
Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The 2011 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) dataset contains the most current TRI data available and reflects toxic chemical releases and pollution prevention activities that occurred at TRI facilities during the 2011 calendar year. You can use this dataset to find out what TRI-covered toxic chemicals are being produced and used at industrial facilities in your local area and how they are being managed. Please note that this dataset will change as the TRI Program continues to process TRI submissions. The TRI Program provides this dataset annually in late July to give the public an opportunity to see the most recent TRI information prior to the publication of the TRI National Analysis report in December. To view National Analysis reports from previous years, please consult TRI's archive of National Analysis data at

Published By U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The NIH Intramural Data Base (NIDB) is a tool that makes intramural research information available online to the NIH community, to extramural collaborators, and to the public.

Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The Facility Registry System (FRS) identifies facilities, sites, or places subject to environmental regulation or of environmental interest to EPA programs or delegated states. Using vigorous verification and data management procedures, FRS integrates facility data from program national systems, state master facility records, tribal partners, and other federal agencies and provides the Agency with a centrally managed, single source of comprehensive and authoritative information on facilities.

Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The P2 (Pollution Prevention) Widget allows the user to retrieve information on reductions in waste generation, safer waste management alternatives, and effective environmental practices and pollution prevention successes, highlighted by facilities who choose to describe the measures they have taken to prevent pollution and reduce the amount of toxic chemicals entering the environment.

Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


Preliminary Toxics Release Inventory Data. The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is a publicly available EPA database that contains information on toxic chemical releases and waste management activities reported annually by facilities in certain industries as well as federal facilities. The TRI Program provides the Preliminary Toxics Release Inventory dataset annually in mid- to late July to give the public an opportunity to see the most recent TRI information prior to the publication of the TRI National Analysis report in December. Please note that the Preliminary Toxics Release Inventory dataset is not yet complete and will be updated every two weeks as the TRI Program continues to process additional reporting year 2012 TRI submissions. DISCLAIMER: See for limitations and other information regarding the use of this data.

Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


Beach Advisory and Closing Online Notification system (BEACON) is a colletion of state and local data reported to EPA about beach closings and advisories. BEACON is the public-facing query of the Program tracking, Beach Advisories, Water quality standards, and Nutrients database (PRAWN) which tracks beach closing and advisory information.


Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


NODC Accession 0112172 includes tows and biological data collected aboard the NATHANIEL B. PALMER during cruises NBP0103 and NBP0104 in the South Atlantic Ocean and South Pacific Ocean from 2001-04-30 to 2001-08-26. These data include BIOMASS, TAXONOMIC CODE and species abundance. The instruments used to collect these data include Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS). These data were collected by Carin J. Ashjian of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution as part of Southern Ocean GLOBEC. The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) submitted these data to NODC on 2013-08-01. The following is the text of the abstract provided by BCO-DMO: Zooplankton abundance and biomass from MOCNESS nets using silhouette analysis (#sil)NB Palmer, austral fall & winter of 2001 & 2002 The MOCNESS-1 plankton sampler has nine rectangular nets (1m x 1.4 m) with a mesh size of 0.333 mm, which are opened and closed sequentially by commands through conducting cable from the surface (Wiebe et al., 1976). Cruises: Nathaniel B. Palmer, April-June 2001 (NBP01-03), 24 tows, cruise report ({,}?project%20eq%20NBP0103,data_type%20eq%20cruise_report) Nathaniel B. Palmer, July-Sept. 2001 (NBP01-04), 17 tows, cruise report ({,}?project%20eq%20NBP0104,data_type%20eq%20cruise_report) Nathaniel B. Palmer, April-May 2002 (NBP02-02), 24 tows, cruise report ({,}?project%20eq%20NBP0202,data_type%20eq%20cruise_report) Nathaniel B. Palmer, July-Sept. 2002 (NBP02-04), 19 tows, cruise report ({,}?project%20eq%20NBP0204,data_type%20eq%20cruise_report) This is a graph of the vertical distribution of biomass from the Winter 2001 Cruise, NBP0103: This is a graph of the vertical distribution of biomass from the Winter 2001 Cruise, NBP0104: MOCNESS Sample Analysis (From Ashjian et al., 2004) Biomass (wet weight) and abundance were determined principally by silhouette digitization of taxa lengths and conversion to equivalent wet weights according to the equations and methods adapted from Davis and Wiebe (1985) and Wiebe et al. (2004). New formulas were calculated for Southern Ocean krill because the length-weight relationship (Wet Weight = 0.0054*Length3.214) differed from that of the North Atlantic euphausiids (Wet Weight = 0.0138*Length3.071; Davis and Wiebe, 1985). Silhouette photographs first were obtained from each sample; this photograph then was scanned with an Epson Expression 1600 scanner at 1200 dpi to produce a Tagged Image File Format (TIF) image. Identification and measurement of organisms from the tiff image were accomplished manually using the specialized MATLAB� (Mathworks, Inc.) routine, the WHOI Silhouette DIGITIZER ( (v 1.0) (Little and Copley, 2003). A scanned photographic image of an aliquot of a sample was displayed with a superimposed reference grid on the computer screen. The operator identified each organism to taxonomic and/or size category by selecting the appropriate category button. Organism lengths (both straight and curved) then were measured by the operator using the cursor on the computer screen. Although the nominal resolution of the measurement is 0.02 mm, in practice the resolution was ~0.05 mm. In instances where there were too many organisms of a given type to justify measuring every individual organism, the DIGITIZER routine generated a list of randomly located cells to systematically sub-sample the overall image. Each organism's biomass was calculated automatically from its length measurement using the appropriate length-weight relationship. References: Ashjian, C.J, Rosenwaks, G.A., Wiebe, P.H., Davis, C.S., Gallager, S.M., Copley, N.J., Lawson, G.L., Alatalo, P. 2004. Distribution of Zooplankton on the Continental Shelf of Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, during Austral Fall and Winter, 2001. Deep-Sea Research II 51(17-19): 2073-2098. Davis, C.S., Wiebe, P.H., 1985. Macrozooplankton biomass in a warm-core Gulf Stream ring: Time series changes in size structure, taxonomic composition, and vertical distribution. Journal of Geophysical Research 90, 8871-8882. Little. W.S., Copley, N.J. 2003. WHOI Silhouette Digitizer version 1.0 User's Guide. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Technical Report #2003-05, 63 pp. Wiebe, P.H., K.H. Burt, S. H. Boyd, A.W. Morton, 1976. The multiple opening/closing net and environmental sensing system for sampling zooplankton. Journal of Marine Research, 34(3): 313-326. Wiebe, P.H., C. J. Ashjian, S. M. Gallager, C. S. Davis, G. L. Lawson, and N. J. Copley. 2004. Using a high powered strobe light to increase the catch of Antarctic krill. Marine Biology. 144(3): 493 - 502. Figure 1. Map of Tow locations, Fall and Winter, 2001 Table 1. Summary of locations, times, and depths for the twelve net tows. (Note: Winter tows 14 and 15 were considered one tow because when ice and malfunction led to no data in the top three nets of Tow 14, MOC Tow 15 was fished in the upper 90 meters to compensate.) Cruise Region Tow Number Date Time (Local) Light* Lat(�S) Lon(�W) Tow Depth(m) Bottom Depth(m) Ice Cover (tenths) Fall Offshore 6 05/04/01 1332 D 66� 40.17 73� 22.08 0-1001 3650 0 Midshelf 1 1 04/30/01 2050 N 66� 10.80 69� 10.47 0-306 360 0 Midshelf 2 3 05/02/01 0320 N 66� 48.53 70� 21.42 0-348 600 0 Midshelf 3 12 05/13/01 1830 N 68� 23.62 72� 18.44 0-356 400 0 Midshelf 4 16 05/18/01 0854 N 68� 59.43 74� 55.77 0-340 350 0 Marguerite Bay 24 05/29/01 0300 N 67� 55.33 68� 30.69 0-602 690 0 Winter Offshore 11 08/11/01 0918 T 67� 14.69 74� 25.27 0-989 2917 10 Midshelf 1 17 08/26/01 0306 N 66� 11.13 69� 06.21 7-305 346 6 Midshelf 2 4 07/31/01 0949 D 66� 45.18 70� 09.64 11-413 501 8 Midshelf 3 13 08/17/01 2117 N 68� 13.21 72� 56.53 0-230 325 10 Midshelf 4 14 08/21/01 1136 D 69� 15.55 75� 34.00 20-290 ~340 7 15 08/22/01 0327 N 69� 12.30 75� 43.90 0-91 ~350 9 Marguerite Bay 9 08/08/01 0215 N 67� 53.74 68� 10.82 0-488 600+ 9 *Light conditions are designated as: "D" = day, sunlight present; "N" = night, darkness; "T" = twilight See companion data sets: 1. Zooplankton biovolume values from MOCNESS tows (, - this data set is derived from displacement volume measurements and dry weight conversion calculations from the same set of samples as the above data. 2. Zooplankton Abundance Based on Taxa and Life Stages or Size ({,}) - these abundance values on the same tows were derived by counting and identifying a subset of the zooplankton to the species and life stage for euphausiids and dominant copepods and to taxonomic group with broad size categories for other zooplankton (pteropod, chaetognath, polychaete, etc.). For Information, contact: Carin Ashjian Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02543 508-289-3457 (ph) 508-457-2169 (fax) ( -or- Nancy Copley Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02543 508-289-3204 (ph) 508-457-2169 (fax) last updated 08/15/06

Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


This coverage is of the state boundaries of the conterminous United States. It was derived from the Digital Line Graph (DLG) files representing the 1:2,000,000-scale map in the National Atlas of the United States. Boundaries United States

Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The Wetland Grant Database (WGD) houses grant data for Wetland Program Development Grants (created by EPA in 1990 under the Clean Water Act Section 104(b)(3) authority). The Wetland Grants Database contains further information on Wetland Program Development Grants that were awarded in past years.

Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The Facility Registry System (FRS) identifies facilities, sites, or places subject to environmental regulation or of environmental interest to EPA programs or delegated states. Using vigorous verification and data management procedures, FRS integrates facility data from program national systems, state master facility records, tribal partners, and other federal agencies and provides the Agency with a centrally managed, single source of comprehensive and authoritative information on facilities.

Published By U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a set of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The Medicare Advantage (MA) - Part D Contract and Enrollment Data section serves as a centralized repository for publicly available data on contracts and plans, enrollment numbers, service area data, and contact information for MA, Prescription Drug Plan (PDP), cost, PACE, and demonstration organizations.

Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


This Comprehensive Conservation Plan CCP was written to guide management on Ellicott Slough NWR for the next 15 years. This plan outlines the Refuge vision and purpose and describes how Ellicott Slough NWR will contribute to the overall mission of the Refuge System. The plan provides an introduction to the Refuge, the CCP process, a description of Refuge resources, current management programs, the management direction, and strategies for plan implementation. Key planning issues include: public trespass, illegal fishing, traffic and amphibian mortality, invasive plants, agriculture, drought, fungus outbreaks, mosquito control, predator control, and climate change.

Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The Facility Registry System (FRS) identifies facilities, sites, or places subject to environmental regulation or of environmental interest to EPA programs or delegated states. Using vigorous verification and data management procedures, FRS integrates facility data from program national systems, state master facility records, tribal partners, and other federal agencies and provides the Agency with a centrally managed, single source of comprehensive and authoritative information on facilities.

Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


In response to NASA SBIR topic X1.04, Ridgetop Group will extend and adapt RingDown: an innovative system for the non-invasive prognostic monitoring of the health of electromechanical actuators and related power systems. This comprehensive solution provides both advanced hardware sensors to monitor the systems and prognostic health management algorithms to interpret the signals available in them. RingDown will significantly improve the reliability of and confidence in these critical NASA systems by alerting NASA personnel to impending failures well before they occur, averting disaster and improving confidence in the health of the systems. Electromechanical actuators (EMAs) are comprised of a complex system-of-systems: a high-power switch mode power supply to power the EMA's servo drive, a lower-voltage switch mode power supply to power the EMA's logic controller, power inverters, and the EMA itself. The sensors and algorithms provided by Ridgetop will allow NASA to monitor the health of?and anticipate failures in?all of these systems. In addition, these algorithms will be applicable to other switch mode power supplies (SMPSs), which are a very common component in NASA's electrical systems. Ridgetop's goal in this SBIR program is to transition these EMA prognostic health management technologies into fielded systems. In Phase I, Ridgetop will extend the RingDown sensors developed under previous NASA SBIRs to monitor additional components in the EMA system-of-systems. Ridgetop will also prototype the algorithms to interpret the data from those sensors in this Phase. In Phase II, Ridgetop will implement additional functionality for these algorithms and then field-test the combined algorithm and sensor solution. In a future Phase III or other commercialization program, a final version of this comprehensive solution will be demonstrated in-flight and then transitioned into actual system usage.

Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


Intelligent Automation, Inc. (IAI) along with collaborators at the University of Iowa and Old Dominion University (ODU) developed an advanced closed-loop Adaptive Task Management System (ATMS). The ATMS is designed to accurately monitor Operator Functional State (OFS) during flight in real time based on an individualized OFS assessment model. The individualized OFS assessment model is trained and individualized using different sources of training input (physiological signals, system dynamics measurements, etc.) and training output derived from the dynamic cognitive workload reference analysis. If the OFS of an individual decreases below a certain threshold, we will apply a task performance augmentation strategy to even-out workload and maintain the operator in an optimum cognitive workload level. As a result, the operator can be continuously engaged and able to respond quickly and appropriately to unusual situations.

Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The Facility Registry System (FRS) identifies facilities, sites, or places subject to environmental regulation or of environmental interest to EPA programs or delegated states. Using vigorous verification and data management procedures, FRS integrates facility data from program national systems, state master facility records, tribal partners, and other federal agencies and provides the Agency with a centrally managed, single source of comprehensive and authoritative information on facilities.

Published By Department of Homeland Security

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


Datasets contains searchable listings of equipment and materials approved or certified by the US Coast Guard for use on commercial vessels and recreational boats.

Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


Preliminary Toxics Release Inventory Data. The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is a publicly available EPA database that contains information on toxic chemical releases and waste management activities reported annually by facilities in certain industries as well as federal facilities. The TRI Program provides the Preliminary Toxics Release Inventory dataset annually in mid- to late July to give the public an opportunity to see the most recent TRI information prior to the publication of the TRI National Analysis report in December. Please note that the Preliminary Toxics Release Inventory dataset is not yet complete and will be updated every two weeks as the TRI Program continues to process additional reporting year 2012 TRI submissions. DISCLAIMER: See for limitations and other information regarding the use of this data.

Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The Facility Registry System (FRS) identifies facilities, sites, or places subject to environmental regulation or of environmental interest to EPA programs or delegated states. Using vigorous verification and data management procedures, FRS integrates facility data from program national systems, state master facility records, tribal partners, and other federal agencies and provides the Agency with a centrally managed, single source of comprehensive and authoritative information on facilities.

Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


Preliminary Toxics Release Inventory Data. The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is a publicly available EPA database that contains information on toxic chemical releases and waste management activities reported annually by facilities in certain industries as well as federal facilities. The TRI Program provides the Preliminary Toxics Release Inventory dataset annually in mid- to late July to give the public an opportunity to see the most recent TRI information prior to the publication of the TRI National Analysis report in December. Please note that the Preliminary Toxics Release Inventory dataset is not yet complete and will be updated every two weeks as the TRI Program continues to process additional reporting year 2012 TRI submissions. DISCLAIMER: See for limitations and other information regarding the use of this data.

Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


This data set provides (1) areal estimates of deforestation events (>25 ha) that were identified from 2001-2004 in Mato Grosso by the Brazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE) as part of the Program for the Estimation of Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon (PRODES) and (2) the classification of the post-deforestation land use as either cropland, cattle pasture, or not in production (deforested areas that were never fully cleared or returned immediately to secondary forest) in the years after the large deforestation events from 2002-2005. Data are provided in ESRI shapefile format. There are five compressed (*.zip) data files with this data set. Each shapefile represents one year of post-deforestation land use. Land use in the years following deforestation was estimated using annual time series of MODIS NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) and EVI (enhanced vegetation index). Metrics of vegetation phenology derived annual time series of MODIS NDVI and EVI data were analyzed using a decision-tree classifier to characterize the major cover type in each area of new deforestation. Post-deforestation land use for each large deforestation event was classified based on the classification of MODIS phenology metrics for all years following deforestation during 2002-2005.

Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The 2011 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) dataset contains the most current TRI data available and reflects toxic chemical releases and pollution prevention activities that occurred at TRI facilities during the 2011 calendar year. You can use this dataset to find out what TRI-covered toxic chemicals are being produced and used at industrial facilities in your local area and how they are being managed. Please note that this dataset will change as the TRI Program continues to process TRI submissions. The TRI Program provides this dataset annually in late July to give the public an opportunity to see the most recent TRI information prior to the publication of the TRI National Analysis report in December. To view National Analysis reports from previous years, please consult TRI's archive of National Analysis data at

Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The Facility Registry System (FRS) identifies facilities, sites, or places subject to environmental regulation or of environmental interest to EPA programs or delegated states. Using vigorous verification and data management procedures, FRS integrates facility data from program national systems, state master facility records, tribal partners, and other federal agencies and provides the Agency with a centrally managed, single source of comprehensive and authoritative information on facilities.


Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The objective of this work is to quantify the reduction of biofilm formation in a water distribution system resulting from an organoselenium surface coating on stainless steel pipes and fittings. Differentiated from currently marketed antimicrobials, selenium, is permanent, catalytic and does not leach into the environment. This will reduce the problems associated with biofilm growth and fouling in the water recycling system.. Thus, we could draw quantifiable conclusions about the system performance for long term missions in complex water treatment systems containing organoselenium coatings and provide the data to NASA engineers who may then make an assessment as to whether or not this is a viable technology to reduce the need for biocides, reduce ESM, and potentially impact NASA by decreasing the chemical burden for treatment which would decrease payload mass and downtime affecting astronauts' efficiency. The project will quantify the impact of an organoselenium surface coating within stainless steel pipes and fittings on product water quality and service life of the pipes and fittings over time. Objective 1. Optimize the attachment of organoselenium to the surface of stainless steel to achieve the greatest and most reliable reduction in biofilm growth and formation. Objective 2. Assess performance of the organoselenium surface treatment of stainless steel pipes and fittings in a bench-scale system over varied periods of time (i.e. 1 week, 1 month, 3 months) against biofilm accumulation and service capacity.

Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


NASA often must deal with the issue of protecting EMI sensitive payloads and instrumentation from damage due to radiated energy. Many of these EMI sensitive payloads can be damaged by seemingly benign sources such as communication networks or microwave ovens. The problem becomes more difficult when these sensitive payloads and instrumentation require movement from one location to another. It is extremely difficult and time consuming to identify and characterize the potential threat to these payloads with current tools and techniques. Soneticom proposes to utilize a small network of sensors to quickly and efficiently identify and locate sources of EMI radiation. Once the source is located Soneticom will utilize available signal parameters such as Received Signal Strength (RSS) at each sensor to estimate the signal strength at any point within the network's coverage area. Figure 2.1 is a conceptual diagram of how this innovation might look once displayed on a map. Soneticom will utilize the existing Lynx Geolocation platform which has the capability to identify and locate an EMI radiation source in the 20 MHz - 3 GHz range. The Lynx system will provide the hardware platform to develop algorithms required to estimate the signal strength across the network's coverage area.