Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
The Ground Cover Disturbance Index (GCDI) is an index developed by the Biodiversity Assessment Team (BAT) within EHP, which assesses aspects of rangeland biodiversity condition. It relates the ground cover time series statistics from the State Land and Tree Study (SLATS) to the Regional Ecosystem (RE) framework. The primary data input for the index is a percentage ground cover time series, derived from SLATS Landsat TM imagery over Queensland. The GCDI analyses levels of ground cover within each RE, as different REs naturally have different ground cover percentages. Within each RE, by subregion, the mean and trend of the ground cover is calculated since 1988, with different combinations of mean and trend indicating the level of disturbance.GCDI can be calculated in areas with foliage projective cover less than 20%, ie where the satellites can see the ground cover layer through the trees. The GCDI method also requires RE mapping, and only applies in areas that are considered remnant.The GCDI model assumes that climatic conditions (temperature, rainfall, etc) are consistent within a subregion. It also relates the ground cover time series statistics to the dominant ecosystem (RE1_ROOT) in the RE layer.This dataset needs to be viewed in conjunction with the low change and water bodies layers also supplied with this package.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) Estate access data including roads, tracks and trails, and associated data. Primary data source is road locations as determined by GPS (Global Positioning System), DGPS (Differential Global Positioning System) traverse. Other data sources include roads identified from air photos or satellite imagery, other government departments, and roads from existing topographic mapping.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
Fire management zones show the principal purpose(s), in terms of fire management, for any given part of a reserve and therefore the way in which the area will generally be managed for fire. They are a component of the QPWS Fire Management System.
Published By Agriculture and Fisheries
Issued over 6 years ago
The Queensland rabbit fence 2016 is a linear feature class that describes the location of the rabbit fence maintained by the Darling Downs / Morton Rabbit Board. It should be viewed in conjunction with the wild dog barrier and check fences 2016.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset contains the locations and some characteristics of Queensland Government soil survey sites. The sites have been described by government surveyors during mapping and research activities from the 1950's to the present. A link to a detailed PDF report for each site is also provided.
Published By Agriculture and Fisheries
Issued over 6 years ago
The definition of 'waterway' under the Fisheries Act is broad and a Queensland-wide spatial data layer has been developed to better delineate this.Waterway barrier works are regulated under the Fisheries Act 1994 and the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 when barriers to fish movement, including partial barriers, are installed across waterways. Barrier works include construction, raising, replacement and some maintenance works on structures such as culvert crossings, bed level and low level crossings, weirs and dams, both permanent and temporary. See additional information also.
Published By Agriculture and Fisheries
Issued over 6 years ago
Queensland wild dog barrier and check fences 2016 is a linear feature class that describes the location of the wild dog barrier and check fences.It should be viewed in conjunction with the Rabbit Barrier Fence.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance was the first modern inter-governmental treaty between nations aiming to conserve natural resources. The signing of the Convention took place in 1971 in the small Iranian town of Ramsar (since then, it has taken the common name of the Ramsar Convention). Australia was the first nation to become a Contracting Party to the Convention.The Convention's broad aims are to halt the worldwide loss of wetlands and to conserve, through wise use and management, those that remain. This requires international cooperation, policy making, capacity building and technology transfer.There are 5 Ramsar sites within Queensland (Administrator is shown in brackets): Moreton Bay (Queensland), Bowling Green Bay (Queensland), Currawinya Lakes (Queensland), Shoalwater and Corio Bays (Queensland/ Commonwealth), Great Sandy (Queensland).
Published By Agriculture and Fisheries
Issued over 6 years ago
The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) delivers its services and operations through four regions that collectively cover the state. This dataset shows these region boundaries.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
Boundaries delineating Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service regions
Published By State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning
Issued over 6 years ago
The regional planning area boundaries dataset shows the regional plan boundaries as determined by the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning. These are gazetted administrative boundaries only
Published By State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning
Issued over 6 years ago
Priority Agricultural Area (PAA) as identified within the Central Queensland, Darling Downs, Cape York, and South East Queensland Regional Plans. Priority Agricultural Area (PAA) as at August 2017
Published By State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning
Issued over 6 years ago
Priority Living Areas (PLA) as identified within the Central Queensland, Darling Downs, Cape York, and South East Queensland Regional Plans. Priority Agricultural Area (PAA) as at August 2017
Published By State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning
Issued over 6 years ago
Identifies the Strategic Environmental Areas(SEA) throughout Queensland. These areas include Cape York Peninsula, the Gulf Country, the Chanel Country, Fraser Island and Hinchinbrook Island. SEAs identify areas where the impact of a prescribed activity will not result in a widespread or irreversible impact on an environmental attribute of a strategic environmental area.The SEAs are prescribed within the Regional Planning Interests Regulation 2014 or within a Regional Plan.
Published By Agriculture and Fisheries
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset details areas where aerial and ground distribution is regulated in Queensland (regulated areas), as well as those areas where its provisions do not apply at this point in time (excluded (non-regulated) areas). The dataset also describes the three declared hazardous areas in which additional conditions apply to aerial and ground distribution generally and restrictions apply on how a number of volatile chemicals can be used.
Published By Treasury
Issued over 6 years ago
The Queensland Government residential land supply study quantifies the amount of land, which is predominantly greenfield (undeveloped), available for future residential development. A number of constraints (characteristics) are analyzed against parcels of land to identify those that are physically suitable, potentially available under planning scheme provisions and in the case of urban residential development, intended to be serviced with reticulated water and sewerage. By comparing dwelling projections against the residential land supply, an estimate of supply can be calculated and any potential shortages identified.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
Version 10 - Delineation of remnant/non-remnant vegetation, cleared areas and other features for Queensland. Based on the 2015 remnant regional ecosystem mapping.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
A state-wide dataset (WM1229) containing the river improvement areas in force in legislation currently, and listing the corresponding river improvement trust. A trust is a statutory body constituted under the River Improvement Trust Act 1940 to protect and improve rivers, repair and prevent damage to rivers and prevent or mitigate flooding of land by riverine flood. For more information see . WM1229 replaced WM1125 due to the River Improvement Trust Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2017 (Subordinate Legislation No. 135) abolishing the Pioneer River Improvement Area [WM1119], effective 1/7/14. Hence WM1229 is equivalent to WM1225, excluding WM1119.(Reference: CAS3059.)
Published By Transport and Main Roads
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset shows the position of vehicular crash incidents in Queensland. This includes fatalities, injuries and vehicular damage. The point of truth for this dataset is the Queensland government open data website at,
Published By Transport and Main Roads
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset shows the position of roadside amenities, facilities and effluent dump sites in Queensland as part of the road safety management program.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset has been compiled from numerous sources to produce to the best of our knowledge a dataset that displays the extent of named rural properties (horticultural or agricultural properties) in Queensland. There is no legislative requirement for any landholder to advise us of a property name or a change to a property name. Property names are recorded for administrative and mapping purposes only and the reliability of the information is not guaranteed by the Queensland Government. Landholders who wish to advise us of a property name or update an existing property name should email
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
Download of Google Earth software is required to open this kmz file. This file shows the location of satellite positioning reference stations in Queensland operated by the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy. These locations are linked with GPS/GNSS data available allowing for post processing or as real-time correction streams. Splash screen also give details of how to access data from specific stations.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
SILO is a Queensland Government database containing continuous daily climate data for Australia from 1889 to present, in a number of ready-to-use formats, suitable for modelling and research applications. The SILO database contains two major classes of data: point (station) time series and spatial grids, both based on observed data from the Bureau of Meteorology ADAM (Australian Data Archive for Meteorology) database. For point data, interpolated or derived values are used where observations are missing. Gridded data are spatially interpolated from observations.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
Daily rainfall is the total rainfall accumulated over the 24 hour period up until 9am on the day of observation. Monthly rainfall is the total rainfall accumulated over all days in the given month.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
Evaporation is measured using a Class A evaporation pan which indicates the amount of water evaporating from bare ground or open water.