Published By ARK Northern Ireland
Issued over 8 years ago
Set up by Queen's University Belfast and Ulster University (as ARK) and run every year, the YLT survey gives young people the chance to express their experiences of school, and their views on politics, sectarianism and other social issues. (Visit the YLT site). From 1998 to 2000, the YLT survey ran alongside the NI Life and Times survey. All 12-17 year-olds living in the household of an adult NILT respondent were invited to partake. Questions mostly consisted of a subset of questions from the NILT questionnaire. One of the main aims was to be able to analyse the attitudes of young people and compare them with the attitudes of their parents. However, in 2001, the survey team undertook a review of YLT due to the fact that the level of use of the young person’s survey came nowhere near the level of use of the adult survey. The survey sample for the YLT is drawn from the Child Benefit Register. Since 2004, a statutory instrument allows ARK to access the Child Benefit Register. For details of each annual sample, see the technical guidance for the relevant year. Links with other surveys The survey acts as a complement to ARK's NILT Survey (over 18 years old). The Kid's Life and Times Survey covers all Primary 7 age children in Northern Ireland. If you are interested in attitudes to community relations and political issues since 1989, time-series data is available on ARK Surveys Online from a wide range of surveys. Reuse and impact of data One major aim of the survey is to make the data freely available to the widest possible audience, and the results of each survey are available within 6 months from the end of the fieldwork..ARK surveys are a freely available and open resource for anyone interested in social attitudes in Northern Ireland. Detail Data have reformatted the SPSS files available from the YLT site into CSV (for use in Excel and other programmes), available from this dataset. There is no charge to use the statistics or data made available by the publishers. However, the ARK team are interested in how the findings are used, and so would be very grateful if you would let them, or the Detail Data team, know how you have used them. In particular, copies or links to reports or articles are very welcome. Citation information is included with each set of survey data. ARK's contact details are available in the Helpline section.