Datasets / Permanent Dwellings by Tenure Type in Leeds

Permanent Dwellings by Tenure Type in Leeds

Published By Department for Communities and Local Government

Issued over 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


> The following dataset shows the number of new permanent dwellings that has been built broken down by the tenure type. > > House building data is collected at local authority district level, but it is important to treat figures at this level with care. House building is unevenly distributed both geographically and over time and patterns of housing development can produce clusters of new homes which make the figures at a low geographic level volatile and difficult to interpret. > >##Additional Information > > House building completion – In principle, a dwelling is regarded as complete when it becomes ready for occupation or when a completion certificate is issued whether it is in fact occupied or not. In practice, the reporting of some completions may be delayed and some completions may be missed if no completion certificate was requested by the developer or owner, although this is unusual. > > Tenure – For the purposes of these statistics, the term tenure refers to the nature of the organisation responsible for the development of a new housing start or completion. It does not necessarily describe the terms of occupancy for the dwelling on completion. For example, some housing associations develop homes for sale on the open market. Such homes would be reported in the Housing Association tenure of these statistics, but would ultimately most likely be owned and occupied in the private sector. > > Housing association - “Housing associations (HAs)” has been used as the generic name for all social landlords not covered by local authorities (see below). In previous editions HAs were referred to as Registered Social Landlords (RSL), and the technical term (private) Registered Provider (pRP) of social housing is also sometimes used. The more all-encompassing description of ‘housing associations’ is now seen as more helpful to users of these statistics. > > This data set contains un-rounded figures, rounded figures are available in Table 253, available for download as an Excel spreadsheet here > > This original source for this linked data can be found at the DCLG Open Data Portal - (