Published By HM Revenue & Customs
Issued about 10 years ago
Families by size and children in families by age. A National Statistics Publication. Child Benefit is paid to those responsible for children (aged under 16) or qualifying young people. The latter includes: a) those in full-time non-advanced education or (from April 2006) on certain approved vocational training courses and who are under 19, or are aged 19 and have been on the same course since their 19th birthdays. (Note: those reaching 19 up to 9 April 2006 ceased to qualify on their 19th birthdays); b) those entered for future external examinations, or are in the period between leaving education (or exams finishing) and the week containing the first Monday in September (or similar dates after Easter and in early January, if earlier), and are not in work (there are slight variations for Scotland); c) those aged under 18 who have moved directly from full-time education to being registered for work or training with the Careers service or with Connexions. Child benefit data for Lower Super Output Areas (LSOA) can be accessed on the [HMRC website.]( Related to: