Published By Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)
Issued about 10 years ago
# New Release [This file]( contains all the ID2010 data for London at LSOA, ward and borough level. Please take the time to read the notes which accompany the data in the file. It has sheets for the CLG published * LSOA domains, * sub domains, * IDACI/IDAOPI, * population figures, * borough level summary measures, * GLA calculations for wards, * borough level IDACI/IDAOPI. The details of the GLA calculations, analysis and maps illustrating the results can be found in * [GLA Intelligence Briefing 2011 - 06 Indices of Deprivation 2010 - A London Perspective]( This briefing presents a London analysis of the CLG published indices. * [GLA Intelligence Update 01-2012, Ward Level Summary Measures of the Indices of Deprivation 2010]( This Update presents, for all wards in London, summary measures of the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010 corresponding to those published by CLG at borough level, as far as is practicable and appropriate, together with additional summary information which may also be useful. * [GLA Intelligence Update 02-2012, Income Deprivation Affecting Children and Older People]( This Update is concerned with the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) and the Income Deprivation Affecting Older People Index (IDAOPI), the two supplementary Indices that, together with the IMD make up the Indices of Deprivation 2010. It presents the results of GLA calculations that give figures for London wards and boroughs, comparable to those published by CLG for LSOAs along with maps showing the figures at all these geographical levels for London. [Ward Level Summary Measures - Excel Spreadsheet]( * * * The ID2010 replace the Indices of Deprivation 2007 (ID2007) as the Government’s official measure of deprivation from the Department for Communities and Local Government. The Indices show London remains an area of mixed fortunes, with some wealthier areas alongside pockets of deprivation across the capital. The indices help to pinpoints those areas where there is greatest need on a number of dimensions of deprivation. The GLA Intelligence Unit has authored a [briefing]( presenting the key findings for London from the 2010 Indices (below). The underlying indicators at LSOA level for the ID2010 are available in a zip file on the [CLG website.]( Data for previous editions of the Indices of Deprivation are available [here](/datastore/package/indices-multiple-deprivation-borough) ![]( ### Each map included in the report is available to download at the link below ### **[Map files](** ** ** In July 2013, [Public Health England]( (PHE) published IMD2010 data adjustments to align scores with 2011 LSOA boundaries. The figures have neither been quality assured nor endorsed by DCLG. The adjusted scores can be used for analytical purposes where data are required for 2011 LSOA-level geographies. The adjusted scores do not replace DCLG's official 2010 English Indices of Deprivation, which are based on 2001 LSOA boundaries. Two sets of scores are provided: for the overall Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) and for the Income Domain. Each file contains a set of adjusted scores, with details of how the adjustments were made. The adjusted scores have also been used to assign 2011 LSOAs to deprivation quintiles/deciles within England as a whole and also within English regions, counties, and local authorities. [Overall Index of Multiple Deprivation (2011 boundaries)]( [The Income Domain (2011 boundaries)](
Published By Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)
Issued about 10 years ago
An estimate of the amount of previously-developed (or brownfield) land in England which may be available for re-development, and also an estimate of the potential number of dwellings that could be provided on this land. Available to Lower Super Outpur Area (LSOA). Download from [DCLG website](
Published By Census Information Scheme
Issued about 10 years ago
Data and figures from the Census Information Scheme briefing on Diversity in London (CIS2013-04).
Published By London Borough of Barnet
Issued about 10 years ago
[Council Quarterly Performance]("Corporate plan and performance") by Priority from the London Borough of Barnet. This dataset records Council Performance against our three Corporate Priorities; Sharing Opportunities and Sharing Responsibilities, Better Services for Less Money, Successful London Suburb. For each priority, it records the performance indicators, targets, previous and current outturn and direction of travel for each quarter. ** The previous outturn used will either be the previous quarter, or the same quarter of the previous year. The same quarter of the previous year will be used for annual indicators, cumulative indicators (where the numbers add up during the year and are reported as ‘year to date’) and if the indicator is affected by seasonal fluctuations. (P) indicates data is provisional.
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has jointly developed with Professor Ray Chambers of the University of Southampton, a new modelling methodology to produce modelled estimates of [unemployment levels and rates]( on the International Labour Organisation (ILO) definition for local authority districts and unitary authorities (LAD/UAs). The unemployed population consists of those people out of work, who are actively looking for work and are available to start immediately. The data are taken from the Annual Population Survey, produced by the Office for National Statistics. The unemployment rate is based on persons aged 16 and over. The methodology is on the ONS [website]( [Regional level data]( can also be found on the ONS website.
Published By Department for Transport
Issued about 10 years ago
Trends of total [number of Private or Light Goods vehicles]( at year end since 1997. Exempt: Disabled' are vehicles exempt from tax providing they are used by disabled people claiming the higher rate of the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance, War Pensioners Mobility Supplement or have an invalid carriage. This is not the same thing as disabled parking badges. PLG: Private or Light Goods vehicle (excludes heavy goods, buses and coaches). Numbers in this spreadsheet do not match those found in the DFT's "Vehicle licensing statistics" due to the DFT including all vehicles in their dataset including those exempt from tax.
Published By Department of Health
Issued about 10 years ago
Persons aged 65 and over immunised against Influenza between October and January. Related links:
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
This report by the GLA Intelligence Unit analyses the birthplaces of mothers born outside the UK. Note: New EU countries listed in the spreadsheet are duplicated in EU total. The figures will sum to the total if New EU is excluded. [Live births (numbers) by birthplace of mother]( and area of usual residence. The report: [Intelligence Update 09-2012 'Births by birthplace of mother: 2010']( Visit the Office for National Statistics pages on [Parents' country of birth, England and Wales.] ( "Parents' country of birth, England and Wales")
Published By Home Office
Issued about 10 years ago
Persons attending a British citizenship ceremony. (P) Provisional figures.(R) Figures have been revised since the first release of this data, for example to include late returns. Relates to adults over 18 years of age only. Ceremony Attended: A ceremony organised by County or Local Authorities for successful applicants over 18 years of age for British citizenship. At the ceremony the applicant takes the Oath or Affirmation of allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen and the Pledge of loyalty to the United Kingdom. Since 1 January 2004 this has been the final stage in the process of attaining British citizenship. Related to:
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
[Table]( of Numbers and proportion of adult population (16+) who speak English at home as their first language, by borough. Data is taken from the third quarter (July-Sep) Labour Force Survey in 2009. Language questions are asked once every three years (2003, 2006, 2009, 2012 etc). The question asked to all people aged 16 and over is What is your first language at home? 95% confidence intervals are provided. Denominator is 16+ population from ONS mid-year estimates. Numbers are rounded to hundred. 2009 Mid-year estimates from ONS are used as the denominator for 2009. Caution: since 2011 census figures were published 2009 figures are considered to be inaccurate. ONS will revise the 2009 estimates in due course. **Note**: The 2011 Census gathered data about language, and that is considered a more accurate source of language data. LFS data is published here for completeness and trend purposes. A spreadsheet for [all UK districts]( is also available.
Published By Department for Education
Issued about 10 years ago
Achievements of young people in GCE and Applied GCE examinations and other equivalent qualifications. Revised data. Age at the start of the academic year i.e. 31 August 2009 for 2009/10. Students entered for a GCE or VCE A level or other Level 3 qualification equivalent in size to an A level. England averages include all schools and FE colleges. A VCE/GCE Applied Double Award at grade AA counts as two grade As, an award at grade AB counts as one. Some figures have been suppressed to protect pupil confidentiality. See statistics on [16 to 19 attainment]( and [A level and other level 3 results 2012 to 2013 (provisional)](
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
[Healthy life expectancy and disability-free life expectancy]( by gender, from birth and age 65. Health life expectancy is defined as the average number of years a person aged 'x' would live in good/fairly good health if he or she experiences the particular area's age-specific mortality and health rates for 2001 throughout their life. Disability-free life expectancy is defined as the average number of years a person aged 'x' would live disability-free (no limiting long-term illness) if he or she experienced the particular area's age-specific mortality and health rates for 2001 throughout their life. The estimates are calculated by combining age and sex specific mortality rates, with age and sex specific rates on general health and limiting long-term illness from the 2001 Census. Links to ONS data sources: Sub-national health expectancies (ONS website): Healthy life expectancy (ONS website):
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
This [Update]( from the GLA Intelligence Unit analyses the ONS mid-2012 population estimates for London boroughs and compares these estimates to the ONS 2011 sub-national population projections (SNPP) and the GLA's 2012 round SHLAA and trend-based population projections. For links to the GLA's full range of demographic projections click [here](/datastore/package/gla-demographic-projections).
Published By Department for Education
Issued about 10 years ago
GCE/VCE/Applied A/AS and Equivalent Examination Results (Level 3) for Young People by Gender in England (Referenced by Location of Student Residence). The figures presented here provide information on the overall achievements of young people in GCE/VCE/Applied A Levels and VCE/Applied Double Awards and Level 3 qualifications equivalent in size to at least one GCE/VCE/Applied A Level in 2007/2008 and who are resident in England. Unlike Key Stage 4, there is no exclusion of pupils recently arrived from overseas from the local and regional averages. The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) points allocated to Level 3 qualifications can be viewed at the National Database of Accredited Qualifications Available to Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA). Information can only be reproduced if the source is fully acknowledged. See more on the [ONS website](
Published By Department of Health
Issued about 10 years ago
Legal abortions: rates by Primary Care Organisation by age. Rates per 1,000 in age group. Age not stated have been distributed pro-rata across age group 20-24. Rates for under 16 are based on populations 13-15. Rates for all ages, under 18 and 35 and over are based on populations 15-44, 15-17 and 35-44 respectively. External links:
Published By Department for Education
Issued about 10 years ago
[Looked after children]( in England for the year ending 31 March. Numbers and rates per 10,000 children aged under 18 years. Figures exclude children looked after under an agreed series of short-term placements. Historical data may differ from older publications. This is mainly due to the implementation of amendments and corrections sent by some local authorities after the publication date of previous materials. Further DFE [children in care performance tables]( are available for local authorities.
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
Employment rates broken down by whether self-employed and whether full or part-time. Data in this set are also broken down by gender. The data are taken from the Annual Population Survey (APS), produced by the Office for National Statistics.
Published By Sport England
Issued about 10 years ago
Percentage of the adult population participating in sports taken from [Sport England's Active People Survey]( The survey provides by far the largest sample size ever established for a sport and recreation survey and allows levels of detailed analysis previously unavailable. It identifies how participation varies from place to place and between different groups in the population. The spreadsheet shows regional data for two measures: * 1+ session a week (at least 4 sessions of at least moderate intensity for at least 30 minutes in the previous 28 days) * 3+ sessions a week (at least 12 sessions of at least moderate intensity for at least 30 minutes in the previous 28 days)
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
Number of civil partnership ceremonies by place of formation. The Civil Partnership Act 2004 came into force on 5 December 2005 in the UK, the first day couples could give notice of their intention to form a civil partnership. The first day that couples could normally form a partnership was 19 December 2005 in Northern Ireland, 20 December 2005 in Scotland and 21 December 2005 in England and Wales (18 civil partnerships were formed under special arrangements before these dates. These are included in the figures. All were in England and Wales). The Act enables same-sex couples aged 16 and over to obtain legal recognition of their relationship. Figures are based on country of formation and not country of residence. These relate only to civil partnerships taking place in the constituent countries of the UK. They do not include civil partnerships of UK residents taking place abroad, but do include non UK residents who form a partnership in the UK. Figures for England and Wales are based on date of formation. Figures for Scotland and Northern Ireland are based on date of registration.
Who owns the empty homes. Each year the Department for Communities and Local Government collects data on the number of empty homes from each local authority in England and from other Government departments and bodies [(HSSA Statistics)]( LA data are reported figures. Regions' totals include estimated values for missing data. Hence summing LA figures would not yield region's figure. LA data are reported figures. # indicates figure not supplied.Regions' totals include estimated values for missing data. Hence summing LA figures would not yield region's figure. England total is sum of all regions' figures with estimates. "-" indicates not applicable or non-derivable.".." indicates not available. Stock information on Registered Social Landlord stock and Private Sector stock have not been collected on 2009's HSSA return to reduce data burdens on local authorities. This information will be published separately in a live table on the CLG website in December or early 2010. Total stock information refers to all stock and as a result the sum of local authority stock and 'other' public stock will not sum to the total stock for any given local authority. Regional totals as supplied by DCLG may differ from individual boroughs due to additional cross-referencing with other bodies such as Government departments and the Housing Corporation.
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
Employment rates broken down by ethnic group. The data are taken from the Annual Population Survey (APS), produced by the Office for National Statistics.
Published By Association of Public Health Observatories
Issued about 10 years ago
[Excess Winter Deaths]( (EWD) by age and conditions (underlying cause of death) expressed as average per year based on 7 years pooled data, 2004-2011. EWD trend expressed as average per year based on 3 years data. The Excess Winter Mortality Index (EWM Index was calculated based on the 'ONS Method' which defines the winter period as December to March, and the non-winter period as August to November of that same year and April to July of the following year. This winter period was selected as they are the months which over the last 50 years have displayed above average monthly mortality. However, if mortality starts to increase prior to this, for example in November, the number of deaths in the non-winter period will increase, which in turn will decrease the estimate of excess winter mortality. The EWM Index will be partly dependent on the proportion of older people in the population as most excess winter deaths effect older people (there is no standardisation in this calculation by age or any other factor). Excess winter mortality is calculated as winter deaths (deaths occurring in December to March) minus the average of non-winter deaths (April to July of the current year and August to November of the previous year). The Excess winter mortality index is calculated as excess winter deaths divided by the average non-winter deaths, expressed as a percentage. Relevant link:
Published By Transport for London (TfL)
Issued about 10 years ago
[Data and technical analysis]( for [London Assembly Transport Committee report]( on bus services in London (October 2013). The technical analysis published in support of the Transport Committee's report on bus services in London includes: \- the number of bus passenger journeys in London compared to rest of England for 2004/5-2012/13; \- annual actual and forecast bus passenger journeys and bus kilometres operated for 1999-2022; \- number of annual bus passenger journeys for each London bus route from 1999/00 to 2012-13; \- population growth and estimated changes in bus demand; \- annual bus passenger journeys and bus subsidy levels for 2007/08-2012/13; \- gross expenditure and passenger kilometeres operated per public transport mode; and \- use of concessionary fare by type on London Underground and bus service.
Published By Experian Marketing Services
Issued about 10 years ago
Modelled scenarios of comparison goods retail floorspace need 2011 to 2036 associated with the Experian/GLA publication: "Consumer Expenditure and Comparison Goods Floorspace Need in London". The data is provided for the main London Plan geographies including sub-regions, Central Activities Zone, Outer/Inner London, boroughs and town centres. It includes the ability to test 5 development scenarios with sensitivity testing for consumer expenditure growth, test year and retail floorspace productivity. Further details of methodology and assumptions are contained in the associated report. Note: The Excel format of this data has a large file size. To reduce download time, use the Zip link. [Excel]( (28MB) [Zip]( (12MB) See more on the [GLA website](
Published By Experian Marketing Services
Issued about 10 years ago
Consumer expenditure data to 2036 broken down by London borough, post code sectors, and industry sectors. **[1 - Aggregated Borough Base**]( **[2 - Aggregated Postal Base Greater London**]( **[3 - Aggregated Regional Base]( ** The Aggregated category contains spending data on the following sectors: • Convenience • Comparison – Bulky • Comparison - Not Bulky • DIY • Gardening • Accommodation Services • Restaurants and Cafes • Takeaway / Snack Spending • On Licence (i.e. Pubs & Wine Bars) • Leisure • Other Goods and Services • Other Spending (Mostly Household related, Health and Education) **[4 - Detailed Borough Base**]( **[5 - Detailed Regional Base**]( The detailed category contains spending data on sectors including: • Food • Non-alcoholic beverages • Alcoholic beverages • Tobacco • Clothing and footwear • Actual rentals for housing • Imputed rentals for housing • Maintenance and repair of the dwelling • Water supply and miscellaneous services relating to the • Electricity, gas & other fuels • Furniture & Textiles • Household Goods and Services • Medical Products • Medical Services • Purchase of vehicles • Operation of personal transport equipment • Transport services • Postal services • Telecommunications Services • Audio-visual • Other major durables for recreation and culture • Other recreational items and equipment More information on [GLA website](