Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
*Updated October 2013 The GLA has estimated a household backseries for all London boroughs from 2001 to 2011 using the [revised mid-year population estimates backseries]( released by ONS earlier in 2013. The following are included for all boroughs and all years between and including 2001 to 2011: * *Mid-year revised population estimates; * *Institutional population; * *Private household population; * *Headship rates; and * *Number of households using DCLG categories. The [household estimates backseries]( is available to download along with a [Technical Note]( to accompany the backseries which details how they were created. For a full range of the GLA's demographic projections please click [here](/datastore/package/gla-demographic-projections). DCLG 2008-based household projections and DCLG 2011-based interim household projections which form an input into the backseries are available to download from the [ website](