Datasets / Key Performance Indicators on the TFL Road Network

Key Performance Indicators on the TFL Road Network

Published By Transport for London (TfL)

Issued over 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


[Selected key performance indicators on the TFL Road Network.]( Number of hours of Serious and Severe Disruption on the road network by planned and unplanned status, journey time reliability, and total number of works undertaken on the road network. TLRN = TFL Road Network The maximum permissible total number of road works allowed on the TLRN has been capped at 3,753 in any one period - from period 7 of 2011/12 till the end of the financial year 2012/13, a reduction of 10% from the cap of 4,170 that applied to the first 6 periods of 2011/12. The key measure for monitoring smoothing traffic flow is journey time reliability. It is defined as the percentage of journeys completed within an allowable excess of 5 minutes for a standard 30 minute journey during the AM peak. * Serious congestion. There is traffic congestion that is unusual for the time of day at the location or in an area and traffic has been stopped for less than 5 minutes - but in excess of the red signal time displayed on the traffic signals operating on the road. * Severe congestion. There is traffic congestion that is unusual for the time of day at the location or in an area and traffic has been stopped for more than 5 minutes; and traffic queuing is longer than normal for the time of day, more than for ‘serious’ congestion. TFL also publish annual reports on road safety [here](