Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued about 10 years ago
This [table]( shows resident population of London broken down by nationality, showing data for London's largest communities in 2004, and 2008 to 2012. Also shows the percentage of the UK community that live in London. The Annual Population Survey (APS) sampled around 325,000 people in the UK (around 28,000 in London). As such all figures must be treated with some caution. 95% confidence interval levels are provided. All numbers based on fewer than 50 surveys have been suppressed. Numbers have been rounded to the nearest thousand. The APS is the only inter-censal data source that can provide estimates of the population stock by nationality. The data have a range of limitations, particularly in relation to their poor coverage of short-term migrants or recent arrivals. They also struggle to provide estimates for small migrant populations due to small sample sizes. Information about Londoners by Country of Birth using APS data, can be found in DMAG Briefing 2008-05 [ONS website](