
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


This report is about a general biological inventory done in June and July 1985. A threeperson field crew completed a general biological inventory of the Eek Rivet basin on the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge YDNWR. The crew used a power boat and inflatable rafts to traverse the river during 28 days of field work. The primary subjects of this inventory were birds and plants; although the crew sampled occasionally for fish and small mammals. This inventory was part of a larger general inventory project currently being initiated at the YDNWR.

Published By Department of Veterans Affairs

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The Geographic Distribution of VA Expenditures (GDX) is an annual report that shows estimated VA expenditures for major programmatic areas by geographic area (state, county, and congressional district). The major programmatic areas are: Compensation and Pension; Readjustment (Education) and Vocational Rehabilitation; Insurance; Construction; and, Medical and Administrative.

Published By Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Database depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data. The primary risk classifications used are the 1-percent-annual-chance flood event, the 0.2-percent-annual-chance flood event, and areas of minimal flood risk. The DFIRM Database is derived from Flood Insurance Studies (FISs), previously published Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), flood hazard analyses performed in support of the FISs and FIRMs, and new mapping data, where available. The FISs and FIRMs are published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The file is georeferenced to earth's surface using the State Plane projection and coordinate system. The specifications for the horizontal control of DFIRM data files are consistent with those required for mapping at a scale of 1:12,000.

Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a set of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The data contain records of defendants in criminal cases terminated in United States District Court during fiscal year 2003. The data were constructed from the Administrative Office of the United States District Courts' (AOUSC) criminal file. Defendants i

Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


NASA Space Science missions require energy systems with high energy density with power levels up to several kW. Advances in mission electronics technology have resulted in smaller, lighter components yet power and energy requirements are increasing. RBC Technologies proposes to work with Moltech Power Systems to develop a novel electrochemical system, silver metal-hydride. This cathode/anode combination offers potential for very high energy with high specific power. Working prototype cells will be prepared in the Phase I effort. The ultimate program goal will be to demonstrate a sealed cylindrical cell that can achieve 140 Wh/kg and 1800 W/kg. Innovation will be required to develop separator materials that can simultaneously meet the electrochemical requirements of silver cathode and metal hydride anode. Full-scale battery development including shock and vibration hardening appropriate to the application would take place in Phase II, if awarded.

Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) is building high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) for select U.S. coastal regions. These integrated bathymetric-topographic DEMs are used to support tsunami forecasting and warning efforts at the NOAA Center for Tsunami Research, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL). The DEMs are part of the tsunami forecast system SIFT (Short-term Inundation Forecasting for Tsunamis) currently being developed by PMEL for the NOAA Tsunami Warning Centers, and are used in the MOST (Method of Splitting Tsunami) model developed by PMEL to simulate tsunami generation, propagation, and inundation. Bathymetric, topographic, and shoreline data used in DEM compilation are obtained from various sources, including NGDC, the U.S. National Ocean Service (NOS), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and other federal, state, and local government agencies, academic institutions, and private companies. DEMs are referenced to the vertical tidal datum of Mean High Water (MHW) and horizontal datum of World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84). Cell size for the DEMs ranges from 1/3 arc-second (~10 meters) to 3 arc-seconds (~90 meters).

Published By Department of Veterans Affairs

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


One VA Enterprise Technology Strategic Plan (ETSP)

Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


MODIS (or Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) is a key instrument aboard the Terra (EOS AM) and Aqua (EOS PM) satellites. Terra's orbit around the Earth is timed so that it passes from north to south across the equator in the morning, while Aqua passes south to north over the equator in the afternoon. Terra MODIS and Aqua MODIS are viewing the entire Earth's surface every 1 to 2 days, acquiring data in 36 spectral bands, or groups of wavelengths (see MODIS Technical Specifications). These data will improve our understanding of global dynamics and processes occurring on the land, in the oceans, and in the lower atmosphere. MODIS is playing a vital role in the development of validated, global, interactive Earth system models able to predict global change accurately enough to assist policy makers in making sound decisions concerning the protection of our environment.


Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


Zooplankton, physical, and other data were collected using CTD, bottle, net, and tide gauge casts from CHELAN in the Bering Sea. Data were collected from 18 July 1934 to 25 August 1934 by Scripps Institution of Oceanography with support from Global Ocean Data Archaeology and Rescue project (GODAR).

Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has the statutory mandate to collect hydrographic data in support of nautical chart compilation for safe navigation and to provide background data for engineers, scientific, and other commercial and industrial activities. Hydrographic survey data primarily consist of water depths, but may also include features (e.g. rocks, wrecks), navigation aids, shoreline identification, and bottom type information. NOAA is responsible for archiving and distributing the source data as described in this metadata record.

Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


A series of memos and correspondences concerning the capture of a bear in Cleveland, MS and release on Dahomey NWR along with graduate research on bears from Mississippi State University, Department of Widlife and Fisheries, and the request of the Service for consideration of the reintroduction of bears to the Dahomey NWR via the release of a female bear from Arkansas on the refuge and input from MDWFP. Data from radiotagged bear released on the refuge is also presented.

Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


NODC Accession 0112209 includes biological, chemical, discrete sample, physical and profile data collected from KEIFU MARU in the North Pacific Ocean and Philippine Sea from 2003-10-28 to 2003-11-17 and retrieved during cruise PACIFICA_49FA20031028. These data include ALKALINITY, AMMONIUM, CHLOROFLUOROCARBON-11 (CFC-11), CHLOROFLUOROCARBON-12 (CFC-12), CHLOROPHYLL A, DELTA CARBON-13, DISSOLVED INORGANIC CARBON, DISSOLVED ORGANIC CARBON, DISSOLVED OXYGEN, HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE, NITRATE, NITRATE + NITRITE CONTENT (CONCENTRATION), NITRITE, PHAEOPHYTIN, PHOSPHATE, Potential temperature (theta), SALINITY, SIGMA-THETA, SILICATE, TOTAL PHOSPHORUS, WATER TEMPERATURE and pH. The instruments used to collect these data include CTD, Coulometer for DIC measurement and bottle. These data were collected by Keizo Shutta of Japan Meteorological Agency and Masao Ishii of Meteorological Research Institute; Geochemical Research Department as part of the PACIFICA_49FA20031028 data set. PACIFICA (PACIFic ocean Interior CArbon) was an international collaborative project for the data synthesis of ocean interior carbon and its related parameters in the Pacific Ocean. The North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), Section of Carbon and Climate (S-CC) supported the project.

Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


MODIS (or Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) is a key instrument aboard the Terra (EOS AM) and Aqua (EOS PM) satellites. Terra's orbit around the Earth is timed so that it passes from north to south across the equator in the morning, while Aqua passes south to north over the equator in the afternoon. Terra MODIS and Aqua MODIS are viewing the entire Earth's surface every 1 to 2 days, acquiring data in 36 spectral bands, or groups of wavelengths (see MODIS Technical Specifications). These data will improve our understanding of global dynamics and processes occurring on the land, in the oceans, and in the lower atmosphere. MODIS is playing a vital role in the development of validated, global, interactive Earth system models able to predict global change accurately enough to assist policy makers in making sound decisions concerning the protection of our environment.

Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


CALIPSO Infrared Imaging Radiometer emissivity and cloud particle

Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded

Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


Onemetersquare 1 meter x 1 meter benthic substrate at Lisianski Island, site P9 26.077 N, 173.964 W, between 27 and 28 meters along a permanent transect.

Published By Federal Laboratory Consortium

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a set of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


Description: In order to enable studies of a range of indoor air quality and ventilation issues, EL maintains a highly instrumented three-bedroom test house. Previous research in this test house has focused on residential ventilation strategies and their energy impacts, release of nanoparticles from a range of residential activities, and the performance of filtration systems. Specifications / Capabilities: The test house is a double-wide manufactured home built to the HUD standard that applies nationwide to manufactured homes. It has three bedrooms, two baths, a kitchen, and a family, dining and living area. The house has a floor area of 140 m 2 and a volume of 340 m 3 .The exterior construction consists of insulated wood-frame walls, with exterior vinyl siding and an interior finish of vinyl covered drywall without taped and textured joints, as well as a vapor retarder in the walls, ceiling and floor. The house's heating, ventilating and air-conditioning system consists of a 22 kW gas furnace, a 15 kW air conditioner, and a forced air re-circulation fan with a design airflow rate of 470 L/s. In addition there are whole house, kitchen, and two bathroom exhaust fans in the house. There are several options for ventilating the house. One option is simply to rely on envelope infiltration driven by the wind and indoor-outdoor temperature differences, as is done in most single-family dwellings. Infiltration may be supplemented by periodic operation of local exhaust fans in the bathrooms and kitchen. The house can also be ventilated through an outdoor air intake duct on the return of the forced air fan, which draws in outdoor air whenever the fan is operating. This fan can operate either continuously or by thermostat control. In addition, the whole house exhaust fan can be operated with or without passive window vents open.

Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has the statutory mandate to collect hydrographic data in support of nautical chart compilation for safe navigation and to provide background data for engineers, scientific, and other commercial and industrial activities. Hydrographic survey data primarily consist of water depths, but may also include features (e.g. rocks, wrecks), navigation aids, shoreline identification, and bottom type information. NOAA is responsible for archiving and distributing the source data as described in this metadata record.

Published By Department of Transportation

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The Airline Origin and Destination Survey (DB1B) is a 10% sample of airline tickets from reporting carriers collected by the Office of Airline Information of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Data includes origin, destination and other itinerary details of passengers transported. This database is used to determine air traffic patterns, air carrier market shares and passenger flows.

Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


ABSTRACT: A comprehensive global database has been assembled to quantify CO2 fluxes and pathways across different levels of integration (from photosynthesis up to net ecosystem production) in forest ecosystems. The database fills an important gap for model calibration, model validation, and hypothesis testing at global and regional scales. The database archive includes: a Microsoft Office Access Database; data files for all tables in the database; query outputs from the database; and SQL script file for re-creating the database from the tables. The database is structured by site (i.e., a forest or stand of known geographical location, biome, species composition, and management regime). It contains carbon budget variables (fluxes and stocks), ecosystem traits (standing biomass, leaf area index, age), and ancillary information (management regime, climate, soil characteristics) for 529 sites from eight forest biomes. Data entries originated from peer-reviewed literature and personal communications with researchers involved in Fluxnet. Flux estimates were included in the database when they were based on direct measurements (e.g., tower-based eddy covariance system measurements), derived from single or multiple direct measurements, or modeled. Stand description was based on observed values, and climatic description was based on the CRU data set and ORCHIDEE model output. Uncertainty for each carbon balance component in the database was estimated in a uniformed way by expert judgment. Robustness of CO2 balances was tested, and closure terms were introduced as a numerical way to approach data quality and flux uncertainty at the biome level.

Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded



Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


IKONOS imagery was purchased to support the Pacific Islands Geographic Information System (GIS) project and the National Ocean Service's (NOS) coral mapping activities. One-meter panchromatic and four-meter multi-spectral data were purchased for each study area. A digital vector shoreline was manually digitized from the one-meter panchromatic imagery to provide accurate, up-to-date shoreline data.

Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded