Datasets / First Language Spoken at Home, Borough

First Language Spoken at Home, Borough

Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


[Table]( of Numbers and proportion of adult population (16+) who speak English at home as their first language, by borough. Data is taken from the third quarter (July-Sep) Labour Force Survey in 2009. Language questions are asked once every three years (2003, 2006, 2009, 2012 etc). The question asked to all people aged 16 and over is What is your first language at home? 95% confidence intervals are provided. Denominator is 16+ population from ONS mid-year estimates. Numbers are rounded to hundred. 2009 Mid-year estimates from ONS are used as the denominator for 2009. Caution: since 2011 census figures were published 2009 figures are considered to be inaccurate. ONS will revise the 2009 estimates in due course. **Note**: The 2011 Census gathered data about language, and that is considered a more accurate source of language data. LFS data is published here for completeness and trend purposes. A spreadsheet for [all UK districts]( is also available.