Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
Monthly chemical, physical and biological water column profile data at 88 sites in tidal rivers, streams and inshore waters of Central Queensland from samples and *in situ* measurements. **Monitoring department:** DSITIA and predecessor organisations **Monitoring program name:** Central Queensland Ambient **Monitoring program design:** National Water Quality Management Strategy (NWQMS), Australian Guidelines for Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting (ANZECC & ARMCANZ 2000) **Monitoring protocols:** Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (2009) Monitoring and Sampling Manual 2009 **Monitoring methods:** American Public Health Association (APHA) and American Water Works Association (AWWA) (1998) Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater **Monitoring frequency:** Monthly **Monitoring platform:** Drifting boat **Monitored water body:** Tidal Estuary **Monitored location:** Mid stream or mid channel at routine sites and regular depths **Monitored tidal condition:** Mid to falling tide **Data format:** Comma separated text **Data missing or not monitored:** Blank cell **Data resolution:** Monitoring site, Monitoring date, Monitoring water depth **Data quality:** Data results are best available and comply with all documented methods **Data format for each parameter:** Data qualifier text field and may contain a "less than" symbol, "greater than" symbol or blank cell. Data numerical value **Monitoring site ID:** A 13 character ID code unique for each DSITIA monitoring site **Monitoring site description:** Description detail that may include distance to a river mouth **Monitoring site latitude:** Latitude as decimal degrees in GDA94 datum **Monitoring site longitude:** Longitude as decimal degrees in GDA94 datum **Monitoring date:** Date of the monitoring survey in DD/MM/YYYY format **Monitoring time:** Time of the monitoring survey at a site as HHMMSS in 24h format **Monitoring water depth:** Depth below the water surface with 0.2m the near surface depth **Secchi depth (m):** Surface measurement **Chlorophyll-a (ug/L):** Surface algal biomass samples collected at 0.2m depth **Physiochemical parameters:** *in situ* physiochemical profile measurements start at a depth of 0.2m near the water surface and the water column profile is monitored at regular 2m intervals plus the last available depth greater than 0.5m above the bottom - Dissolved Oxygen concentration (mg/L) - Dissolved Oxygen % saturation (%) - pH - Salinity (PSU) - Specific Conductance at 25 deg C (mS/cm) - Temperature (°C) - Turbidity (NTU) **Surface nutrient parameters:** samples collected at 0.2m depth - Ammonia as N (mg/L) - Organic Nitrogen as N (mg/L) - Nitrogen Oxides as N (mg/L) - Total Nitrogen as N (mg/L) - Filterable Reactive Phosphorus as P (mg/L) - Total Phosphorus as P (mg/L)