Datasets / London Underground Signals Passed at Danger

London Underground Signals Passed at Danger

Published By Transport for London (TfL)

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


The number of signals passed at danger by London Underground or on London Underground's infrastructure. The number of signals passed at danger are reported, with details of the line, location, date of occurrence, the delay (minutes) incurred to the service and a brief description of the incident. The TfL Group Health Safety Report is available in the [TfL Publications and Reports]("TfL Publications and Reports") webpage. This includes a report on signals passed at danger on London Underground. This dataset currently contains incidents for period 1 in 2011/12. The [complete data for periods 1 to 13 in 2010/11]( is also available.