Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
The Drainage basin sub-area polygon coverage depicts a subdivision of the major drainage basins (catchment) in Queensland. Its original purpose was to implant some location identifier into the numbering system of bores and gauging stations. For example all bore numbers were prefixed with a four-digit number. The first three were used to locate the bore into a specific major river basin. The fourth digit was used to locate the bore into a subdivision of that major river basin as shown in the Sub-Basin Areas - Queensland coverage. This coverage is now only used as a means of numbering bores and gauging stations. Its capture scale is 1:100 000.Legislation: Water Act 2000, Division
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
Boundaries and names of the five Queensland drainage divisions, as defined by the Australian Water Resources Management Committee (WRMC). The capture scale for this dataset is 1:100 000.AttributesDIV_NUMBER Division number (Roman numeral)DIV_NAME Division nameData Custodian Theme: Water Management.Legislation: QLD Water Act 2000, Chapter 2 Allocation and sustainable management, Part 3 Water planning, Division 1 Preliminary, Section 35 Information recording and planning.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
The boundaries and names of the Queensland drainage basins (catchment)are as defined by the Australian Water Resources Management Committee (WRMC). Information includes the name and number of each drainage basin. The capture scale for this dataset is 1:100 000.
Published By Agriculture and Fisheries
Issued over 6 years ago
On the 14th August 1997 the Federal and Queensland Governments announced measures to save dugongs in the southern Great Barrier Reef and Hervey Bay regions. Central to these measures was the establishment of a system of dugong protection areas in these regions. The Areas are declared in legislation under the Fisheries Act 1994 and the Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1992. Two types of protection areas were established : Zone A has more stringent controls over netting practices. Foreshore set nets and offshore set and drift nets are prohibited in most Zone A protection areas. In Zone B mesh netting is permitted but with restrictions on the type, size and location of nets, and requirements for attendance at nets. Current March 2002.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset has been derived from the dataset 'Vegetation Management Act High Value Regrowth' (version 2.1) and was created to reflect the conservation status of mature regrowth vegetation as per the Queensland Herbariums biodiversity status.
Published By Agriculture and Fisheries
Issued over 6 years ago
The electric ant biosecurity zone dataset is the spatial representation of the electric ant biosecurity zone established under the Biosecurity Act 2014. The electric ant biosecurity zone revoke and replace all previous versions of the electric ant movement control areas and restricted areas in Queensland following the introduction of the Biosecurity Act 2014, 1 July 2016.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset represents an area defined as a Category B environmentally sensitive area listed in the Queensland Environmental Protection Regulation 2008 under Schedule 12, Part 1, Section 2, paragraph (d). This describes the area as 'an area to the seaward side of the highest astronomical tide'.The seaward extent of this area is the limit of Queensland Coastal Waters defined by a line three nautical miles seaward of the territorial sea baseline. The territorial sea baseline is gazetted under the Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
History of planned burns and wildfires on and around the protected areas of Queensland (National Parks, Conservation Parks, Resources Reserves, Forest Reserves, State Forests and Timber Reserves). The data includes planned burns conducted on neighbouring properties with the consent, (and where required), the assistance of the property owners or trustees of the land. This dataset also includes wildfires that have spread from neighbouring properties.
Published By Agriculture and Fisheries
Issued over 6 years ago
The fire ant biosecurity zones dataset is the spatial representation of the fire ant biosecurity zones in Queensland where restrictions apply to the movement of material that could spread fire ants. The fire ant biosecurity zones revoke and replace all previous versions of the red imported fire ant restricted areas in Queensland following the introduction of the Biosecurity Act 2014, 1 July 2016.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset represents the maximum inundation of the April 2017 flood in the Connors, Fitzroy, Isaac and Mackenzie Rivers following the heavy deluge of rain from ex-Cyclone Debbie.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset represents the maximum inundation of the April 2017 flood in the Connors, Fitzroy, Isaac and Mackenzie Rivers following the heavy deluge of rain from ex-Cyclone Debbie.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset represents the maximum inundation of the April 2017 flood in the Logan and Albert Rivers following the heavy deluge of rain from ex-Cyclone Debbie.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
This dataset represents the maximum inundation of the April 2017 flood in the Logan and Albert Rivers following the heavy deluge of rain from ex-Cyclone Debbie.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
This colour aerial photography covers the town of Thallon and its surrounding area. The imagery was captured on 09 January 2011. The raw tiff file of the imagery tile was compressed and converted into .ecw format for further mosaic processing. All .ecw images were mosiaced and converted into JP2 at a compression ratio of 10.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
This colour imagery was specifically produced to capture a point in time as close as possible to the peak of the state-wide floods of January 2011 (by selected areas).
Published By Agriculture and Fisheries
Issued over 6 years ago
The Grazing Land Management (GLM) regions of Queensland delineate the regional areas for which specific Land Types of Queensland are described. The GLM regional boundaries are unique combinations of Interim Biogeographical Regionalisation of Australia, Natural Resource Management areas, shires, catchments and roads. Ultimately, delineation of regional boundaries was determined by funding bodies and chronological development of land types.
Published By Agriculture and Fisheries
Issued over 6 years ago
On 30 June 2010, the State transferred ownership of Queensland's forestry plantations business to Forestry Plantations Queensland Pty Limited (FPQ). As part of the sale, FPQ was granted a Plantation Licence under the Forestry Act 1959. This dataset represents the boundaries of the Licence Area granted to FPQ under the Plantation Licence.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
Zonings within Queensland State Marine Park - Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
A compilation of Groundwater Alluvium Boundaries containing polygons describing Alluvium Boundaries within Queensland. The data was obtained from departmental maps showing bores, borelines and alluvium boundaries. Some data was captured from geological maps showing alluvium. The scale and detail of these maps was varied and diverse with some maps not providing a full coverage of an area.
Published By Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Issued over 6 years ago
A compilation of Groundwater Alluvium Boundaries containing lines describing Alluvium Boundaries within Queensland. The data was obtained from departmental maps showing bores, borelines and alluvium boundaries. Some data was captured from geological maps showing alluvium. The scale and detail of these maps was varied and diverse with some maps not providing a full coverage of an area.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
Groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) are ecosystems that are dependent on the discharge of groundwater on a permanent or intermittent basis to meet all or some of their water requirements so as to maintain their communities of plants and animals, ecological processes and ecosystem services. This dataset contains five feature classes that describe the distribution of known and potential GDEs across the landscape.
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
In this product the Burdekin is divided into 5,521 5km x 5km cells. The main feature in this layer is the 'GullyPres' field, which provides a semi-quantitative gully presence value to each cell, ranging from Very Low to Very High. The gully presence assessment is based on several methods including visual observation, output from previous modelling work, bioregion membership, and the output of a mean of prodictive model. The method of mapping is provided in the 'SubMethod' field. The 'Confidence' field provides the source used to assign the 'GullyPres' field value. For more information see or contact the data publisher (contact details below).
Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
A subset of the specimen label data derived from Queensland Herbarium Herbrecs database. The dataset comprises the label data for native and naturalised specimens from Queensland with the records of confidental species removed. Label data includes current scientific name, collector, location and habitat information.
Published By Transport and Main Roads
Issued over 6 years ago
District boundaries for Program Delivery and Operations with Qld Department of Transport and Main Roads. Boundaries for internal use, aligned with Local Government Authority boundaries.
Published By Transport and Main Roads
Issued over 6 years ago
Region boundaries for Program Delivery and Operations with Qld Department of Transport and Main Roads. Boundaries for internal use, aligned with Local Government Authority boundaries.