Published By Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Issued about 10 years ago
A monthly updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by ICHNT, as part of the Government’s commitment to transparency in expenditure.
Published By Welsh Government
Issued about 10 years ago
A report which includes data on the number of people walking and cycling to school and work. Source agency: Welsh Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Active travel in Wales
Published By NHS Lincolnshire West CCG
Issued about 10 years ago
As part of the governments commitment to improve the transparency of how public funds are used, we are required to publish details of all indiviudal invoices, grant payments, expense payments or other such transactions that are over £25,000. Credit notes greater than £25,000 are also included. Transactions are not published if to do so would compromise personal security or contravene the law (e.g. the Data Protection Act).
Published By National Savings and Investments
Issued about 10 years ago
A monthly-updated list of all financial transaction spending over £25,000 made by National Savings and Investments, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.
Published By NHS Erewash CCG
Issued about 10 years ago
Expenditure over threshold of £25k for July 2014
Published By Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Issued about 10 years ago
A monthly updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000, as part of the Goverment's commitment to transparency in expenditure, for the period 01/07/2014 to 31/07/2014
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued about 10 years ago
>This dataset show long term empty properties (6 months+) in the private sector. > > ## Please note > * Due to technical problems at the time, the data listed between May 2013 and July 2013 (inclusive) may be inaccurate.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued about 10 years ago
> This data relates to long term empty properties (i.e. those that have been empty for more than 6 months). The information relates purely to empty property addresses that are within the private sector and which are not owned by private individuals (i.e. owned by limited companies). > > ## Information > * The Council considers that the full addresses of the privately owned properties can be considered to be personal data and is therefore exempt under section 40 (personal information) of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), as the information constitutes third party data.
Mandatory Surveillance of MRSA, MSSA, and Escherichia coli bacteraemia and Clostridium difficile infection
Published By Public Health England
Issued about 10 years ago
Mandatory surveillance of MRSA, MSSA and Escherichia coli bacteraemia and Clostridium difficile infection Source agency: Public Health England Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Mandatory HCAI data
Published By NHS Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven CCG
Issued about 10 years ago
A monthly list of all financial spending over £25,000 made by NHS Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven CCG, published as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.
Ministerial gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings with external organisations in the Ministry of Defence
Published By Ministry of Defence
Issued about 10 years ago
A quarterly-updated list of gifts, hospitality received by ministers; travel undertaken and meetings between ministers in the Ministry of Defence and external organisations.
Published By South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust
Issued about 10 years ago
A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust.
Ministerial gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings with external organisations in Department for Work and Pensions
Published By Department for Work and Pensions
Issued about 10 years ago
The following lists the ministerial gifts (both received and given), hospitality, travel and meetings with external organisations for ministers within the Department for Work and Pensions.
Published By Department for Work and Pensions
Issued about 10 years ago
Lists the Special Advisers gifts (both received and given) and hospitality received in the Department for Work and Pensions and meeting with external media
Published By Department for Work and Pensions
Issued about 10 years ago
This dataset is a list of those items of spend that have been allowed in the Department for Work and Pensions since the announcement (24 May 2010) of five cross-government moratoria: ICT spend above £1m; Advertising & Marketing; consultancy; Property leases & lease extensions; and Civil Service recruitment.
Published By Department for Work and Pensions
Issued about 10 years ago
The following lists the hospitality and business expenses of senior officials in the Department for Work and Pensions
Published By NHS Tameside and Glossop CCG
Issued about 10 years ago
A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by Tameside and Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.
Published By Her Majesty's Treasury
Issued about 10 years ago
A list of most Senior Civil Service posts in the HM Treasury Group including title, contact details, their line manager, and where disclosed, the name of the officer. Vacant posts are listed as "Vacant", and posts where the jobholder is not disclosed are listed as "N/D". Note that a number of officers are not listed for security reasons.
Published By Department for Transport
Issued about 10 years ago
This release provides statistics about the number of practical driver and rider tests undertaken as well as approved driving instructor statistics. Based on data from the Driving Standards Agency. Source agency: Transport Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Driver and rider tests and instructor statistics
Published By National Records of Scotland
Issued about 10 years ago
Release contains details of the births, stillbirths, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships in Scotland and it's administrative areas. Source agency: National Records of Scotland Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Births, Deaths and Other Vital Events
Published By Department for Transport
Issued about 10 years ago
The government has introduced a strict moratorium in 5 key areas of discretionary spend: - consulting - Information and communications technology (ICT) - recruitment - marketing - property Exceptions to the moratoria in key areas for Department of Transport are listed in documents. Information on GOV.UK about DfT exceptions to the moratorium on discretionary spend.
Published By Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership
Issued about 10 years ago
Hip fracture is a serious and costly injury affecting mainly older people, and is more common in women. It usually results from the combination of weak bone structure (osteoporosis) and a fall. Around 76,000 hip fractures occur each year in the UK as a whole. Although there is good evidence on best practice in surgical, medical and rehabilitation care following hip fracture, such care and its outcomes – in terms of return home and also of mortality – continues to vary. The National Hip Fracture Database (NHFD), which was launched in 2007, aims to deliver improvements in the care of hip fracture patients. It documents case-mix, care and outcomes of hip fracture patients in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and is now, with more than 250,000 cases on record – by far the largest hip fracture audit in the world. It has demonstrated broad improvements at local and national level in patient care, and in England has supported the Department of Health’s highly successful Best Practice Tariff for hip fracture care. The work of the NHFD is now being replicated in Ireland, with the recent launch of Irish Hip Fracture Database, and similar developments are in hand in Australia and New Zealand, Canada and Hong Kong. The National Hip Fracture Database was founded as a collaboration between the British Orthopaedic Association and the British Geriatrics Society. It was developed between 2004 and 2007, and since 2009 it has received central funding as a national clinical audit via the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP). Since April 2012 the NHFD has continued as part of the Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme, managed on behalf of HQIP by the Royal College of Physicians (London). The audit covers England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, however data files only refer to data for England.
Published By Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership
Issued about 10 years ago
Hip fracture is a serious and costly injury affecting mainly older people, and is more common in women. It usually results from the combination of weak bone structure (osteoporosis) and a fall. Around 76,000 hip fractures occur each year in the UK as a whole. Although there is good evidence on best practice in surgical, medical and rehabilitation care following hip fracture, such care and its outcomes – in terms of return home and also of mortality – continues to vary. The National Hip Fracture Database (NHFD), which was launched in 2007, aims to deliver improvements in the care of hip fracture patients. It documents case-mix, care and outcomes of hip fracture patients in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and is now, with more than 250,000 cases on record – by far the largest hip fracture audit in the world. It has demonstrated broad improvements at local and national level in patient care, and in England has supported the Department of Health’s highly successful Best Practice Tariff for hip fracture care. The work of the NHFD is now being replicated in Ireland, with the recent launch of Irish Hip Fracture Database, and similar developments are in hand in Australia and New Zealand, Canada and Hong Kong. The National Hip Fracture Database was founded as a collaboration between the British Orthopaedic Association and the British Geriatrics Society. It was developed between 2004 and 2007, and since 2009 it has received central funding as a national clinical audit via the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP). Since April 2012 the NHFD has continued as part of the Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme, managed on behalf of HQIP by the Royal College of Physicians (London). The audit covers England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, however data files only refer to data for England.
Published By Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Issued about 10 years ago
A monthly updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust, as part of the Governments commitment to transparency in expenditure.
Published By Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Issued about 10 years ago
An overview of diversity and equality in the Northern Ireland Civil Service. The report provides an analysis of the composition of, and the flows into and out of, the Service. Source agency: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Equality Statistics for the NICS