Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
The environmental authorities register lists licences issued for resource activities (mining and petroleum and gas) and prescribed activities issued under the Environmental Protection Act 1994.
Published By Transport and Main Roads
Issued over 6 years ago
Queensland is an extensive area with a population unevenly distributed within its borders and numerous island communities in the far north. It has the highest percentage of population outside a capital city of any mainland state within Australia, and land transport is disrupted by the annual wet season in northern and western regions. The Department of Transport and Main Roads regulates and in some cases subsidises a number of regular passenger transport air services to ensure that identified transport-disadvantaged communities have year-round access to a range of essential business, educational, medical, and cultural services in larger centres, reducing the social and economic isolation of rural and remote Queenslanders.
Published By Agriculture and Fisheries
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset provides mapping of water bodies and wetland regional ecosystems at 1:100,000 scale across Queensland which are likely to host fisheries resources.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
Database storing aquatic ecosystem information captured by departmental projects around the state. Datasets stored include macroinvertabrates, fish, birds, frogs, riparian vegetation, diatoms, and zooplankton data.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset depicts the 50-year mean annual rainfall isoheyts (contours) over Queensland for the period 1920 to 1969. The dataset was produced from the mean annual rainfall of as many locations as possible including private collections. Incomplete datasets were `made whole` by calculating values for missing periods through correlation with adjacent rainfall stations.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
Bioregions and subregions of Queensland, version 5.0 - 2010. Queensland has been divided into 13 bioregions and 132 subregions. Bioregions represent broad landscape patterns that are the result of the interplay between factors including geology, climate and biota.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
High resolution (5 metre x 5 metre) bathymetric LiDAR from (0 metres to 30 metre depths) in the lower estuarine reaches and offshore of the Maroochy and Noosa Rivers. Data used to study how the accuracy of storm tide and wave models depends on the accuracy of underlying topography and bathymetry data.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
Bioregions of Queensland, version 5.0 - 2010. Queensland has been divided into 13 bioregions. Bioregions represent broad landscape patterns that are the result of the interplay between factors including geology, climate and biota.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
Subregions of Queensland, version 5.0 - 2010. Queensland has been divided into 132 subregions. Subregions represent finer scale climatic, landform, geological, topographical, vegetation and biota patterns.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset contains the extents of urban settlements with more than 50 residential buildings and where the areas have a cadastral parcel size of less than 2 hectares. Note that the following are cut out of the built up area polygons:- Educational institutions- Hospitals- Caravan parks- Cemeteries- Aircraft landing areas- Sewage and water treament plants- Sports and recreational areas- Parks and gardens.
Published By Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
Issued over 6 years ago
This data package includes selected inputs and information used by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in conjunction with the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service (QFES) to prepare State-wide Bushfire Hazard Area (Bushfire Prone Area) mapping (July 2014). This information can also be used to support localised or site level assessments of the Bushfire Hazard Area (Bushfire Prone Area).It contains:1. Landscape Slope (vers 2.0, July 2014) - GeoTIFF2. Fire Weather Severity (Forest Fire Danger Index) (vers 1.0, September 2013) - GeoTIFF3. CSIRO report: Leonard, J., Newnham, G., Opie, K., and Blanchi, R. (2014) A new methodology for state-wide mapping of bushfire prone areas in Queensland. - PDF
Published By Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
Issued over 6 years ago
This data pack contains reliability assessment tools and guidance to assist local governments to assess the suitability of State-wide Bushfire Hazard (Bushfire Prone Area) mapping when making or amending a local planning scheme to identify state interests with regard to bushfire hazard.The reliability assessment will assist in identifying mapping issues that can be addressed by amendment of the State-wide Bushfire Prone Area mapping by the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES), or when undertaking localised mapping. The State-wide mapping of the Bushfire Hazard Area (Bushfire Prone Area) was developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in conjunction with the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service (QFES).
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset displays the boundary of the State of Queensland and comprises the state border (the cadastral boundary between the states) and the coastline of Queensland, including marine islands. The state border coincides with the position as shown in the Queensland Digital Cadastral Database, while the coastline is the boundary between the mainland, marine islands and the sea, and is generally defined as mean high water, except in the area of mangroves, where the coastline is depicted as the seaward edge of the mangroves.
Published By Agriculture and Fisheries
Issued over 6 years ago
The surveillance and identification of North Queensland commercial banana production areas for the Panama disease tropical race 4 program (March 2016) data is provided as a polygon shapefile capturing the total commercial banana production area in hectares for the Wet Tropics region as at the 31st March 2016.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
Coordination conservation area boundaries are primarily defined using cadastral parcels, with GPS data collected for partial boundaries. Boundaries following creeks or irregular boundaries are digitised. Relevant boundaries are updated to coincide with the DCDB current at the date of publication using topological rules.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset consists of 10 metre contours over the State of Queensland which has been compiled from numerous source datasets and generalized to an overall 1:50000 mapping accuracy to produce state wide 10m contour coverage. You cannot download the entire State in one single order, it is to large. This dataset allows you to extract your area of interest using the 'clip, zip and ship' functionality only. You can select areas by local government area, city or suburb (locality) or freehand over small areas.
Published By State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning
Issued over 6 years ago
The dataset is to show locations of current proposed infrastructure projects for the Coordinator-General's assessment and approval under the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 (SDPWO Act). The assessments include environmental and social impacts, involving local, state and federal governments. Coordinated projects are categorised in two types: Current EIS projects and Completed EIS projects. Current EIS projects are the projects that are currently going through the environmental impact statement (EIS) process. Completed EIS projects are for which the environmental impact statement (EIS) process are complete. This dataset is intended to provide indicative locations of the proposed Coordinated Projects only. It is not for detail property level analysis.
Published By Transport and Main Roads
Issued over 6 years ago
Land degradation within road reserves poses a potential threat to the State road network, including impacts on road user safety, adjacent land owners and environmental values.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset provides information on the locations of existing dams, weirs and barrages in Queensland. The data identifies dams and weirs owned and controlled by the Queensland Government. Therefore, information on dams, weirs or barrages owned by local governments, mining companies or the general public is not necessarily included.
Published By Agriculture and Fisheries
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset describes the location of the Developmental Finfish Trawl Fishery in the Gulf of Carpentaria.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
Wetland locations for Queensland wetlands described in A Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia, 3rd Edition, Environment Australia 2001 by Wetland Inventory Team, Northern Region, DEHP. Updated by Resource Assessment Unit, Qld. DEHP 2005.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
This data is a 3 second Digital Elevation Model (DEM) over the State of Queensland and includes a 100 km buffer into The Northern Territory, South Australia and New South Wales. This data is a subset of the national 3 second (~90m) Smoothed Digital Elevation Model (DEM-S) Version 1.0 which was derived from resampling the 1 second Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) derived Digital Elevation Model (DEM-S) Version 1.0 which is a 1 arc second (~30m) gridded smoothed version of the DEM (ANZCW0703013355). The DEM-S represents ground surface topography, excluding vegetation features, and has been smoothed to reduce noise and improve the representation of surface shape.
Published By State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning
Issued over 6 years ago
Draft Priority Agricultural Area (PAA) as identified within the draft SEQ Regional Plans. Draft Priority Agricultural Area (PAA) as at October 2016 It should be noted that these draft areas do not have effect under the Regional Planning Interests Act 2014, and do not come into effect until the final SEQ Regional Plan is finalised and completed.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
This 1:25000 drainage dataset represents digital topographic data over selected areas of Queensland. This data has been devised from digital photogrammetry or scanning of existing 1:25000 mapping.
Published By State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning
Issued over 6 years ago
Priority Living Areas (PLA) as identified within the draft South East Queensland Regional Plan. The draft Priority Living Areas (PLA) are as at October 2016.It should be noted that these draft areas do not have effect under the Regional Planning Interests Act 2014, and do not come into effect until the final SEQ Regional Plan is finalised and completed.