Published By Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Issued about 10 years ago
Use of public libraries, Visits to museums and galleries and Engagement in the arts. This workbook contains baselines for NI9, 10 and 11 for all upper-tier local authorities. Percentage is weighted. This is the best estimate of adult usage/participation in the local authority, and forms the baseline against which progress will be measured. All survey data contain a margin of error; this is also known as the confidence interval, which is presented as a range around an estimate. For this report the range has been calculated using a 95% confidence interval, which means there is a 95% probability the true percentage lies in the range given. The best estimate available is the mid-point. Assuming a normal distribution, the actual figure is most likely to be around the mid-point but it could be at either end of the range. A number of factors will affect the level of change required in order for the survey to register a statistically significant change. One of these is the number of interviews conducted – the greater the size the more sensitive it is to detecting change. Another factor is the baseline percentage, with those nearer to 50 per cent requiring more change to occur. The ‘minimum detectable change’ takes these factors into account to indicate the minimum percentage point change required between the baseline estimate and the final estimate to record a statistically significant increase in usage/participation. This calculation assumes that the number of interviews conducted in the assessment year is not less than in the baseline year. Libaries (used for NI9) measures the percentage of adults in a LA who have used a public library service in the past 12 months. Use is for leisure purposes, including informal learning and studying or research for personal interests. Museums and Galleries (used for NI10) measures the percentage of adults in a LA who have visited a museum or gallery in the past 12 months. Visits are for leisure purposes, including informal learning and studying or research for personal interests. Online access to collections and outreach services are not counted. Arts (used for NI11) measures the percentage of adults in a LA who have either attended an arts event or participated in an arts activity at least three times in the past 12 months. Engagement must be for leisure purposes.