Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
Numbers of recorded offences, that result in a sanction against the suspect by broad crime groups. The Met Police began presentating detection figures differently in 2005/06. Previous to this, the term 'cleared up' was used. From 2005/06 onwards, detections and sanction detections were classified seperately. Detections: A term used for resolved cases whether it be though police-generated detections (sanction detections), or those resolved through administrative means (non-sanction detections). The official definition for sanction detection is as follows. 'A sanctioned detection occurs when (1) a notifiable offence (crime) has been committed and recorded; (2) a suspect has been identified and is aware of the detection; (3) the CPS evidential test is satisfied; (4) the victim has been informed that the offence has been detected, and; (5) the suspect has been charged, reported for summons, or cautioned, been issued With a penalty notice for disorder or the offence has been taken into consideration when an offender is sentenced.' Note: There were changes to the police recorded crime classifications from April 2012. Therefore caution should be used when comparing sub-groups of crime figures from 2012/13 with earlier years. Action Fraud have taken over the recording of fraud offences on behalf of individual police forces. This process began in April 2011 and was rolled out to all police forces by March 2013. Due to this change caution should be applied when comparing data over this transitional period and with earlier years. View [Met Police website](