through the Mayor's street trees initiative 10a) The number of pocket parks established 10b) The area of green space created or restored in acres through the Big Green Fund 11a) Tonnes of CO2 saved as a direct result of Mayoral homes efficiency programmes 11b) Tonnes of CO2 saved as a direct result of Mayoral workplace energy efficiency programmes 11c) Tonnes of CO2 saved as a direct result of Mayoral energy supply programmes 12) The number of affordable homes delivered 13) The number of council homes made decent 14) Percentage of rough sleepers who did not spend a second night out as a result of the GLA-funded NSNO service 15) Release of GLA land in hectares 16) Value of match funding from partner bodies as a result of GLA investment through the MRF and OLF 17) The return on investment made to secure outside sponsorship 18) The percentage of invoices from small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) paid within ten days 19) Average number of working days per GLA employee lost to sickness absence 20) The percentage of correspondence responded to in full in 20 working days The Finance & Performance Monitoring Report is presented to the [GLA Budget Monitoring Sub-Committee]( each quarter.