Datasets / Field Plot and Accuracy Assessment Points for Shenandoah National Park Vegetation Mapping Project

Field Plot and Accuracy Assessment Points for Shenandoah National Park Vegetation Mapping Project

Published By National Park Service, Department of the Interior

Issued over 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


This data set is an ESRI point shapefile. Points represent vegetation and accuracy assessment plots from which field data were collected as part of the Version 2.0 vegetation mapping project at Shenandoah National Park. Point features include 352 points that represent vegetation plots used in the quantitative analysis for this project: 208 plots collected from 2001-2003 for the Version 1.1 park vegetation map; 14 plots sampled during the summer of 2007; 27 plots sampled for the Rock Outcrop Management Plan inventory project (2005-2007); and 103 plots sampled by the Virginia Natural Heritage Program (1990-2000). Two hundred ninety-three (293) point features represent plots sampled during the Version 1.1 accuracy assessment that were used in this effort to evaluate and assess vegetation distribution and composition. The remaining 703 points represent accuracy assessment plots from which field data were collected in the summer of 2008. Data from these 703 plots were used to assess the accuracy of the Version 2.0 vegetation map.