Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued over 9 years ago
GIS U.S. Monthly Extremes is a web based product that is extracted from the U.S. COOP Summary of the Month dataset (DSI-3220). This is meteorological data from the U.S. Cooperative Observer Network (COOP), which consists of stations operated by state universities, state or federal agencies, and also private individuals whose stations are managed and maintained by the National Weather Service (NWS). The network includes regular NWS offices, and airports with weather stations operated by the NWS or the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The Network also includes U.S. military bases. There are typically about 8,000 stations operating in any one year. The earliest data is from 1886 and is organized by month. Attributes included for the GIS application are COOP ID, WBAN ID, Station Name, State, Year, Latitude, Longitude, Station Elevation, Precipitation and Temperature Extremes, and Snowfall/Snowdepth Extremes. Data is updated on a monthly basis.