Datasets / London Assembly Constituency Profiles 2012

London Assembly Constituency Profiles 2012

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


![Report]( This report provides a summary of demographic and related data for each Greater London Assembly constituency. The profiles are designed to provide an overview of each area by combining data on a range of themes. Each constituency is compared to equivalent statistics for Greater London. Along with this report, a spreadsheet and an InstantAtlas report have been produced. Within the spreadsheet, there are charts that show most of the indicators, so that is it easy to compare each of the 14 constituencies, and see how each area ranks. The InstantAtlas report shows the data on an interactive map, and bar chart. * \- [PDF]( * \- [Spreadsheet]( * \- [Instant Atlas]( The constituency profiles are formatted to show the most recent data for each indicator plus a comparison with a figure about 4 years ago, to compare the change over the term since the last election. The change figure is included, along with the London average for the most recent data only. ![Spreadsheet]( The report takes much of the data used in the [borough profiles](/datastore/package/london-borough-profiles). A summary of the 2008 election results for the London Assembly for each constituency can be found in pages 12-16 of the [2008 London Elections](/datastore/package/london-elections-results-2008-borough) report. ![Instant Atlas](