Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued about 10 years ago
**Latest London Region Data** and trends for a number of core indicators of the health of London's labour market. - [Download the London data in an Excel file]( **Latest core indicators at a glance** - [Download as a PDF]( [![](]( **Indicator data for all boroughs** Here is the latest reliable skills and employment data that exists for London boroughs and sub-regions. It covers the last three years, where possible, to show the latest figures and trends over time. - [Download the borough data in an Excel file]( Core Indicators ------------------------ Number of London residents of working age in employment Employment rate Number of male London residents of working age in employment Male employment rate Number of female London residents of working age in employment Female employment rate Workforce jobs Jobs density Number of London residents of working age who are economically inactive Economic inactivity rate Number of London residents aged 16+ who are unemployed (model based) Proportion of London residents aged 16+ who are unemployed (model based) Claimant unemployment Claimant Count as a proportion of the working age population Incidence of skill gaps (Numbers and rates) GCSE (5+ A*–C) attainment including English and Maths Number of working age people in London with no qualifications Proportion of working age people in London with no qualifications Number of working age people in London with Level 4+ qualifications Proportion of working age people in London with Level 4+ qualifications Number of people of working age claiming out of work benefits Proportion of the working age population who claim out of work benefits Number of young people aged 16-18 who are not in employment, education or training (NEET) Proportion of 16-18 year olds who are NEET Additional Indicators ------------------------------ **Economy and Productivity** Business Demography (active enterprises, births and deaths of enterprises) Business Demography (active enterprises, births and deaths of enterprises): Index Business Demography (National indicators) **Demand for labour: Jobs, vacancies and skills needs** Total vacancies reported by employers Skill shortage vacancies JobCentre vacancies - notified JobCentre vacancies - unfilled Number employed by industry (working age) Employment rates by industry (working age) Number employed by occupation Employment rates by occupation Working age who are self-employed Numbers employed in the civil service **Population and supply of labour** Population estimates (working age) National Insurance Number Registrations of overseas nationals Employment projections Number employed by ethnic groups (working age) Employment rates by ethnic groups (working age) Number employed by age groups Employment rates by age groups Number employed by disability (working age) Employment rates by disability (working age) Employment: Part time/ Full time Inactivity by reason (working age) Inactivity rates by reason (working age) JSA claimants by ethnic groups Incapacity Benefit claimants by duration Working age benefit claimants by statistical group Aged 18-24, claiming JSA for over 6 months Aged 18-24, claiming JSA for over 9 months Aged over 25, claiming JSA for over 1 year JSA claimant flows JSA claimant flows: index **Skills and learning** Total achieving 5+ A*-C grades inc. English & Mathematics by characteristics Percentage achieving 5+ A*-C grades inc. English & Mathematics by characteristics GCE A level examination results of 16-18 year olds Working age population by qualification level and sex Working age rates by qualification level and sex Qualification levels of those in employment (working age) Number with no adult learning (working age) Proportion with no adult learning (working age) Received job related training in last 13 wks (working age) Apprenticeship Programme starts and achievements - summary Apprenticeship Programme starts and achievements - index Apprenticeship Programme starts by level and age Apprenticeship Programme achievements by level and age Number of 19 year olds qualified to Level 3 Proportion of 19 year olds qualified to Level 3 **Worklessness and NEETS** Worklessness by sex and age (working age) Worklessness rates by sex and age (working age) Worklessness numbers and rates by qualification levels (working age) Within the borough spreadsheet, statistics are shown for boroughs, inner London, outer London, Thames Gateway London, Olympic Host Boroughs, West London, and West London Alliance. Further Labour Market Indicator tools are available from the [CESI website]( ![]( "ESF logo") ![]( "LEP logo")