Project Proposal : Assessment of the Impact of Road Construction and Other Improvements on Surface Water Flow at St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued over 9 years ago
Road construction has altered land surface topography on the St. Vincent Island, affecting the natural flow of water. The affects of this construction will need to be removed or mitigated to return the flow system to a more natural condition. However, before any restoration work begins, a systematic study is needed to determine the relative affect of each road crossing or structure so that the restoration work can proceed as efficiently as possible. Work will include: 1 a survey of all road crossings that potentially affect water flow, 2 measuring salinity to determine if naturally occurring movement of saltwater up the creeks is being prevented, and 3 ranking each crossing based on the volume of flow that would be expected if the system were functioning naturally. The work will be conducted during a wet period so the effects on surface water flow will be most pronounced.