Datasets / Quality and Outcomes Framework 2006/07 Exception Reporting

Quality and Outcomes Framework 2006/07 Exception Reporting

Published By Health and Social Care Information Centre

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


The Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) allows practices to exception-report (exclude) specific patients from data collected to calculate achievement scores. Patients can be exception-reported from individual indicators if, for example, they do not attend appointments or where the treatment is judged to be inappropriate by the GP (such as medication cannot be prescribed due to side-effects). The General Medical Services contract sets out the criteria which allow practices to participate in QOF but not to be penalised where exception reporting occurs. Patient exception reporting applies to those indicators in the clinical domain of the QOF where level of achievement is determined by the percentage of patients receiving the designated level of care. The information presented here refers to exception reporting for indicators with the ‘clinical domain' of the QOF. For background information on QOF exception reporting, and for notes on the way exception reporting rates are calculated, see the detailed notes in the statistical bulletin in QOF exception reporting.