Datasets / Empty Homes

Empty Homes

Published By The Empty Homes Agency

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


Who owns the empty homes. Each year the Department for Communities and Local Government collects data on the number of empty homes from each local authority in England and from other Government departments and bodies [(HSSA Statistics)]( LA data are reported figures. Regions' totals include estimated values for missing data. Hence summing LA figures would not yield region's figure. LA data are reported figures. # indicates figure not supplied.Regions' totals include estimated values for missing data. Hence summing LA figures would not yield region's figure. England total is sum of all regions' figures with estimates. "-" indicates not applicable or non-derivable.".." indicates not available. Stock information on Registered Social Landlord stock and Private Sector stock have not been collected on 2009's HSSA return to reduce data burdens on local authorities. This information will be published separately in a live table on the CLG website in December or early 2010. Total stock information refers to all stock and as a result the sum of local authority stock and 'other' public stock will not sum to the total stock for any given local authority. Regional totals as supplied by DCLG may differ from individual boroughs due to additional cross-referencing with other bodies such as Government departments and the Housing Corporation.