Published By Department of Agriculture
Issued over 9 years ago
"The Farm Service Agency (FSA) makes farm ownership loans to farmers and ranchers who are temporarily unable to obtain private, commercial credit at reasonable rates and terms. Farm ownership loans are used to purchase farmland, construct and repair buildings, and make farm improvements. Both guaranteed and direct loans are available through this program. FSA guaranteed loans provide lenders (e.g., banks, Farm Credit System institutions, credit unions) with a guarantee of up to 95 percent of the loss of principal and interest on a loan. The maximum FSA guaranteed farm ownership loan is $1,302 ,000 (adjusted annually based on inflation). Your lender can tell you if a guarantee is the right loan for you. Applicants who are unable to qualify for a guaranteed loan may be eligible for a direct loan from FSA. Direct loans are made and serviced by FSA officials using government funds. FSA provides direct loan customers with supervision and credit counseling so that they have a greater chance to be successful. The maximum direct farm ownership loan is $300,000."