First year UK domiciled HE students by qualification aim, mode of study, gender and disability 2006/07
Published By Higher Education Statistics Agency
Issued about 10 years ago
Higher Education Statistics Agency - student and qualifiers Disability Data Tables 2006/2007
First year UK domiciled HE students by qualification aim, mode of study, gender and disability 2007/08
Published By Higher Education Statistics Agency
Issued about 10 years ago
Higher Education Statistics Agency - student and qualifiers Disability Data Tables 2007/2008.
First year UK domiciled HE students by qualification aim, mode of study, gender and ethnicity 2006/07
Published By Higher Education Statistics Agency
Issued about 10 years ago
Higher Education Statistics Agency - student and qualifiers Ethnicity Data Tables 2006/2007.
HE qualifications obtained in the UK by level, mode of study, domicile, gender, class of first degree and subject area 2007/08
Published By Higher Education Statistics Agency
Issued about 10 years ago
Higher Education Statistics Agency - student and qualifiers Qualifications obtained Data Tables 2007/2008.
First year UK domiciled HE students by qualification aim, mode of study, gender and ethnicity 2007/08
Published By Higher Education Statistics Agency
Issued about 10 years ago
Higher Education Statistics Agency - student and qualifiers Ethnicity Data Tables 2007/2008.
HE qualifications obtained in the UK by level, mode of study, domicile, gender, class of first degree and subject area 2006/07
Published By Higher Education Statistics Agency
Issued about 10 years ago
Higher Education Statistics Agency - student and qualifiers Qualifications obtained Data Tables 2006/2007.
Published By Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership
Issued about 10 years ago
Data from the UK IBD audit requires careful interpretation and the information should not be looked at in isolation when assessing standards of care. The results should be interpreted within the context of the fact that many sites entered a relatively small number of cases to the audit and therefore all percentages should be viewed alongside the actual number of cases submitted. As a reflection of this a very small number of events can change percentages quite dramatically and hence caution is advised. Data relating to round 3 of the UK IBD audit (2010-2012) organisational and inpatient care audit elements are being made available, data for adult and paediatric sites is provided separately. The organisational audit data provided gives an indication of how an IBD service is resourced and organised in relation to the IBD Standards, they are not a definition of clinical quality. The inpatient care audit data provided gives information about the process of care provided to IBD inpatients. These data items were identified by the UK IBD audit steering group as reflecting the questions from the round 3 inpatient care dataset of particular importance to IBD patients. These data do not include any data about individual patients nor does it contain any patient identifiable data. The remit of the UK IBD audit covers the whole of the UK, however data here are provided at ‘site’ level for all participating sites, in England only. The term ‘site’ refers to an IBD Service that may be run across one or more hospitals within an NHS organisation, therefore an NHS Trust in England can comprise of one or more sites. Inpatient care audit data included patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease that were admitted to a site between 1 September 2010 and 31 August 2012, organisational audit data related to the organisation ‘as at 1st September 2010’
Published By Ministry of Defence
Issued about 10 years ago
This is a monthly publication containing requirements, strengths, intake and outflow from the UK Armed Forces by Service. Voluntary Outflow information by Service is also shown. Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: UKAFMMS
Published By Wiltshire Council
Issued about 10 years ago
Details of payments to suppliers over £500.
Published By Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Issued about 10 years ago
Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in Civil Service departments, their agencies and their executive NDPBs. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll (contingent labour, including consultants) information is provided, split between full-time equivalents (FTE) and headcount, with payroll staff numbers mapped to standard Civil Service grades. For costs, payroll paybill information is broken down into its component parts i.e. salaries, allowances, employers pensions contributions etc. For non-payroll costs, these are split between costs for consultancy and those of other non-payroll workers. Staffing numbers are as at the last day of the month for the reference month. Cost information is that for the reference month. For baseline 2010/11 returns, staffing numbers are as at 31 March 2011, and paybill costs are for the financial year 2010/11.
Published By Department of Health
Issued about 10 years ago
Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in the Department of Health, its agencies and its executive NDPBs. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll (contingent labour, including consultants) information is provided, showing both full-time equivalents (FTE) and headcount, by Civil Service grade. For costs, payroll paybill information is broken down into its component parts i.e. salaries, allowances, employers pensions contributions etc. For non-payroll costs, these are split between costs for consultancy and those of other non-payroll workers. Staffing numbers are as at the last day of the month for the reference month. Cost information is that for the reference month. For baseline 2010/11 returns, staffing numbers are as at 31 March 2011, and paybill costs are for the financial year 2010/11
Published By Ministry of Justice
Issued about 10 years ago
Annual publication reporting statistics including demographics, remand episodes and behaviour management of young offenders. Source agency: Justice Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Youth Justice Statistics
Published By Food Standards Agency
Issued about 10 years ago
A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by the Food Standards Agency, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure. The transactions listed below are for the financial year 2013/2014.
Published By NHS Rotherham CCG
Issued about 10 years ago
uk nhs-Rotherhamccg expenditure-over-25k apr-2014
Published By London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Issued about 10 years ago
Sites have been allocated as part of the planning process to make sure Tower Hamlets has the infrastructure needed to support the anticipated level of growth set out in the Core Strategy, specifically for the strategic housing sites and key regeneration sites. For a summary of the site allocations, please Tower Hamlets Managing Development Document for further information.
Published By London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Issued about 10 years ago
Through its transport policy Tower Hamlets Council is attempting to create a cleaner, greener and more attractive borough, where it is safe and easy to travel and where the environment is protected for future generations. Tackling increasing traffic by controlling street parking and promoting other forms of transports such as public transport, cycling and walking is just one of the many ways in which the council is trying to achieve its goal. The council has also identified a number of key themes it needs to achieve in order to provide residents and visitors to the borough with a climate friendly transport system.
Published By London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Issued about 10 years ago
A controlled parking weekend zone, often referred to as a CPZ, is an area where the council have introduced restrictions on parking during certain times. These restrictions only apply to public roads. Other restrictions apply to private land and streets such as council estates.
Published By London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Issued about 10 years ago
A controlled parking zone, often referred to as a CPZ, is an area where the council have introduced restrictions on parking during certain times. These restrictions only apply to public roads. Other restrictions apply to private land and streets such as council estates. The borough currently has four main controlled parking zones (with mini zones within these): Zone A (Bethnal Green area – six mini-zones), Zone B (Bow and Poplar area - three mini-zones), Zone C (Stepney and Wapping area – four mini-zones) and Zone D (Isle of Dogs area – two mini-zones).
Published By London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Issued about 10 years ago
Tower Hamlets has a number of air quality monitoring stations around the borough that monitor the levels of certain pollutants. Our stations measure the levels of nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter.
Published By UK Commission for Employment and Skills
Issued about 10 years ago
Working Futures is a labour market model that provides detailed projections of UK employment by occupation and industry. The latest set of projections relate to the period 2010 to 2020. The data is accessible at:
Published By London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Issued about 10 years ago
A controlled parking zone, often referred to as a CPZ, is an area where the council have introduced restrictions on parking during certain times. These restrictions only apply to public roads. Other restrictions apply to private land and streets such as council estates. The borough currently has four main controlled parking zones.
Published By Skills Funding Agency
Issued about 10 years ago
Formal First Steps education and training data in England. The data shows participation by learner demographics and subject area. Formal First Steps (FFS) is a short episode of learning designed to build a learner’s confidence and support progression into longer formal learning.
Published By Ministry of Defence
Issued about 10 years ago
Firing Programme for Air Defence Range Manorbier
Published By Audit Commission
Issued about 10 years ago
The Audit Commission’s Board and management team are fully committed to the Government's transparency agenda. In support of this we are pleased to publish data about all of our expense claims over £500 throughout the 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13 financial years.
Published By Audit Commission
Issued about 10 years ago
The Audit Commission’s Board and management team are fully committed to the Government's transparency agenda. In support of this we are pleased to publish data about all the payments we make to suppliers over £500 throughout the 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13 financial years.