Datasets / GLA Claimant Count Model Output 2010

GLA Claimant Count Model Output 2010

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


The percentage of the economically active population who are claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA). Output from the GLA claimant count model which uses administrative counts of Job Seekers and expresses them as a percentage of the labour force using GLA projections of the economically active population. Designed to complement ONS claimant count rates which use the whole population as the denominator - see the [technical note](datastorefiles/documents/Intelligence%20Briefing%202011-02%20Claimant%20count%20model%202011.pdf) for more information. A collection of interactive charts allowing the user to specify any date range between Apr 2004 and February 2010 to investigate unemployment in London: [GLA Unemployment Trends Profiler]( December 2010 [CSV]( [XLS]( November 2010 [CSV]( [XLS]( October 2010 [CSV]( [XLS]( September 2010 [CSV]( [XLS]( August 2010 [CSV]( [XLS]( July 2010 [CSV]( [XLS]( June 2010 [CSV]( [XLS]( May 2010 [CSV]( [XLS]( Apr 2010 [CSV]( [XLS]( March 2010 [XLS]( February 2010 [CSV]( [XLS]( January 2010 [CSV]( [XLS](