Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
*Updates 20/04/2012 - correction to the development data used for Sutton. 07/02/2012 - correction to the development data used for the City of London. [Population Projections]( to 2031 for London Boroughs by single year of age and gender using the Strategic Housing and Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) housing data and 2008 CLG household projections. These projections assume a higher age specific fertility trend beyond 2011 than is the case for the standard projections. The trend used was derived by taking the mean values of the Principal and High assumptions from the 2010-based National Population Projections. Ward projections consistent with these projections are available [here](/datastore/package/gla-ward-level-population-projections-2011-round-shlaa-high-fertility-variant). These projections were released in December, incorrectly labelled as the standard fertility rate projections. 2011 round projections using the standard fertility assumptions are available [here](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2011-round-shlaa-borough-sya). The accompanying [technical note]( details the data used in these projections and highlights differences from the 2010 round of projections. See this data in the [age range creator tool](/datastore/applications/custom-age-range-creator-tool-gla-population-projections-borough). Ward projections consistent with these will be released in January 2012. For links to the GLA's full range of demographic projections click [here](/datastore/package/gla-demographic-projections)