Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
This work concerns the development of a prototype of a Volume Scattering Function (VSF) sensor for measurement of this inherent optical property(IOP) of seawater. The proposed prototype combines new development from Phase-I with our existing technology to extend existing capability for measuring VSF from 0.1 to 20 degrees, out to 170 degrees. We have developed a new and innovative sensor module that permits high sub-degree angular resolution measurement of VSF. The system is simple, yet powerful. For example, it permits programmability of the range of angles to be explored. A case is one of bubbles, which produce a bump in the VSF between 60-180 degrees. The instrument will be self-contained, internally recording, powered by batteries or external power. Beam attenuation coefficient will also be measured. The technology extends existing VSF measurement capability for benefit of NASA's interest in remote sensing.