Datasets / Recorded Crime Summary Data for London: LSOA Level

Recorded Crime Summary Data for London: LSOA Level

Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)

Issued over 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


**Part of Release: Official Sub-Ward, Ward and Borough level crime counts.** This is the most accurate data available for counting numbers of crimes in London according to official recorded crime types, by the month the offence occurred, and by either borough, ward or sub ward location.**** **** ******The page contains the [LSOA level]( file****** Click here for corresponding ward level data: [Recorded Crime Summary Data for London: Ward Level](/datastore/package/recorded-crime-summary-data-london-ward-level) Click here for corresponding borough level data: [Recorded Crime Summary Data for London: Borough Level](/datastore/package/recorded-crime-summary-data-london-borough-level) Choose from the three data sets (‘Sub-Ward data’, ‘Ward data’ or ‘Borough data’) according to your requirements. ‘Sub-Ward data’ counts the number of crimes in each sub ward area of London (Census Lower Super Output Area or LSOA) per month according to crime type. Use this data if you need to analyse crime data at a sub ward level. Because not all crimes can be matched to a specific LSOA area, you should not use this data set to count crimes by ward or borough. For these purposes use one of the other datasets according to the level of geographic precision you need. ‘Ward data’ counts the number of crimes in each ward area of London per month, according to crime type. Use this data if you need to analyse crime data according to the location of geographic wards. Because not all crimes can be matched to a ward area, you should not use this data set to count crimes by borough. For this purpose use one of the Borough level dataset provided. ‘Borough data’ counts the number of crimes in each borough area of London per month, according to crime type. Each of the data sets will contain the latest two years of data available. The categories of crime counts within them may change from time to time. Below is a list of the crime types you can currently extract (*only at borough or ward level): ** ** **Minor Category: Major Category ** Murder: ViolenceAgainstThePerson CommonAssault: ViolenceAgainstThePerson OffensiveWeapon: ViolenceAgainstThePerson Harassment: ViolenceAgainstThePerson Otherviolence: ViolenceAgainstThePerson AssaultWithInjury: ViolenceAgainstThePerson WoundingGBH: ViolenceAgainstThePerson *Rape: SexualOffences *OtherSexual: SexualOffences PersonalProperty: Robbery BusinessProperty: Robbery BurglaryInADwelling: Burglary BurglaryInOtherBuildings: Burglary TheftOrTakingOfMotor: TheftAndHandling TheftFromMotor: TheftAndHandling MotorInterferenceAndTampering: TheftAndHandling TheftFromShops: TheftAndHandling TheftOrTakingOfPedalCycles: TheftAndHandling OtherTheftPerson: TheftAndHandling OtherTheft: TheftAndHandling HandlingStolenGoods: TheftAndHandling *CountedPerVictim: FraudOrForgery *OtherFraudAndForgery: FraudOrForgery CriminalDamageToADwelling: CriminalDamage CriminalDamageToOtherBldg: CriminalDamage CriminalDamageToMotor: CriminalDamage OtherCriminalDamage: CriminalDamage DrugTrafficking: Drugs PossessionOfDrugs: Drugs OtherDrugOffences: Drugs GoingEquipped: OtherNotifiableOffences OtherNotifiable: OtherNotifiableOffences Each row of data in the data sets contains: *The number of incidents according to the Month Recorded, the specific crime type, and the Location *The Month Recorded *The broad crime type (Major HO category – eg Robbery) *The specific crime type (Minor HO category – eg Robbery: Personal Property) *The Location (Sub –Ward, Ward or borough depending on the data set selected)