Datasets / Ambient estuarine water quality monitoring data - 1993 to 2013

Ambient estuarine water quality monitoring data - 1993 to 2013

Published By Environment and Science

Issued over 6 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a set of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons Attribution

automatically awarded


Monthly chemical, physical and biological water column profile data at 88 sites in tidal rivers, streams and inshore waters of Central Queensland from samples and *in situ* measurements. **Monitoring department:** DSITIA and predecessor organisations **Monitoring program name:** Central Queensland Ambient **Monitoring program design:** National Water Quality Management Strategy (NWQMS), Australian Guidelines for Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting (ANZECC & ARMCANZ 2000) **Monitoring protocols:** Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (2009) Monitoring and Sampling Manual 2009 **Monitoring methods:** American Public Health Association (APHA) and American Water Works Association (AWWA) (1998) Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater **Monitoring frequency:** Monthly **Monitoring platform:** Drifting boat **Monitored water body:** Tidal Estuary **Monitored location:** Mid stream or mid channel at routine sites and regular depths **Monitored tidal condition:** Mid to falling tide **Data format:** Comma separated text **Data missing or not monitored:** Blank cell **Data resolution:** Monitoring site, Monitoring date, Monitoring water depth **Data quality:** Data results are best available and comply with all documented methods **Data format for each parameter:** Data qualifier text field and may contain a "less than" symbol, "greater than" symbol or blank cell. Data numerical value **Monitoring site ID:** A 13 character ID code unique for each DSITIA monitoring site **Monitoring site description:** Description detail that may include distance to a river mouth **Monitoring site latitude:** Latitude as decimal degrees in GDA94 datum **Monitoring site longitude:** Longitude as decimal degrees in GDA94 datum **Monitoring date:** Date of the monitoring survey in DD/MM/YYYY format **Monitoring time:** Time of the monitoring survey at a site as HHMMSS in 24h format **Monitoring water depth:** Depth below the water surface with 0.2m the near surface depth **Secchi depth (m):** Surface measurement **Chlorophyll-a (ug/L):** Surface algal biomass samples collected at 0.2m depth **Physiochemical parameters:** *in situ* physiochemical profile measurements start at a depth of 0.2m near the water surface and the water column profile is monitored at regular 2m intervals plus the last available depth greater than 0.5m above the bottom - Dissolved Oxygen concentration (mg/L) - Dissolved Oxygen % saturation (%) - pH - Salinity (PSU) - Specific Conductance at 25 deg C (mS/cm) - Temperature (°C) - Turbidity (NTU) **Surface nutrient parameters:** samples collected at 0.2m depth - Ammonia as N (mg/L) - Organic Nitrogen as N (mg/L) - Nitrogen Oxides as N (mg/L) - Total Nitrogen as N (mg/L) - Filterable Reactive Phosphorus as P (mg/L) - Total Phosphorus as P (mg/L)