Published By Department of Health
Issued about 10 years ago
Range of modelled indicators of health lifestyle choices. These estimates must be used with caution. They will almost certainly not mirror precisely any available measures from local studies or surveys (although research by NatCen and others have shown that they tend to be related). 1) Current smoking among adults (aged 16 or over). Current smokers were defined in the HSfE if the respondent reported that they were a 'current cigarette smoker'. 2) Binge drinking for adults (aged 16 or over). Adult respondents to the HSfE were defined to be binge drinkers if they reported that in the last week they had drunk 8 or more units of alcohol if they were a man, or 6 or more units of alcohol if they were a woman, on any one day or more. 3) Obesity among adults (aged 16 or over). Adult respondents to the HSfE were defined to be obese if they were recorded as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above. 4) Consumption of 5 or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day among adults (aged 16 or over). They had reported that they had consumed 5 or more portions of fruit and vegetables on the previous day Modelled data for Obesity, Binge drinking, Smoking and Fruit and Vegetable consumption is available for MSOAs from the [HNA website]( "Health Needs Assessment Toolkit"). Modelled sports participation data for LSOAs is also available from the same site. Neighbourhood Statistics are also available from the Office for National Statistics [here.]("Neighbourhood Statistics")
Published By Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Issued about 10 years ago
[Table]( shows the proportion of collected household waste which is recycled or composted. Figures for 2004/5 were taken from the London Councils organisation as the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) do not list complete LA level statistics for this year. From 1998/99 to 2003/04 estimates for household waste recycling (including composting) rates are based on data supplied to the annual DEFRA Municipal Waste Management Survey. From 1998/99 to 2001/02 figures revised since previous publication. Recycling/composting rates for 1998-99 were first published in Annex A of "Guidance in Municipal Waste Management Strategies" published by DEFRA in March 2001 and 1999/00 rates in Annex B of the consultation paper on "Distribution of the £140 Million Waste Minimisation and Recycling Fund", available from The recycling rate is calculated as set out below. For Waste Collection Authorities (WCA) and Unitary Authorities (UA): X/Y x 100, where: X = Tonnage of household waste collected by the WCA or UA which is sent for recycling/composting (including private/voluntary collections of household waste for recycling) Y = Total tonnage of household waste collected by the WCA or UA (including private/voluntary collections of household waste for recycling) For Waste Disposal Authorities (WDA): X/Y x 100, where: X = Tonnage of household waste collected by the WDA which is sent for recycling plus tonnage of household waste which is sent for recycling by the constituent WCAs (including private/voluntary collections of household waste for recycling) Y = Total tonnage of household waste collected at Civic Amenity sites by the WDA plus total tonnage of household waste collected by constituent WCAs (including private/voluntary collections of household waste for recycling) Annual Results for Local authority collected waste management published by are available [here]("Annual Results for Local authority collected waste management"). For more Local Authority Waste and Recycling Information visit the [WRAP Portal]( The site is accessible to the public but does require registration on the first visit.
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
[Statistics]( of how many adults access the internet and use different types of technology covering: home internet access how people connect to the web how often people use the web/computers whether people use mobile devices whether people buy goods over the web whether people carried out specified activities over the internet For more information see the [ONS website]( and the [UKDS website](
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
**Excel [Age-Range creator]( for 2001 and 2011 Census population figures**. ![2011 Census custom age tool]( This Excel-based tool enables users to query the single year of age raw data so that any age range can easily be calculated without having to carry out often complex, and time consuming formulas that could also be open to human error. Simply select the lower and upper age range for both males and females and the spreadsheet will return the total population for the range. This file uses the single year of age data from the 2011 Census released on 24 September 2012, which was available for all Local Authorities. The ward data is currently modelled data for sex, based on single year of age data from Table qs103ew. The final data will be inserted into the tool when it is released in summer 2013. Also included are the 2001 Census figures for comparison. This tool was created by the GLA Intelligence Unit. A seperate **[Custom Age-Range Tool for Census 2011 Workday population]( **is available.** **This is for local authorities and higher geographies only.** ** [Download from ONS website](
Published By Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (DBIS)
Issued about 10 years ago
Estimates of road transport consumption statistics for fuels used in road transport. (1) Personal travel includes buses, diesel cars, petrol cars and motorcycles. (2) Freight includes HGV, diesel LGV and petrol LGV. The UK total excludes motorcycles in Northern Ireland. There were major revisions to this data due to improvements in methodology, for more details please see the [General Guidance Note]( 2002-04 are experimental statistics. Later years are National Statistics. Therefore data created using differing methodologies should not be directly compared. Data for Middle Super Output Areas (MSOA) available. See more on [Sub-national road transport data]( or [Road transport energy consumption at regional and local authority level](
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
[Data]( on enterprise births, deaths, active enterprises and survival rates across boroughs. Data includes: 1) the most recent annual figures for enterprise births and deaths. Births and deaths are identified by comparing active populations of enterprises for different years 2) time series of the number of births and deaths of entrprises together with a percentage of births and deaths to active enterprises in a given year 3) a time series of the number of active enterprises. Active enterprises are businesses that had either turnover or employment at any time during the reference period. 4) survival rates of enterprises for up to 5 years after birth Using the most recent data, a chart showing the trend of the percentage of businesses that survive a year is shown below. ![1 year survival]( Data on size of firms (micro-business, SME, large) for business and employees in London by industry can be found on the [ONS website]( More Business Demographics data on the [ONS website](
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
Numbers of people who work in an area by gender, and whether an employee or self-employed. This [data]( shows the number of jobs, not the number of people. People with more than one job are counted more than once. Figures may not add up due to rounding. Figures are rounded to the nearest thousand. Percentages are rounded to one decimal place and were calculated on unrounded figures. Employees - An employee is anyone aged 16 years or over that an organisation directly pays from its payroll(s), in return for carrying out a full-time or part-time job or being on a training scheme. It excludes voluntary workers, self-employed and working owners who are not paid via PAYE People who are self-employed in a second job are included in the self-employed totals. Self-employment data is taken from the Annual Population Survey, and is by place of work. The micro data is available from the UK Data Archive. The male/female split for employee jobs was taken from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings data from These proportions were then applied to the BRES employee totals since the ASHE is a not a reliable source for total employee jobs. See more on the [BRES website](
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
Number and percentage of dwellings by tenure, and type of dwelling, including condition. Download data from [NeSS Website](
Published By Department of Energy and Climate Change
Issued about 10 years ago
Estimates of consumption of non gas, non electricity and non road transport fuels. (1) Includes consumption within industry and the energy sectors including oil refineries. (2) Excludes the consumption of propane. (3) Includes some coal consumption by auto-generators. (4) Excludes renewables and wastes used for electricity generation. (5) The figures in this dataset do not equal those in the AEA report 'UK Local and Regional estimates of non-gas, non-electricity and non-road transport energy consumption for 2005. This is because data have been revised. See more on the [DECC website](
Published By Department of Health
Issued about 10 years ago
Series of maternity related indicators underlying the [myhealthlondon website]( All [34 indicators are provided in a single Excel spreadsheet]( and complete [metadata]( is also available for download.
Published By Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Issued about 10 years ago
Number of recorded fly-tipping incidents by action and prosecutions taken.
Published By Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)
Issued about 10 years ago
Numbers and proportions of empty homes. Available at LSOA and MSOA level. The figures presented here provide a snapshot of vacant dwellings in England at 31st March. The data provide information on vacant dwellings, by period vacant and second homes, and were produced from Local Authority (LA) Council Tax systems. Vacant Dwelling – a dwelling that has either a Council Tax discount or a Council Tax exemption applied to it. External links:
Published By Department of Energy and Climate Change
Issued about 10 years ago
Gas consumption - Sales by sector. Numbers broken down into: domestic consumers, commercial and industrial consumers, all consumers and sales per consumer. Power station usage is not included. Data for Middle Super Output Areas (MSOA) [available]( Estimates of gas consumption at local authority levels using data at meter-point level from the re-structured gas distribution network. The methodology for collecting the data changed in 2004. The older series are based on the National Grid's postcode sales. Domestic includes customers with an annual consumption of 73,200 kWh or lower which will include some small industrial and commercial consumers. See more on the [DECC website](
Published By Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Issued about 10 years ago
This [data]( shows levels of volunteering among the adult population (16+) by borough and region. The exact question posed to repondents was: 'During the last 12 months, have you done any voluntary work?' Data is from the Taking Part survey only available under licence from DCMS. Taking Part survey has a Official Statistics seal from ONS The data shows combined scores from 3 years of the survey, excluding 2009/10 when there was no volunteering question in the survey. The combined result was calculated by totalling all valid responses across these three years. The figure for the City of London is based on a small number of surveys and therefore cannot be disclosed
Published By Department of Energy and Climate Change
Issued about 10 years ago
Electricity consumption by sector. Data for Middle Super Output Areas (MSOA) also available. Department for Environment and Climate Change are carrying out further analysis of the consistency between the 2008 sub-national data and the 2008 data published at UK level in the Digest of UK energy statistics; at this stage we recommend that users consider that these data are provisional. Read DECCs quarterly publication 'Energy Trends' for further information. Data on [DECC website](
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
This [table]( shows whether people aged 16 or over have ever used or never used the internet by a range of variables such as age, ethnicity, pay, occupation, qualifications, and disability. The question asked in the Labour Force Survey is "When did you last use the internet?" This question is only asked to people aged 16 and over. The first time this data was available was 2011 Q1. At borough level the data showed ever used or never used. For London and Rest of UK the data is broken down by a range of indicators, including 5 year age group, 9 ethnic groups, 8 weekly pay categories, 9 occupation levels, 7 qualification levels, and 3 disability categories. The APS sampled around 333,000 people in the UK (around 27,000 in London). As such all figures must be treated with some caution. Data was supplied directly by ONS under request from the Greater London Authority. Numbers rounded to the nearest thousand. Other Internet Access data can be found on the [ONS website]( This is national data based on the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey.
Published By Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)
Issued about 10 years ago
[Amount charged weekly by Local Authorities for social housing]( Rents data are based on the financial year. Stock figures used to estimate the average for each county, region and the nation are taken at 1st April of the following financial year. Average rents data between 2003/04 and 2007/08 inclusively is based on total stock figures from Housing Revenue Account (HRA) audited base claim form. Before 2003/04 the average rents data is based on total stock figures from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) second subsidy claim form. Rents data for 2008/09 are based on total stock figures as at the beginning of the financial year. This data is taken from the HRA subsidy base data form. Average rent data for this year are provisional and will be updated when stock data at the start of the following financial year become available. For a few authorities no rent figure is given because the stock is now very small and the authority no longer reports average rents. For some local authorities the average rent for 2003/04 is lower than in 2002/03. This may be due to some local authorities supplying net rents excluding service charges from 2003/04 onwards. Prior to 2003/04 some of them may have been including service charges in their rent figures. Average rent figures do not account for stock composition. 'LSVT': all or most of the local authority stock has been transferred to the RSL sector, so the average rent is no longer applicable. LSVTs are not taken into account when calculating county, regional or national averages. MYT (Mid-Year Transfer) refers to those authorities that have transferred their stock in full, part way through the financial year. Where a local authority has transferred part of it's stock mid-year, the stock figure used to estimate averages is taken as at 1st April the following financial year. MYT information is provided from 2003/04 onwards only. Prior to 2003/04 average rents figures may be based on stock figures at the start of the financial year prior to any mid-year transfer. The districts, unitary authorities and counties listed above are based on 1 April 1998 boundaries. Figures for any 'new' re-organised areas have been estimated retrospectively applying the new boundaries back to 1996. Average rents data for 2003/04 and onwards are based on a standardised 52 week collection. Data prior to 2003/04 may have been reported on various different collection scales. Average rent is calculated from stock-owning local authorities that have provided data. View Live Tables on Rents and Tenancies on [DCLG website](
Published By Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)
Issued about 10 years ago
Amount charged by Registered Social Landlord (Private Registered Provider (PRP)) [Average Weekly Rents]( for social housing. Data is collected by the Housing Corporation via the annual Regulatory and Statistical Return (RSR) based on general needs stock only. Figures are based on only the larger Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) completing the long form. Upto 2006 the threshold for completing the long form was that the RSL owned/ managed at least 250 units/bedspaces. From 2007 this increased to 1,000 units/bedspaces. The districts, unitary authorities and counties listed above are based on 1 April 1998 boundaries. Figures for any 'new' re-organised areas have been estimated retrospectively applying the new boundaries back to 1997 and making appropriate assumptions. Note that the average RSL rents within a local authority area can move down from one year to the next. This is especially true if, during the latest year, most of the LA stock has been transferred through a large-scale voluntary transfer to the RSL sector.
Published By Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)
Issued about 10 years ago
[Dwellings on the valuation list](, by council tax band and ward. The Valuation list is held by the Valuation Office Agency of HMRC. The number of dwellings in each band taken at the end of March. Based on property values at 1 April 1991, homes are allocated to one of eight bands in England: the lowest - band A - is for homes worth less than £40,000, and the highest - band H - is for those worth more than £320,000. Data for each band down to Output Area level is available from Neighbourhood Statistics. The ward data was aggregated using Lower Super Output Area data. See more on the [DCLG website](
Published By Office for Rail Regulation
Issued about 10 years ago
**National rail statistics ** [Station usage figures ]( derived from ticket sales data recorded in rail industry systems. Eurostar and Heathrow Express are not included in rail industry systems. Travel using Oyster pay-as-you-go has been included from January 2010. Previously, Oyster pay-as-you-go journeys were not included in Station Usage figures. Station usage data is collated by [Delta Rail]( and consists of estimates of the total numbers of people entering, exiting and interchanging at stations. A link to station entry/exit data for the London underground can be found on this [page](/datastore/package/london-underground-performance-reports) Relevant link:
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
[Detailed Country of birth](, by borough from the 2011 Census. Most detailed country of birth (274 countries), by borough. Data taken from 2011 Census Commissioned table CT0048 (ONS). Source: 2011 Census (27 March). File contains two tables of the same data with boroughs arranged down the side and along the top. [Visualise the data in this Instant Atlas report.]( [![](](
Published By Department of Health
Issued about 10 years ago
[The spreadsheet ]( regional level obesity trend data from the the HSE, BMI data from Understanding Society, and adjusted prevalence of underweight, healthy weight, overweight, and obesity by local authority from the Active People Survey. Understanding Society data shows the percentage of the population aged 10 and over by their Body Mass Index Classification, covering underweight, normal weight, overweight, and three classes of obesity. Questions on self-reported height and weight were added to the Sport England Active People Survey (APS) in January 2012 to provide data for monitoring excess weight (overweight including obesity, BMI ≥25kg/m2) in adults (age 16 and over) at local authority level for the Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF). Health Survey for England (HSE) results at a national level are available on the [NHS Information Centre website]( [Other NHS indicators]( on obesity are available for Strategic Health Authorities (SHA). Relevant links:
Published By Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)
Issued about 10 years ago
Number of Registered Social Landlord dwellings. Note: from 2002 the figures in this table are not comparable to those in the main dwelling stock table because the stock figures from 2002 in this table include social rent bedspaces as well as social rent self-contained units; the main dwelling stock tables are based on self-contained units only. Data based on data collected by the Housing Corporation via the annual Regulatory and Statistical Return (RSR) and presents stock for general needs social housing rental stock and for supported housing and/or housing for older people housing stock. Note that stock figures from 1997 to 2001 are based on counts of self-contained units only. From 2002 the stock figures include self-contained units and bedspaces. From 2005 there was some general needs stock was reclassified as supported stock. This may have resulted in some of the older person stock being counted as bed spaces rather than self contained units. The districts, unitary authorities and counties listed above are based on 1 April 1998 boundaries. Figures for any "new" re-organised areas have been estimated retrospectively applying the new boundaries back to 1997, making appropriate assumptions for any county re-organisation which involved cutting across districts. Numbers can increase dramatically from one year to another as a result of Large Scale Voluntary Transfers from local authority stock. Decreases are usually the result of sales or demolitions. Data on dwelling stock from [DCLG website](
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
[Life expectancy at birth]( and age 65 by sex and ward, London borough, region, 1999/03 - 2008/12. The population data used is revised 2002-2010 ONS mid year estimates (MYE) - revised post 2011 Census. Revised population estimates by single year of age for wards can also be found on the ONS website for [2002-2010](, [2011](, and [2012]( These figures are consistent with the published revised mid-2002 to mid-2010 local authority estimates. Rolling 5-year combined life expectancies are used for wards to reduce the effects of the variability in number of deaths in each year. The same method is applied to higher geographies to enable meaningful comparisons. If the GLA publish revised 2002-2010 population data for wards then these life expectancy figures will also be revised to reflect them. The ONS vital statistics mortality data breaks deaths into 10 year age bands. 5 year age band deaths were modelled using this data. Vital Statistics: Population and Health Reference Tables are available on the ONS website [here]( "Vital Statistics: Population and Health Reference Tables"). The tool for calculating life expectancy is available from [Public Health England]( ). The highest age band in the calculator is currently 85+. If the tool is updated with a higher upper age band (ie 90+), this data will be revised to reflect this change. Healthy life expectancy and disability-free life expectancy (1999-2003) at birth have been calculated for wards in England and Wales. These can be found on the [ONS website]( This data is also presented in the GLA [ward profiles](/datastore/package/ward-profiles-and-atlas).
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
The [spreadsheet]( shows numbers and percentages of people in work aged 16-74 who travel to work by bicycle for all wards in London, from 2001 and 2011 Census. Included percentage point change, and rankings. ![]( Top 10 Wards in 2011: **Rank**, **Ward name**, **Borough name**, **% travel by bicycle, 2011** 1 Queensbridge, Hackney, 19.1 2 Clissold, Hackney, 18.9 3, Stoke Newington Central, Hackney, 18.8 4 Dalston, Hackney, 18.3, 5, Hackney Downs, Hackney, 17.7 6, Hackney Central, Hackney, 16.9 7, Leabridge, Hackney, 15.9 8, Victoria, Hackney, 15.8 9, Chatham, Hackney, 14.8 10, Wick, Hackney, 14.6 TFL have produced a report titled '[How has cycling grown in London and how will it grow in future?]('