Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
A range of indicators for a selection of cities from the [New York City Global City database]( Dataset includes the following: **Geography** City Area (km2) Metro Area (km2) **People** City Population (millions) Metro Population (millions) Foreign Born Annual Population Growth **Economy** GDP Per Capita (thousands $, PPP rates, per resident) Primary Industry Secondary Industry Share of Global 500 Companies (%) Unemployment Rate Poverty Rate **Transportation** Public Transportation Mass Transit Commuters Major Airports Major Ports **Education** Students Enrolled in Higher Education Percent of Population with Higher Education (%) Higher Education Institutions **Tourism** Total Tourists Annually (millions) Foreign Tourists Annually (millions) Domestic Tourists Annually (millions) Annual Tourism Revenue ($US billions) Hotel Rooms (thousands) **Health** Infant Mortality (Deaths per 1,000 Births) Life Expectancy in Years (Male) Life Expectancy in Years (Female) Physicians per 100,000 People Number of Hospitals Anti-Smoking Legislation **Culture** Number of Museums Number of Cultural and Arts Organizations **Environment** Green Spaces (km2) Air Quality Laws or Regulations to Improve Energy Efficiency Retrofitted City Vehicle Fleet Bike Share Program