Datasets / Crash data from Queensland roads

Crash data from Queensland roads

Published By Transport and Main Roads

Issued over 6 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a set of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons Attribution

automatically awarded


__Overview:__ Information on location and characteristics of crashes in Queensland for all reported Road Traffic Crashes occurred from 1 January 2001 to 30 April 2017, Fatal Road Traffic Crashes to 30 June 2017, Hospitalisation, Medical Treatment and Minor Injury Crashes to 30 April 2017 and Property Damage only crashes to 31 December 2010. __Fatal, Hospitalisation, Medical treatment and Minor injury: __ This dataset contains information on crashes reported to the police which resulted from the movement of at least 1 road vehicle on a road or road related area. Crashes listed in this resource have occurred on a public road and meet one of the following criteria: * a person is killed or injured, or * at least 1 vehicle was towed away, or * the value of the property damage meets the appropriate criteria listed below. __Property damage: __ 1. $2500 or more damage to property other than vehicles (after 1 December 1999) 2. $2500 or more damage to vehicle and/or other property (after 1 December 1991 and before 1 December 1999) 3. value of property damage is greater than $1000 (before December 1991). __Please note: __ * This data has been extracted from the Queensland Road Crash Database. * Information held in the Road Crash Database on events occurring within the last 12 months is considered preliminary as investigations into crashes can take up to 1 year to finalise.