Datasets / Position Designation of National Security and Public Trust Positions

Position Designation of National Security and Public Trust Positions

Published By Office of Personnel Management

Issued over 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a set of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


Proper position designation is the foundation of an effective and consistent suitability and personnel security program. The process determines, through the evaluation of National Security and suitability requirements, what type of investigation is required and how closely an applicant or incumbent is screened for a position. Specifically, Section 731.106(a) of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations states, 'agency heads must designate every covered position within the agency at a high, moderate, or low risk level as determined by the position's potential for adverse impact to the efficiency or integrity of the service.' Section 731.106(c)(2) of Title 5, states, 'all positions subject to investigation under this part must also receive a sensitivity designation of special-sensitive, critical-sensitive, or noncritical-sensitive, when appropriate.' Sensitivity levels are discussed further in Part 732 of Title 5. To ensure a systematic, dependable, and uniform way of making position designations, OPM provides the Position Designation Automated Tool (PDT) for those individuals within agencies charged with position designation responsibilities. We do not collect information on uses of the tool; rather, this is the underlying criteria used by the tool. A document with more information on these criteria and the process of position designation is available to the public at