Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
Interim borough-level population [projections by ethnic group]( and five-year age band. These projections are consistent with the GLA's [2012 round Trend-based borough population projections](/datastore/package/gla-population-projections-2012-round-trend-based-borough-sya) and ONS 2011 Census Table KS201EW – Ethnic Group (persons), published 11th December 2012. [Update 07-2013](/datastore/package/gla-2012-round-ethnic-group-projections) which details the methodology used and analyses the results of these projections is now available. These projections have been revised in November 2013 to incorporate more detailed ethnic group data from the 2011 Census as well as the revised ONS 2002-10 mid-year estimate back-series and household formation rates from the Interim 2011-based DCLG household projections. The final projections can be accessed [here](/datastore/package/gla-ethnic-group-projections-2012-round-trend-based-final). The custom age range creator tool is [here](/datastore/applications/custom-age-range-creator-tool-gla-ethnic-group-population-projections-borough). For links to the GLA's full range of demographic projections click [here](/datastore/package/gla-demographic-projections).