Published By Department of Veterans Affairs
Issued over 9 years ago
The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Leadership and Workforce Development System (VHALWD) has 36 separate databases that contain information on people, positions, and organizations, work groups, workforce, workforce and leadership classes, workforce development programs and participation, personal development plans, supervisory levels, mentor and coach attributes, High Performance Development Model (HPDM) core competency, intern data, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) reporting, succession planning, workforce planning, senior executive information, applicant tracking and recruitment, Executive Career Field (ECF) position and performance information, and education funding and programs. The VHA Executive Management Program consists of the functions that fall under the purview of the VHA Executive Resources Board (ERB) and the VHA Performance Review Board (PRB). Their functions include executive development, recruitment and placement, organizational analysis, succession planning, workforce planning, EEO and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) assessment, workload tracking and reporting of human capital and HR, and individual and organizational performance assessment and recognition. The method used to collect this information is a proprietary system using relational database technology. Information from these databases are joined and expanded to inform programs and processes. This combination of information is used in the administration of talent management, VHA human capital objectives, and in the support of the ERB and PRB functions.