Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
Many different types of papers are presented to Parliament by bodies outside Parliament - some are then published under Parliament's authority. Most are presented because the bodies are required to do so either by law or by a decision of Parliament. Others are presented because the government has decided or has previously undertaken to provide the information to Parliament (these papers are called 'Command Papers'). The following are some of the categories of papers that must be presented to Parliament: * Annual reports of government departments or other bodies and agencies. * Periodic reports of certain activities or programmes (eg, Reports of Her Majesty's Inspector of Prisons). * Reports by the National Audit Office. * Estimates, accounts and other government financial papers such as the Budget. * Reports of inquiries into particular events (e.g., the Hutton Inquiry, the Home Office report on the 7/7 London bombings). Many, but not all, of these papers are published as House of Commons Papers. Use this dataset if * You would like to track papers presented to Parliament.