Datasets / Climate Prediction Center (CPC)Area-averaged 850-hPa Central Pacific Trade Wind Anomalies

Climate Prediction Center (CPC)Area-averaged 850-hPa Central Pacific Trade Wind Anomalies

Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce

Issued over 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


This is one of the CPC?s Monthly Atmospheric and SST Indices. It is the 850-hPa trade wind anomalies averaged over the area 5oN ? 5oS, 175oW-140oW (central equatorial Pacific). The anomalies are departures from the 1981-2010 base period means. Positive values indicate easterly anomalies.