Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
Borough level population projections by ethnic group and 5-year age band using the Strategic Housing and Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) housing data. These projections are consistent with the 2009 Round SHLAA (revised) main borough projections ([here](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2009-round-revised-shlaa-borough-sya)). A compressed (zip) version of the Excel workbook is available [here]( For links to the GLA's full range of demographic projections click [here](/datastore/package/gla-demographic-projections)
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
The percentage of the economically active population who are claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA). Output from the GLA claimant count model which uses administrative counts of Job Seekers and expresses them as a percentage of the labour force using GLA projections of the economically active population. Designed to complement ONS claimant count rates which use the whole population as the denominator - see the [technical note](datastorefiles/documents/Intelligence%20Briefing%202011-02%20Claimant%20count%20model%202011.pdf) for more information. December 2011 [CSV]( [XLS]( November 2011 [CSV]( [XLS]( October 2011 [CSV]( [XLS]( September 2011 [CSV]( [XLS]( August 2011 [CSV]( [XLS]( July 2011 [CSV]( [XLS]( June 2011 [CSV]( [XLS]( May 2011 [CSV]( [XLS]( April 2011 [CSV]( [XLS]( March 2011 [CSV]( [XLS]( February 2011 [CSV]( [XLS]( January 2011 [CSV]( With 2011 Population Base [CSV]( With 2010 Population Base [XLS]( With 2011 Population Base [XLS]( With 2010 Population Base
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
Indicative locations of all known allotments in London, as gathered during the London Assembly Scrutiny investigation in 2006. This dataset was created by the GLA's GIS team on behalf of the London Assembly as part of their 2006 investigation into the provision and availability of allotments in London. The data was collected in order to quantify the number of allotments in each London Borough at the time and was used as the basis for a series of maps and tables in the [resulting Assembly report]( The process for collecting the data consisted of an officer contacting each of the Boroughs to provide information on allotments in their area. The information received back included GIS datasets in various formats, links to PDF maps, interactive maps on websites, address lists and in some cases paper records. The GIS team consolidated this information into a single dataset, geocoding each record to a point location and undertaking some basic quality tasks such as checking for duplicates. Note that this data has not been updated since May 2007. The GLA welcomes any efforts by the London community to update and improve upon the existing data and would look to incorporate any updates within our data holdings.
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
Summary table from London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2008 showing total greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption by London Borough. LEGGI 2008 is a database of geographically referenced datasets of energy consumption within the Greater London area and estimates of the quantity of resulting greenhouse gases (GHG) – carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) – emitted into the air.
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
GLA projections of the Economically Active population 2001-2031. Based on the 2010 round GLA SHLAA demographic projections incorporating 2008 CLG household projections. These projections are consistent with the 2010 round SHLAA projections found here: These projections were updated 07/02/2011 to bring them in line with the revised population projections. For links to the GLA's full range of demographic projections click [here](/datastore/package/gla-demographic-projections)
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
GLA ward-level population projections using London Plan housing data, 2001-2031 The borough-level projections available [here](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2009-round-revised-london-plan-borough-sya). For further information on this set of projections please see the Intelligence Unit _[Update]( _below. ![]( last updated 08/10/10 For links to the GLA's full range of demographic projections click [here](/datastore/package/gla-demographic-projections)
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
Data on the estimated number of Londoners with reduced mobility in 2010, 2018 and 2031 as reported in the London Assembly's Transport Committee report, [Accessibility of the transport network](, November 2010. Created by the GLA Intelligence Unit and London Assembly Scrutiny Team using GLA Population Projections and TfL data. TfL's Travel in London report which contains details of the proportion of people with travel-related disabilities which has been used to produce this data set is available at:
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
[Population Projections to 2031]( for London Boroughs by single year of age and gender using the Strategic Housing and Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) housing data and 2008 CLG household projections. These projections are consistent with the 2010 Round SHLAA ward projections found [here](/datastore/package/ward-popproj-2010rnd-shlaa). Updated 27/01/2011 to bring historic births in line with ONS Mid Year Estimate figures. Updated 07/02/2011 to fix an issue with the household model. For further information on this set of projections, please see the Intelligence Unit [Update]( For links to the GLA's full range of demographic projections click [here](/datastore/package/gla-demographic-projections)
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
These projections are based on the extrapolation of existing trends in the number of students at higher education institutions in London. The analysis uses data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency and examines trends in places between 1995/96 and 2009/10 and then projects forward high, low and average variants. Results are broken down by undergraduate and postgraduate status and domicile. Originally produced to support the London Plan, users are strongly advised to read the attached report which explains in greater detail how the projections are produced. [![ ](]( Data and charts available to download at the links below: [Undergraduates]( [Postgraduates]( These tables are best viewed as supplementary information to the above report. They contain far greater detail than those included in the report and as such are not numbered in the same way.
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
GLA 2010 round ward-level population projections by 5yr age groups using 2009 SHLAA housing data, 2001-2031. These projections are consistent with the 2010 Round SHLAA borough projections found [here](/datastore/package/popproj-2010rnd-shlaa-borough-sya). For further information on this set of projections, please see the Intelligence Unit [Update]( jan_2011_2010_round_demographic_projections_using_the_shlaa.pdf). For links to the GLA's full range of demographic projections click [here](/datastore/package/gla-demographic-projections)
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
This data relates to private sector empty homes in London that have been vacant for 12 months or more at 31 October 2010. This data was collected by the GLA from all London Boroughs. In addition to reporting the total number of such properties, the audit records factors such as size and length of time empty. In order to assist policy development and decision making, properties have been assigned a nominal priority rating based on factors such as length of time empty, condition and size, with '1' the lowest priority band and '5' the highest.
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
## DATA The results for the Mayoral and Assembly elections down to constituency level are available (including turnout and spoils etc). The **full 2012 election results** for Mayor and Assembly for: \- [Wards, Boroughs and Constituencies]( (includes postal votes data, turnout figures, and first by second Mayoral vote matrices) \- [Constituencies only]( (includes percentages) ## MAPPING The 2000-2012 election data for wards, boroughs, and constituencies in summary format is presented using interactive maps and charts in an InstantAtlas report. \- if you have a browser that supports HTML5 check out our [Instant Atlas report]( of the report (Firefox, Chrome, Safari or IE9 support this). This data for all three levels of geography is presented in these reports. This includes interactive map, table, bar chart, and trend chart. [![](]( ## SUMMARY The election results in **summary format for 2000 to 2012** for: - [Constituencies only]( - [Wards, Boroughs and Constituencies]( Note: In a few instances the electorate figure has been revised since the initial declared result. This has led to a small change in some turnout figures. The spreadsheets above all contain the correct revised figures. The [spreadsheet]( contains a summary of all the London elections results since 2000. This includes Mayoral, Assembly list and Constituency member election results. In the 2000 election, only data for constituencies was collected, so no borough or ward breakdowns are available for that year. Data shown includes: \- the winner in each area (the candidate or party with most votes). This does not include second preference votes in the Mayoral election, \- the winning majority (the highest number of votes minus the second highest number of votes), \- the percentage turnout figure. (note for wards this is indicative only since all postal votes are registered to borough level only), and \- the percentage of votes for each of the major parties. Note that only parties with at least 5 per cent of the vote across London in at least one year of elections are shown. All other parties are aggregated into 'Other'. ## INFOGRAPHIC The GLA Intelligence Unit has produced this [infographic]( below (London Election Results By Numbers), presenting the key facts from these elections. ![Election 2012 Results]( Access further detail and reports for all elections from the [Elections]( page. Or visit the [London Elects website](
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
2010 round population and household projections for London Boroughs using the SHLAA housing data and 2008 CLG household projections. Single year of age borough projections are available [here](/datastore/package/popproj-2010rnd-shlaa-borough-sya) and ward projections in five year age groups [here](/datastore/package/ward-popproj-2010rnd-shlaa). For further information on this set of projections, please see the Intelligence Unit [Update]( For links to the GLA's full range of demographic projections click [here](/datastore/package/gla-demographic-projections)
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
The [spreadsheet]( contains all the data from the Mayoral Elections in 2000, including the Assembly Constituency, and Assembly List elections. Ward and borough data was never collected at these elections. The file contains data for GLA constituencies only. Comparisons between this and the following election are contained within this [London Elections report](
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
The alternative vote (AV) referendum was a public vote held across the United Kingdom on 5 May 2011 in which the electorate voted on a proposal to introduce a new voting system. The question posed by the referendum was "At present, the UK uses the "first past the post" system to elect MPs to the House of Commons. Should the "alternative vote" system be used instead?" The overall result for the UK was clear, with around 68 per cent of the population voting ‘No’ to AV. In London the result was closer with 60 per cent voting ‘No’, and the capital accounted for most of the areas in the UK that returned a 'Yes' majority. Results are analysed in [DMAG Briefing 2011-04]( 2011-04 AV referendum results for London.pdf), and a [spreadsheet]( of the full results is available. ![Report]( [Data and reports for other Elections.](
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
[Table]( showing numbers of street trees by borough. These data were collected by the London Assembly Environment Committee for its update report on the future for London's street trees. They contain data supplied by London borough tree departments and the Mayor's Street Tree Programme. The full report is available [here to download](
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
The London Assembly Health and Public Services Committee has published a r[eport into the availability of information about public toilets in London]( This package provides supporting information from the investigation. _Borough Summary Data_ This table (available in [xls]( or [csv]( summarises the information collected by the Assembly for each London Borough. _Open Data Standard_ The Committee has also published a new standard open data format for recording information about public toilets (available in [xls]( or [csv]( [Supporting guidance]( is also available in either [pdf]( or [rtf]( format. View the [blog about the new format from Victoria Borwick](, Chair of the Health and Public Services Committee.
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
This [spreadsheet]( summarises of the key travel patterns and trends relating to the TFL network and Airports around London. Some of the borough level data has been analysed using these [interactive charts]( Click on the image to open. The first stack graph shows the spread of mode of travel for each borough. In Kensington and Chelsea over 44 per cent of journeys are made on foot, in Bexley 59 per cent of journeys are in a car/motorcycle, and in Hackney over a 25 per cent of journeys are by bus. The second graph shows the proportion of all road casualties by road user type and borough in 2010. The City of London has the highest proportion of casualties for pedestrians, and cyclists. ![]( Some of the airports data has been presented in this one page [factsheet]( that highlights some important facts about flights and passengers at London’s airports. The number one country where people have either come from or going to is the United States. ![]( List of tables included in the spreadsheet: 1 Aggregate travel volumes in Greater London. Estimated daily average number of journey stages, 1993-2009 2 Modal shares of daily journey stages in London, 2009 3 Annual passenger kilometres travelled by public transport (millions), London, 2008/09 - 2010/11 4 Annual journey stages by public transport (millions), 1991/92 - 2010/11 5 Index of London road traffic, major and minor roads, all motor vehicles, 2000-2009 6 Trends in road casualties, by personal injury severity, London and GB, 1991-2010 7 London road casualties by mode of travel, 2010 8 Trends in cycle flows on the TLRN, annualised indices, 2000/01 - 2010/11 9 People entering central London in the weekday morning peak, 1978 - 2009 10 Car ownership in Inner and Outer London, 2009/10 11 Hours of serious and severe disruption London-wide, 2009/10 12 Number of road works undertaken on the TLRN, Sep 2009 - Oct 2010 13 London Underground: scheduled and operated train kilometres, 1995/96 - 2009/10 14 London Underground - operated train kilometres (millions) by line, 2009/10 15 Average number of passengers per bus, train or tram, 2001/02 - 2009/10 16 Public transport fares - UK and London compared, 1994/95 - 2009/10 17 Air freight moved through London's principal airports, 1993 - 2009 18 Terminal passengers by London area airport, in millions, 2000, 2010 19 Terminal passengers by London area airport, 1990 - 2010 20 Terminal passengers by flight's country of origin or destination, 2010 21 Road Casualties by Severity and Road User Type, by Borough 2010 22 Data used in the Interactive Chart \- Number of trips, distribution of trips by mode and average travel time from home to work, 2007/2008 to 2009/10 (3-year moving average) 23 Data used for Air Transport Factsheet \- International terminal passengers at London airports, 2010 \- All terminal passengers at London airports, in millions, 2000, 2010 \- Terminal passengers at London airports by origin or destination of the flight, 2010 \- Number of UK flights and passenger by London airport, 2010 Most data is from the annual report [Travel in London 3,]( Transport for London. Further information, reports and data from the Travel in London series can be found on the [TFL website](
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
*Updates 20/04/2012 - correction to the development data used for Sutton. 07/02/2012 - correction to the development data used for the City of London. 23/01/2012 - the high fertility variant was mistakenly posted as the standard fertility projections. This has been corrected. [Population Projections]( to 2031 for London Boroughs by single year of age and gender using the Strategic Housing and Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) housing data and 2008 CLG household projections. Ward projections consistent with these projections are available [here](/datastore/package/gla-ward-level-population-projections-2011-round-shlaa-standard-fertility). A high fertility variant of these projections is available [here](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2011-round-shlaa-high-fertility-borough-sya). The accompanying [technical note]( details the data used in these projections and highlights differences from the 2010 round of projections. See this data in the [age range creator tool](/datastore/applications/custom-age-range-creator-tool-gla-population-projections-borough). [Average age]( of the population in each borough and sub-region, based on GLA projections data (SHLAA 2011 round). Data rounded to 0.1. Ward projections consistent with these will be released in January 2012. For links to the GLA's full range of demographic projections click [here](/datastore/package/gla-demographic-projections)
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
This package contains the data behind [Delivering London's Energy Future](, the Mayor's climate change mitigation and energy strategy, which was published in 2011. Over a number of tabs, the spreadsheet shows how the Mayor's target to reduce London's CO2 emissions by 60% on 1990 levels by 2025 can be met by a combination of Government actions and mayoral programmes.
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
## Key findings The number of Londoners living in poverty has seen little change. Children, particularly those in workless households, remain the group most likely to live in low income. The poverty rate for children in London, after housing costs, at 37 per cent, remains higher than for any other region, but is at its lowest level for sixteen years. Poverty rates for children in Inner London, remained unchanged, with 44 per cent of children living in poverty, higher than in any other part of the country. The rate for Outer London also remained unchanged, at 34 per cent. Poverty among pensioners in London has decreased again according to the latest figures. The risk of poverty for pensioners in London is close before and after housing costs according to the latest figures, (though higher in Inner London after housing costs) but remains above that for the rest of the UK. The percentage of working age people living in poverty has increased again for London. Download the report [below]( Download the data presented in the report [here]( ![](
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
Data analysis to support the London Decentralised Energy Capacity Study The London Decentralised Energy Capacity Study presents the findings of a regional assessment of the potential for renewable and low carbon energy in Greater London and has been conducted by the Greater London Authority (GLA), with funding from the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC). The overall approach is based on a standardised methodology developed for DECC (referred to as the 'DECC methodology') which has been modified to reflect Greater London's urban nature (the tailored methodology). An assessment of the technical potential and deployment potential is made in Phases 1 and 2 of the study respectively, whilst Phase 3 considers a roadmap to deployment. The accompanying reports are available on [the GLA website]( _**Data Download**_ The datasets consist of a series of Excel 2003 spreadsheets which outline the methodology and parameters used, along with detailed and summary results. The datasets for each phase are contained in a compressed file and should be used in conjunction with the reports. Note that some workbooks contain macros but these are not required for them to work so can be disabled on opening. [Phase 1 zip]( (31mb) [Phase 2 zip]( (19mb) [Phase 3 zip]( (17kb)
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
*Updates 20/04/2012 - correction to the development data used for Sutton. 07/02/2012 - correction to the development data used for the City of London. [Population Projections]( to 2031 for London Boroughs by single year of age and gender using the Strategic Housing and Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) housing data and 2008 CLG household projections. These projections assume a higher age specific fertility trend beyond 2011 than is the case for the standard projections. The trend used was derived by taking the mean values of the Principal and High assumptions from the 2010-based National Population Projections. Ward projections consistent with these projections are available [here](/datastore/package/gla-ward-level-population-projections-2011-round-shlaa-high-fertility-variant). These projections were released in December, incorrectly labelled as the standard fertility rate projections. 2011 round projections using the standard fertility assumptions are available [here](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2011-round-shlaa-borough-sya). The accompanying [technical note]( details the data used in these projections and highlights differences from the 2010 round of projections. See this data in the [age range creator tool](/datastore/applications/custom-age-range-creator-tool-gla-population-projections-borough). Ward projections consistent with these will be released in January 2012. For links to the GLA's full range of demographic projections click [here](/datastore/package/gla-demographic-projections)
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
*Updated 20/04/12 to correct development data used for Sutton. 2011 round high fertility population and household projections for London Boroughs using the SHLAA housing data and 2008 CLG household projections. Single year of age borough projections are available [here](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2011-round-shlaa-high-fertility-borough-sya) and ward projections in five year age groups [here](/datastore/package/gla-ward-level-population-projections-2011-round-shlaa-high-fertility-variant). For further information on this set of projections, please see the Intelligence Unit Technical Note found [here]( For links to the GLA's full range of demographic projections click [here](/datastore/package/gla-demographic-projections).
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
On 17th November 2011 the Office for National Statistics (ONS) as part of their Migration Statistics Improvement Programme (MSIP) released their improved methodology for producing local authority long-term migration estimates within England and Wales. This _Update_ presents a brief overview of the improved migration methodology adopted by the ONS in respect to its impact on migration and population estimates. * Improvements to the immigration distributional methodology has impacted on both the estimated number of migrants and total population between 2006 and 2010. * The number of immigrants in London as a result is estimated to have risen by 129.8 thousand (2006 to 2010) compared to previous figures. * Ten London boroughs are in the top 20 local authorities for upward indicative revisions in their population estimates. Open the report [here]( or Download the data [here]( ![](