NOAA marine environmental buoy data from the National Data Buoy Center for 2010-09 (NODC Accession 0067696)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has the statutory mandate to collect hydrographic data in support of nautical chart compilation for safe navigation and to provide background data for engineers, scientific, and other commercial and industrial activities. Hydrographic survey data primarily consist of water depths, but may also include features (e.g. rocks, wrecks), navigation aids, shoreline identification, and bottom type information. NOAA is responsible for archiving and distributing the source data as described in this metadata record.
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This annual narrative report for Ouray National Wildife Refuge outlines Refuge accomplishments during the 2001 calendar year. The report begins with a summary of the years highlights and weather conditions. Land acquisition is covered. The report includes a planning section which discusses the master plan, compliance with environmental and cultural resource mandates, and research and investigations. Refuge administration is outlined; information about personnel, youth programs, manpower programs, volunteer programs, funding, and safety is given. Habitat management is also covered; subjects include wetlands, forests, croplands, grasslands, fire management, pest control, and water rights. The wildlife section of the report discusses wildlife diversity, endangered and threatened species, waterfowl, marsh birds and waterbirds, shorebirds, raptors, game mammals, wildlife propagation, scientific collections, animal control, marking and banding, and disease control. The public uses of the Refuge described in this report include outdoor classrooms, interpretive programs, hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, outdoor recreation, and law enforcement. The equipment and facilities section of the report provides information about new construction, rehabilitation, major maintenance, equipment replacement, communication systems, and computer systems. Items of interest are provided at the end.
Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
This work concerns the development of a prototype of a Volume Scattering Function (VSF) sensor for measurement of this inherent optical property(IOP) of seawater. The proposed prototype combines new development from Phase-I with our existing technology to extend existing capability for measuring VSF from 0.1 to 20 degrees, out to 170 degrees. We have developed a new and innovative sensor module that permits high sub-degree angular resolution measurement of VSF. The system is simple, yet powerful. For example, it permits programmability of the range of angles to be explored. A case is one of bubbles, which produce a bump in the VSF between 60-180 degrees. The instrument will be self-contained, internally recording, powered by batteries or external power. Beam attenuation coefficient will also be measured. The technology extends existing VSF measurement capability for benefit of NASA's interest in remote sensing.
2009 Puget Sound LiDAR Consortium (PSLC) Topographic LiDAR: San Juan County and Lummi Island, Washington
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The dataset encompasses portions of San Juan and Whatcom counties in northwest Washington. The surveyed area is approximately 222 square miles. The LAS V1.1 files are classified into Class 1 (Unclassified) and Class 2 (Bare Earth) water points are included in both classes. The LAS files are all-return and also include intensity measurements. 50% overlap was used between flightines, resulting in each area being surveyed twice. The nominal point spacing of the data is 0.408 meters (6 pt/sq. meter). Watershed Sciences, Inc. collected the LiDAR and created this data set for the Puget Sound LiDAR Consortium
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has the statutory mandate to collect hydrographic data in support of nautical chart compilation for safe navigation and to provide background data for engineers, scientific, and other commercial and industrial activities. Hydrographic survey data primarily consist of water depths, but may also include features (e.g. rocks, wrecks), navigation aids, shoreline identification, and bottom type information. NOAA is responsible for archiving and distributing the source data as described in this metadata record.
Temperature profile data collected using BT and XBT casts from the NOAA Ship RESEARCHER in the Coastal Waters of Florida from 01 December 1983 to 22 March 1984 (NODC Accession 8400103)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Temperature profile data were collected using XBT and BT casts from the NOAA Ship RESEARCHER in the Coastal Waters of Florida from 01 December 1983 to 22 March 1984. Data were collected by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). Data were processed by NODC to the NODC standard Universal Bathythermograph Output (UBT) format. Full format description is available from NODC at The UBT file format is used for temperature-depth profile data obtained using expendable bathythermograph (XBT) instruments. Standard XBTs can obtain profiles at depths of about 450 or 760 m. With special instruments, measurements can be obtained to 1830 m. Cruise information, position, date, and time are reported for each observation. The data record comprises pairs of temperature-depth values. Unlike the MBT data file, in which temperature values are recorded at uniform 5m intervals, the XBT Data File contains temperature values at non-uniform depths. These depths are at a minimum number of points ("inflection points") required to record the temperature curve to an acceptable degree of accuracy. On output, however, the user may request temperature values either at inflection points or interpolated to uniform depth increments.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
The primary objective of the 1993 study was to investigate the premise that macroinvertebrate species diversity and abundance increases significantly following a draw down, burn, and reflood cycle. The information collected in this study can be used to evaluate and improve current wetlands management practices and improve waterfowl production on Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
Onemetersquare 1 meter x 1 meter benthic substrate at Palmyra Atoll, site 15P 05 52.219N, 162 02.697W, between 93 and 94 meters along a permanent transect.
JI_Q14.TIF - Johnston Island U.S. EEZ GLORIA sidescan-sonar data mosaic (14 of 16) (LCC, 50 m, WGS84)
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
In 1984, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Office of Marine Geology, launched a program using the Geological LOng-Range Inclined Asdic (GLORIA) sidescan-sonar system to study the entire U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). From December 1990 through February 1991, the USGS and IOS (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, U.K.) scientists conducted three surveys within the Johnston Atoll U.S. EEZ surrounding Johnston Island. The results of these surveys were 16 digital mosaics of a 2 degree by 2 degree area with a 50-meter pixel resolution.
Unpublished Digital Geologic Hazards Map of the Zion National Park Study Area, Utah (NPS, GRD, GRI, ZION, ZION geohazards digital map) adapted from a Utah Geological Survey Special Study Map by Lund, Knudsen, and Sharrow (2010)
Published By National Park Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
The Unpublished Digital Geologic Hazards Map of the Zion National Park Study Area, Utah is composed of GIS data layers and GIS tables in a 10.0 file geodatabase (zion_geology.gdb), a 10.0 ArcMap (.MXD) map document (zion_geology.mxd), and individual 10.0 layer (.LYR) files for each GIS data layer, an ancillary map information (.PDF) document (zion_geohazards.pdf) which contains source map unit descriptions, as well as other source map text, figures and tables, metadata in FGDC text (.TXT) and FAQ (.HTML) formats, and a GIS readme file (zion_geohazards_gis_readme.pdf). Please read the zion_geohazards_gis_readme.pdf for information pertaining to the proper extraction of the file geodatabase and other map files. To request GIS data in ESRI 10.0 shapefile format contact Stephanie OÂMeara (stephanie_oÂ; see contact information below). The data were completed as a component of the Geologic Resources Inventory (GRI) program, a National Park Service (NPS) Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) Division funded program that is administered by the NPS Geologic Resources Division (GRD). Source geologic maps and data used to complete this GRI digital dataset were provided by the following: Utah Geological Survey. Detailed information concerning the sources used and their contribution the GRI product are listed in the Source Citation section(s) of this metadata record (zion_metadata_faq.html; available at Users of this data are cautioned about the locational accuracy of features within this dataset. Based on the source map scale of 1:24,000 and United States National Map Accuracy Standards features are within (horizontally) 12.2 meters or 4 feet of their actual location as presented by this dataset. Users of this data should thus not assume the location of features is exactly where they are portrayed in ArcGIS or other software used to display this dataset. All GIS and ancillary tables were produced as per the NPS GRI Geology-GIS Geodatabase Data Model v. 2.1. (available at: The GIS data projection is NAD83, UTM Zone 12N. The data is within the area of interest of Zion National Park.
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
Onemetersquare 1 meter x 1 meter benthic substrate at Howland Island, site 14P 00 48.663N, 176 37.438W, between 25 and 26 meters along a permanent transect.
Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
Global Landslide Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles is a 2.5 minute grid of landslide hazard economic loss as proportions of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per analytical unit. Estimates of GDP at risk are based on regional economic loss rates derived from historical records of the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT). Loss rates are weighted by the hazard's frequency and distribution. The methodology of Sachs et al. (2003) is followed to determine baseline estimates of GDP per grid cell. To better reflect the confidence surrounding the data and procedures, the range of proportionalities is classified into deciles, 10 class of an approximately equal number of grid cells of increasing risk. This dataset is the result of collaboration among the Columbia University Center for Hazards and Risk Research (CHRR), International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, and Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN).
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has the statutory mandate to collect hydrographic data in support of nautical chart compilation for safe navigation and to provide background data for engineers, scientific, and other commercial and industrial activities. Hydrographic survey data primarily consist of water depths, but may also include features (e.g. rocks, wrecks), navigation aids, shoreline identification, and bottom type information. NOAA is responsible for archiving and distributing the source data as described in this metadata record.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Published By Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security
Issued about 9 years ago
Terrain data, as defined in FEMA Guidelines and Specifications, Appendix M: Data Capture Standards, describes the digital topographic data that was used to create the elevation data representing the terrain environment of a watershed and/or floodplain. Terrain data requirements allow for flexibility in the types of information provided as sources used to produce final terrain deliverables. Once this type of data is provided, FEMA will be able to account for the origins of the flood study elevation data. (Source: FEMA Guidelines and Specifications, Appendix M, Section N.1.2).
OMI/Aura Multi-wavelength Aerosol Optical Depth and Single Scattering Albedo 1-orbit L2 Swath 13x24 km V003
Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
The improved Level-2 OMI Aerosol Product 'OMAERO' is now available ( ) from NASA GSFC Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC) for public access. This is the second public release of version 003. The data was re-processed in late 2011 using an improved algorithm (processing version After some quick validation the reprocessed data was released to the public in March 2012. There are two Level-2 Aura OMI aerosol products OMAERUV and OMAERO. The OMAERUV product uses the near-UV algorithm. The OMAERO product is based on the multi-wavelength algorithm and that uses up to 20 wavelength bands between 331 nm and 500 nm. OMAERO retrieval algorithm is developed by the KNMI OMI Team Scientists. Drs. Deborah Stein-Zweers, Martin Sneep and Pepijn Veefkind are now the key investigators of this product. The OMAERO product contains Aerosol Optical Depths, Single Scatterin Albedo and other ancillary and geolocation informations. (The shortname for this Level-2 Aerosol Product is OMAERO_V003) OMAERO files are stored in EOS Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS5). Each file contains data from the day lit portion of an orbit (~53 minutes). There are approximately 14 orbits per day. The maximum file size for the OMAERO data product is about 6 Mbytes. A short OMAERO Readme Documnt that includes brief algorithm description, data quality related issues is available from the site( Data Category Parameters: The OMAERO data file contains a swath which consists of two groups: Data fields: aerosol optical thickness, single scattering albedo, aerosol absorption indices, aerosol type, layer height, Aerosol Extinction Optical Depths and other intermediate and ancillary parameters and Data Quality Flags. Geolocation Fields: Latitude, Longitude, Time(TAI93), Seconds, Solar Zenith Angles, Viewing Zenith Angles, Relative Azimuth Angle, Terrain Pressure, Ground Pixel Quality Flags.
Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
MODIS/Aqua Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity Daily L3 Global 1km SIN Grid
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has the statutory mandate to collect hydrographic data in support of nautical chart compilation for safe navigation and to provide background data for engineers, scientific, and other commercial and industrial activities. Hydrographic survey data primarily consist of water depths, but may also include features (e.g. rocks, wrecks), navigation aids, shoreline identification, and bottom type information. NOAA is responsible for archiving and distributing the source data as described in this metadata record.
WATER DEPTH and Other Data from MERRILL From East China Sea (Tung Hai) from 19860601 to 19860628 (NODC Accession 8600255)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
This data set reports bi-weekly or monthly depth-to-water measurements for three wells located in a ~1,500 ha forest fragment on the Catuaba Experimental Farm, which is the property of the Federal University of Acre, Brazil. Data were collected between February 1999 and December 2004. There is one comma-delimited ASCII data file with this data set.DATA QUALITY STATEMENT: The Data Center has determined that there are questions about the quality of the data reported in this data set. The data set has missing or incomplete data, metadata, or other documentation that diminishes the usability of the products. KNOWN PROBLEMS: The depth-to-water measurements for the three wells lack ground surface elevation reference points, therefore, the groundwater table elevation for the site cannot be determined. The depth-to-water measurements are of limited use unless paired with other site data for precipitation, tree growth, etc.
Airline Passenger and Freight Traffic (T100): International Segment Data, U.S. and Foreign Air Carriers Traffic and Capacity January 2012
Published By Department of Transportation
Issued about 9 years ago
The Air Carrier Statistics database, also known as the T-100 data bank, contains domestic and international airline market and segment data. certificated U.S. air carriers report monthly air carrier traffic information using Form T-100. Foreign carriers having at least one point of service in the United States or one of its territories report monthly air carrier traffic information using Form T-100(f). The data is collected by the Office of Airline Information, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Research and Innovative Technology Administration.
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
Onemetersquare 1 meter x 1 meter benthic substrate at Pearl Hermes Atoll, site P12 27.763 N, 175.973 W, between 46 and 47 meters along a permanent transect.