Temperature profile data collected using XBTs from the HAKUSAN MARU from the Pacific Ocean during the Thermal Structure Monitoring Program in the Pacific (TRANSPAC) project, 16 June 1977 to 23 June 1977 (NODC Accession 8100413)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Temperature profile data were collected using bathythermograph (BT/XBT) casts from HAKUSAN MARU in the Pacific Ocean from June 16, 1977 to June 23, 1977. Data were submitted by Scripps Institution of Oceanography as part of the Thermal Structure Monitoring Program in the Pacific (TRANSPAC) project. Data were processed by NODC to the NODC standard Universal Bathythermograph Output (UBT) format. Full BT descriptions are available at http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/General/NODC-Archive/bt.html. The UBT format contains temperature-depth profile data obtained using expendable bathythermograph (XBT) instruments. Cruise information, position, date and time were reported for each observation. The data record was comprised of pairs of temperature-depth values. Unlike the MBT Data File, in which temperature values were recorded at uniform 5 m intervals, the XBT data files contained temperature values at non-uniform depths. These depths were recorded at the minimum number of points (''inflection points'') required to accurately define the temperature curve. Standard XBTs can obtain profiles to depths of either 450 or 760 m. With special instruments, measurements can be obtained to 1830 m.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The goals of the cruise were to collect acoustic backscatter and oceanographic data at Cross Seamount (18?43.285? N, longitude 158? 15.710? W), with an approximately 400 m deep plateau, and at control sites in the surrounding environment. Data collected consisted of CTD casts, trawl samples, and continuous monitoring of currents and biological acoustic backscatter. CTD cats were conducted at predetermined stations. CTDs were equipped with oxygen sensors and fluorometers, and water was sampled at discrete depths during each cast for chloropigment determinations. Trawl operations were conducted at predetermined stations using a Cobb trawl at depths of the shallow (nighttime) and deep (day and nighttime) sound scattering layers. Currents were continuously monitored using a RD Instruments Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) operating at 75 kHz frequency. Biological backscatter were recorded using the EK60 echosounder system (38, & 120 kHz) along predetermined transects.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has the statutory mandate to collect hydrographic data in support of nautical chart compilation for safe navigation and to provide background data for engineers, scientific, and other commercial and industrial activities. Hydrographic survey data primarily consist of water depths, but may also include features (e.g. rocks, wrecks), navigation aids, shoreline identification, and bottom type information. NOAA is responsible for archiving and distributing the source data as described in this metadata record.
Real-Time XBT Data assembled by US NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) for the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP) and submitted, 01/29/2007 - 02/04/2007 (NODC Accession 0012969)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
These data represent data collected from the Shipboard Environmental (data) Acquisition System (SEAS), a program developed by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to provide accurate meteorological and oceanographic data in real time from ships at sea through the use of satellite data transmission techniques. The system transmits data through either the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) or the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT C) satellites to NOAA for use in weather, climatological and ocean models. NOAA is actively participating in an international effort to increase the number of subsurface temperature observations in support of global oceanographic and climate studies. NOAA's Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) program, SEAS, currently supports about 80 Voluntary Observing Ships (VOS). SEAS XBT data are archived by the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) on a weekly basis.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has the statutory mandate to collect hydrographic data in support of nautical chart compilation for safe navigation and to provide background data for engineers, scientific, and other commercial and industrial activities. Hydrographic survey data primarily consist of water depths, but may also include features (e.g. rocks, wrecks), navigation aids, shoreline identification, and bottom type information. NOAA is responsible for archiving and distributing the source data as described in this metadata record.
Multibeam collection for EW9203: Multibeam data collected aboard Maurice Ewing from 1992-03-17 to 1992-04-24, departing from Gladstone, Australia and returning to Papeete, French Polynesia
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
This data set is part of a larger set of data called the MultiBeam Bathymetric Data Base (MBBDB) where other similar data can be found at http://maps.ngdc.noaa.gov/viewers/multibeam/
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has the statutory mandate to collect hydrographic data in support of nautical chart compilation for safe navigation and to provide background data for engineers, scientific, and other commercial and industrial activities. Hydrographic survey data primarily consist of water depths, but may also include features (e.g. rocks, wrecks), navigation aids, shoreline identification, and bottom type information. NOAA is responsible for archiving and distributing the source data as described in this metadata record.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has the statutory mandate to collect hydrographic data in support of nautical chart compilation for safe navigation and to provide background data for engineers, scientific, and other commercial and industrial activities. Hydrographic survey data primarily consist of water depths, but may also include features (e.g. rocks, wrecks), navigation aids, shoreline identification, and bottom type information. NOAA is responsible for archiving and distributing the source data as described in this metadata record.
Benthic Habitats of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands; Photomosaic of Puerto Rico (Rincon), 1999
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Habitat maps of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands were created by visual interpretation of aerial photographs using the Habitat Digitizer Extension. Aerial photographs are valuable tools for natural resource managers and researchers since they provide an excellent record of the location and extent of habitats. However, spatial distortions in aerial photographs due to such factors as camera angle, lens characteristics, and relief displacement must be accounted for during analysis to prevent incorrect measurements of area, distance, and other spatial parameters. These distortions of scale within an image can be removed through orthorectification. During orthorectification, digital scans of aerial photos are subjected to algorithms that eliminate each source of spatial distortion. The result is a georeferenced digital mosaic of several photographs with uniform scale throughout the mosaic. Features near land are generally georeferenced with greater accuracy while the accuracy of features away from land is generally not as good. Where no land is in the original photographic frame only kinematic GPS locations and image tie points were used to georeference the images. After the orthorectified mosaics were created, photointerpreters were able to accurately and reliably delineate boundaries of features in the imagery as they appear on the computer monitor.
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
Onemetersquare 1 meter x 1 meter benthic substrate at Kingman Reef, site 5P 6 23.805N, 162 20.941W, between 3 and 4 meters along a permanent transect.
Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
This data set contains the forcing data for Phase 1 of the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS-1). The data are in 1/8th degree grid spacing and range from 29 Sep 1996 to 31 Dec 2007. The temporal resolution is hourly. The file format is WMO GRIB-1. The chief source of NLDAS-1 forcing is NCEP's Eta model-based Data Assimilation System (EDAS) [Rogers et al., 1995], a continuously cycled North American 4DDA system. It utilizes 3-hourly analysis-forecast cycles to derive atmospheric states by assimilating many types of observations, including station observations of surface pressure and screen-level atmospheric temperature, humidity, and U and V wind components. EDAS 3-hourly fields of the latter five variables plus surface downward shortwave and longwave radiation and total and convective precipitation are provided on a 40-km grid, and then interpolated spatially to the NLDAS grid and temporally to one hour. Last, to account for NLDAS versus EDAS surface-elevation differences, a terrain-height adjustment is applied to the air temperature and surface pressure using a standard lapse rate (6.5 K/km), then to specific humidity (keeping original relative humidity) and downward longwave radiation (for new air temperature, specific humidity). The details of the spatial interpolation, temporal disaggregation, and vertical adjustment are presented by Cosgrove et al. (2003). GOES-based solar insolation (Pinker et al., 2003) provides the primary insolation forcing (shorwave down at the surface) for NLDAS-1. GOES insolation is not retrieved for zenith angles below 75 degrees and so is supplemented with EDAS insolation near the day/night terminator. Last from the GOES-based product suite, Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) and surface brightness temperature fields are included in the NLDAS-1 forcing files. NLDAS-1 precipitation forcing over CONUS is anchored to NCEP's 1/4th degree gauge-only daily precipitation analyses of Higgins et al. [2000]. In NLDAS-1, this daily analysis is interpolated to 1/8th degree, then temporally disaggregated to hourly values by applying hourly weights derived from hourly, 4-km, radar-based (WSR-88D) precipitation fields. The latter radar-based fields are used only to derive disaggregation weights and do not change the daily total precipitation. Last, convective precipitation is estimated by multiplying NLDAS-1 total precipitation by the ratio of EDAS convective to EDAS total precipitation. The Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) is the final variable in the forcing data set, also interpolated from EDAS. The data set applies a user-defined parameter table to indicate the contents and parameter number. The GRIBTAB file (http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/hydrology/grib_tabs/gribtab_NLDAS_FORA_hourly.001.txt) shows a list of parameters for this data set, along with their Product Definition Section (PDS) IDs and units. For more information, please see the README Document at ftp://hydro1.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/s4pa/NLDAS/README.NLDAS1.pdf.
Multibeam collection for B00040: Multibeam data collected aboard Surveyor from 1985-11-15 to 1985-11-21, departing from Seattle, WA and returning to Seattle, WA
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
This data set is part of a larger set of data called the MultiBeam Bathymetric Data Base (MBBDB) where other similar data can be found at http://maps.ngdc.noaa.gov/viewers/multibeam/
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This narrative report for Sullys Hill National Game Reserve outlines Refuge accomplishments from May through August 1952. The report begins by summarizing the weather conditions, habitat conditions, water conditions, and food and cover during this period. Wildlife including migratory birds, upland game birds, big game animals, furbearers, predators, rodents, mammals, raptors, and reptiles is also covered. The Refuge development and maintenance section discusses physical developments and plantings. Resource management is outlined; topics include timber removal. A progress report on field investigations and applied research is also provided. The public relations section of the report describes recreational uses, Refuge visitors, Refuge participation, and violations. Items of interest, NR forms, and photographs are attached.
Temperature and other data collected using visual observations and other instruments in the Mid-Atlantic Bight and other Seas from GYRE from 01 August 1985 to 26 May 1990 (NODC Accession 9300074)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Temperature and other data were collected using visual observations, bottle casts, and other instruments from GYRE and other platforms in the Mid-Atlantic Bight and other Seas. Data were collected from 01 August 1985 to 26 May 1990 by Battelle Marine Research Laboratory in New England with support from Ocean Dumping project.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
A hand-written form is filled out for each sighting and contains details about the sighting in addition to those collected within the WinCruz software program.
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This map depicts lands owned andor administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex.
2014 NOAA Ortho-rectified Mean Low Low Water Color Mosaic of Eastport, Maine: Integrated Ocean and Coastal Mapping Product
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
This data set contains ortho-rectified mosaic tiles, created as a product from the NOAA Integrated Ocean and Coastal Mapping (IOCM) initiative. The source imagery was acquired from 20130721 - 20140601 with an Applanix Digital Sensor System (DSS). The original images were acquired at a higher resolution to support the final ortho-rectified mosaic.
Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
This dataset contains along track geo-referenced Sea Surface Height Anomalies (SSHA) from TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1 and OSTM/Jason-2 (depending on time period) merged onto a single mean reference orbit. All biases and cross-calibrations have been applied to the data so SSHA are consistent between satellites to form a single climate data record. Altimeter data from the multi-mission Geophysical Data Records (GDRs) are interpolated to a common reference orbit facilitating direct time series analysis of the geo-referenced SSH. The data are in netCDF format in an array based on 3-dimensions (rev#, index, cycle) that permits direct access of individual locations at specific times (i.e., temporal and spatial sub-sampling). The data start at September 1992 and is presently updated to June 2012. The newest data are appended to the file annually.
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This narrative report for Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge summarizes refuge highlights and accomplishments for the 1973 fiscal year. Weather, personnel, wildlife, maintenance, and land acquisition are discussed in the highlight statement. The refuge accomplishments section covers interpretation, educations, recreation wildlife related, recreation nonwildlife related, studies and publications, cooperative programs, environmental preservation, wildlife maintenance, wildlife production, and economic benefits.
Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
Diamond turning is proven to be able to quickly produce highly aspheric grazing incidence optical contours to visible wavelength tolerances with extremely smooth surfaces. Super alloys with exceptional dimensional stability and strength under cyclic high temperatures have been developed for gas turbine engines.
Published By Federal Laboratory Consortium
Issued about 9 years ago
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
To support NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) long-term goals for sustainable management and conservation of coral reef ecosystems, towed-diver surveys (AKA towboard surveys) are conducted by the Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED) of the NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC) as part of Pacific Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (RAMP) Cruises. 4 towboard surveys (totaling 8.41 km in length) were conducted at Farallon de Pajaros in Marianas from 20110407 to 20110509 as part of RAMP Cruise HA1101. Towboard surveys are a good method for obtaining a general description of large reef areas, assessing the status of low-density populations of large-bodied reef fish, large-scale disturbances (e.g., bleaching), general distribution and abundance patterns of macro-invertebrates (e.g., crown of thorns sea stars, giant clams), and for assessing trends in these populations and metrics. A pair of scuba divers (1 fish diver and 1 benthic diver) are towed 60 m behind a small survey launch at a speed of 1-2 knots and a depth of approximately 15 m. Each survey is 50 min long, covers about 2 km of habitat, and is divided into ten 5-minute survey segments. The fish diver records, to the lowest possible taxon, all large-bodied reef fishes (greater than 50 cm total length) seen within 5 m either side and 10 m in front of the towboard. Length of each individual is estimated to the nearest cm. The fish towboard is also outfitted with a forward-facing digital video camera to record the survey swath. The benthic diver records percent cover of coral and macroalgae, estimates benthic habitat type and complexity, and censuses a suite of benthic macroinvertebrates including crown of thorns sea stars and sea urchins. The benthic towboard is equipped with a downward-facing digital still camera which images the benthos at 15-second intervals. These images are analyzed for percent cover of coral, algae, and other benthic components. Both towboards are equipped with SEABIRD SBE-39 temperature/depth sensors set to record at 5-second intervals. Latitude and longitude of each survey track is recorded at 15-second intervals using a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver onboard the tow boat. A layback algorithm is applied to more accurately map the position of the divers with respect to the reef environment. This algorithm calculates the position of the divers based on the position of the tow boat taking into account the length of the tow rope, the depth of the divers, and the curvature of the survey track. This metadata applies to the fish biomass observations.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
To determine the relative needs of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Federal Highway Administration FHWA was asked to inventory all public access and administrative Service use only roads and parking lots and provide a condition assessment of each. This report summarizes the inventory for Lake Wales Ridge National Wildlife Refuge.All roads and parking lots were mapped using Trimble GPS units and visually assessed for condition using the RSL method of evaluation developed at Utah State University. A cost estimate for maintenance and construction of roads is provided in the report.