Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
Planning approvals statistics, by Borough, for 2008-09 from the London Development Database. Includes information on approval type, gross units by tenure and floor space. The London Development Database (LDD) records significant planning permissions in London. The data is entered by the London Boroughs, and is checked by the GLA to ensure consistency across London. The following types of permission are monitored: * Full * Outline * Details and reserved matters that alter the analysis of a previous outline permission * Certificates of Lawful Existing Use that identify residential dwellings that were not previously recorded in the borough’s housing stock figures These permissions are required to be recorded on LDD if they meet one or more of the following development criteria: * A change in the number of residential units through change of use or conversion. * Any new build residential units * A change of use or new build of 1,000m2 or more of non-residential floorspace in any of the non-residential use classes not monitored by number of bedrooms. * A gain of 7 bedrooms or more in use class C1, C2 or in SG Hostels or Apart-hotels. * A loss, gain or change in use of public open space. Figures below these thresholds are often entered into permissions that meet the LDD criteria in another use class despite this not being mandatory, but these have all been excluded from this report to ensure consistency. These figures cover the 2008/09 financial year (01/04/2008 to 31/03/2009).