Datasets / Housing land supply in Leeds

Housing land supply in Leeds

Published By Leeds City Council

Issued over 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


This dataset shows information on development sites which contribute to the housing land supply in Leeds. These figures relate only to the supply of housing units on allocated sites and those with planning permission.  It provides details on the size of sites, numbers of dwellings per site and whether the land is brownfield or greenfield. DATASET INFORMATION Site: Site reference number Planning Ref: Planning approval reference SHLAA Ref: Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment reference Status: C = current site Site area: Site area in hectares Perm area: Area of site with planning permission in hectares No perm area: Area of site with no planning permission in hectares Capacity: Total capacity of site in units None: Number of units without planning permission Outline: Number of outstanding units with outline planning permission Detailed: Number of outstanding units with detailed planning permission Started: Number of units started Complete: Number of units complete Under con: Number of units under construction Not yet started: Number of units not yet started Brown: Number of units on brownfield land Green: Number of units on greenfield land