Published By Environment and Science
Issued over 6 years ago
The 72 Fish Habitat Areas in this dataset are declared under Section 120 - Fisheries Act-1994 and Schedule 3-Queensland Fisheries Regulations 2008, effective 17 March 2017. This is a composite of ALL Fish Habitat Area boundary areas gazetted/regazetted between 1998-2017. (The 'OUTER BOUNDARY' conforms where possible to base data, prepared from the Digital Cadastral Data Base (DCDB) produced by the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy(DNRM), and representative of Real Property and Crown Land boundaries. For EXCLUSIONS within these FHA areas - refer to referenced gazettals. Latest Gazettals March 2017. Note: This dataset has NOT had the 'OUTER BOUNDARY' line validatedwith the current cadastre which may have occurred in the last 6 months. The indicative boundaries have not been adjusted in accordance with DCDB shifts that are continuously refined by ground survey and survey control. Cadastre Currency is varying for the 72 areas and described in the attribute data (April 2015-Nov 2016)- To facilitate easy reference to plans use the hyperlink field now included within the attribute details. See Note in Use Limitations.