Datasets / Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT): Bulk Metallic Glass Element

Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT): Bulk Metallic Glass Element

Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Issued over 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


<p>The first major objective of the ‘Bulk Metallic Glasses (BMGs) for Space Applications’ project is to raise the technology readiness level dry lubricated, cryogenic BMG gearboxes (currently TRL 3) to TRL 6  where they will be viable for infusion into a technology demonstration mission or flight project.</p><p>A second major objective is to develop an industrial supply chain for BMG and BMG composite alloys in a variety of form-factors (e.g. powder (shot) and sheet) for infusion into NASA, military, commercial, and multi-use applications.</p><p>A third major objective is to demonstrate use of these new alloys and form-factors in the fabrication of components for NASA applications for further infusion of BMGs and BMG composites into NASA missions. While initial prototyping will likely be done internally at NASA, this third objective includes technology transfer to industry to develop manufacturing sources for all NASA centers, other governmental bodies, and commercial industry.</p><p>Specific objectives include: 1. Develop a gearbox using amorphous metal alloys that can operate at extreme environmental ranges (-130°C to +125°C) without heaters and demonstrate properties and performance equivalent to the current state-of-the-art.</p><p>2. Develop the capability for fabrication of amorphous metal sheet and powder with the appropriate external partner or partners to enable a wide range of amorphous metal products including, but not limited to, MMOD shielding and gearbox components.</p><p>3. Develop additional BMG and BMG composite alloys, identify infusion paths for these (and existing) amorphous metals, and select at least two demonstration applications (e.g. high-quality, precision optics) for powder (shot) and sheet of the appropriate alloy.</p><p>4. Compare the properties of laboratory and commercially produced BMGs and BMG composites as a precursor to the development of standards and specifications for these new alloys.</p>